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Banned Books Week

Taisei Yokusankai

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Chaque année, l'association des bibliothécaires US organise la "Banned book week".


Comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessous, il y a toujours des gens qui s'arrangent pour essayer d'interdire des bouquins pendant cette semaine là.


S'il y avait un award de la demande la plus conne, ce serait sans doute celle d'interdire Farenheit 451 parce qu'un étudiant n'accepte pas qu'on y… brûle la bible.

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As Banned Books Week closes, we naturally have news of more attempted book bannings. In Atlanta, a woman is leading a crusade to have the Harry Potter books removed from school libraries because they are "an 'evil' attempt to indoctrinate children in the Wicca religion." And in Houston, in a particularly poorly conceived move, concerned parents are trying to ban Ray Bradbury's anti-censorship tome Fahrenheit 451, after a student was offended by "the cussing in it and the burning of the Bible."


Ce sont des initiatives isolées, j'espère?

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Quelques bons trucs ici:


· Several Maine schools are rejecting a nursery rhyme collection distributed by the state's literacy program because its verses offend adult sensibilities. Lines like "teacher, teacher don't be dumb, give me back my bubble gum" are, according to one principal, "all about being disrespectful" and "totally against what we try to teach in our schools." (I guess they won't be needing the follow-up collection of Marine Corps cadences any time soon, either.)
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