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Les socialistes, ces Untermenschen

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Study: Physically weak men more likely to be socialist, strong men more likely to be capitalist



Brunel University academics studied 171 men aged 18 – 40, examining their overall physical strength, bicep circumference, weight, and height. They also noted the amount of time each individual spent at a gym, and examined these variables in light of whether they subscribed more to capitalist or socialist ideologies. They found that the more physically strong the men were, the less they believed in socialist policies, and the more they believed certain social groups should be dominant.



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Il y a 5 heures, Jesrad a dit :

Où est l'œuf, où est la poule...

Effectivement :D la première chose que je me suis dit c'est que c'était plutôt logique dans l'autre sens, mais en fait les deux se valent

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