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Posts posted by Silence

  1. Le 27/11/2022 à 12:16, Paperasse a dit :


    Il est possible d'être capitaliste et marxiste en même temps ?


    De plus, je pensais qu'Ayn Rand était très vigoureusement anti-communiste ("Figure de l'anti-communisme radical, Ayn Rand prône également l'indépendance et le « laissez-faire » face à toute forme de collectivisme ou de religion établis." Wikipédia)

    Tu devrais lire Mozart Was a Red, écrit par Rothbard après sa brouille avec Rand.


    Rand était félée du bulbe.

    • Yea 1
  2. https://47nil.com/diversity



    On Diversity
    Over the past few decades, diversity has been an important topic of discussion and aspiration, yet in the last ten years it has taken on a more loaded nature. In my opinion, this notion of "diversity" is not genuine. It feels like a forced agenda being addressed through laws, workplace regulations, and similar measures.

    Diversity is critical. There is no denying this. This planet is in trouble and we all need to get past our own bullshit, embrace our differences, and build on those differences to get along and help fix the mess we've made. For future generations' sake.

    Diversity is a wonderful thing, when it happens naturally.

    But when things are artificial and bullshit reigns supreme, like your pronouns, or being forced to hire from a specific group to fill a quote, or allowing full generations to believe they "deserve" stuff because they belong to this or that group, then you are causing more harm than good.

    You might disagree with me, and that's ok. That's the whole point of this, we are different and we have our own opinions. As long as we can sit and talk about it, find a common ground, or just disagree and part with a good handshake, then we can fix the bigger problems.

    Just think about it.

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