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Varg Vikernes tient maintenant un blog, et il dit ne pas aimer Alain Soral qui, bien qu'il déteste les juifs, est bien trop 'pro-musulman'


Il dit aussi des choses bien lolesques sur Hollande, la France, l'UMP, le PS et le Mali :



Norwegian newspapers yesterday reported that France has sent military forces to Mali in Africa, to counter what they call Islamists (i. e. ordinary Muslims). To me this sounds very odd indeed, considering how the former president of France, the Jew Sarkozy, removed Gadafi from Libya (because the Jew Sarkozy personally owed some 100 million EUROs to Gadafi, and realised that it was better to let the French tax payers pay what it cost to remove him) using foreign “Islamist” mercenaries. As we all know Libya today is run by complete nut-case over-the-top rabid “Islamist” scum. It is no less odd that France is going into Mali to fight the “Islamists” there considering how France supports the foreign “Islamist” mercenaries trying to topple Assad’s secular regime in Syria. So Muslim sharia-law regimes are all cool in Libya and Syria, but not in Mali? It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Do they really think we are that stupid?


My French wife does read French online newspapers, and apparently a huge demonstration was planned today, against the «French» president, Mr. Holland, and his Jewish plan to force the French to accept gay marriages in France. However, now that France is engaged directly in war (as opposed to indirectly in Syria) there is some sort of Martial Law banning all sorts of public gatherings and demonstrations. Ordinary Frenchmen commenting in the newspapers are accusing him of starting a war in Mali just to stop this demonstration.


But why would he? It’s just a demonstration against him, isn’t it? Possibly, but what if the president of France is aware of something the Jew-media never tells us? What if the revolution is on the verge of happening? What if these politicians are «wetting their pants» in fear of the people and know that most of us want to revolt against their criminal regimes? What if they know that it is quite possible that such a huge demonstration can lead the people of France to march even to the presidential palace and force that Jew lackey out of his post? Or like the angry peasants in France tend to do to their useless leaders; to guillotine him?!

The police are Frenchmen too, and I am pretty sure a larger portion of them than of any other branch in the French population knows what is happening and really want a revolution too, so he cannot trust them to stop the people.


Banning this huge demonstration didn’t work though; the French are apparently not at all afraid to break such laws, showing up with their children and everything, and the online newspapers could report that by 09:30 this morning several hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen had already taken to the streets in Paris. And Mr. Holland and his Jewish whore (married to another man, but still in bed with Mr. Holland, so yes; a whore) are probably wetting their pants out of fear in their undeserved luxurious mansion.

Poor Mr. Holland, a hopelessly uncharismatic and worthless president, and every Frenchman with a two-digit IQ knows this. Poor Jews, who rather than have their Alpha-Jew Dominique Strauss-Kahn (=Cohen), alias “DSK”, inserted as a president, had to settle for a Jew-lackey like Mr. Holland.


Oh, yes, the Socialist party of France really, really wanted another presidential candidate than that  Mr. Holland. Their chosen one (pun intended) was of course the infamous “DSK”. I can by the way mention that many of the Jews in France have these “cool” “initials-names”, like DSK and BHL (Bernard Henry Levi), and others too, because they are not allowed to change their names in France and they really don’t want France to become too aware of the fact that they are Jews.

So the Socialist party wanted a filthy rich Jewish IMF banker as their candidate…. how ironic is that? Does anyone on this planet think that this banker Jew is really a Socialist? Then why on Earth did the Socialist party want him as their candidate? Ah, well, he is a Jew… as we know from his behaviour in New York and his involvement with prostitution-rings in France.


You see, the Jews see the writing on the wall, they know that revolution is approaching. So they don’t trust anyone not Jewish these days. They desperately try to insert their own everywhere, because they can only trust Jews. Even most of the “goyim” politicians themselves are sick and tired of these Jews and their threats and bribes, and some of them have even expressed this in public, like when the Frenchman, Francois Fillon really won the vote in UMP (Sarkozy’s party), and they still made sure their Jew, Jean-Francois Cope, “won”. So Mr. Fillon has publicly called them a (Jewish) Mafia.


My wife came up with an amusing metaphor the other day, describing the Jews as bank robbers who see the police coming, but rather than take the gold they have stolen and run, to get away from the police with at least some gold, they just keep filling their sacks with gold, and will keep on doing so until the police stand right next to them and simply arrest them. They are so greedy they don’t know when to stop. And they are too stupid to understand this.

Ladies and gentlemen! The Jews are at their height of power, and it all seems so hopeless for us, but don’t worry. Tyrants are always at their height of power just before they fall. The Jews’ fall from power in Europe is imminent and they will fall far and land hard.


Run Jew! Run as fast as you can, with all the gold you can carry, of course, but make sure you run before it is too late! Our police might soon arrest you if you don’t, and if so your absolutely worst nightmare might become a reality; the police will take all your gold away from you!……


PS. After naively writing this article it has come to my attention — after numerous e-mails from France — that Mr. Holland himself is actually also a Jew. So DSK was the Alpha-Jew, but they had to settle with this Mr. Holland.



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Les gardes se sont joliment troué sur ce coup. En plus au lieu d'avoir la présence d'esprit d'évacuer le type, ils le savatent à terre.

Tellement ridicule que ça m'a remémoré la scène du bar dans le film "Les Affranchis".

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j'adore les armchair commando qui font des commentaires sur comment ca aurait du se passer

visiblement le mec etait membre du service d'ordre; visiblement aussi on lui a refile un citron comme pistolet.

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j'adore les armchair commando qui font des commentaires sur comment ca aurait du se passer


Le fait atteint la presse mainstream. Naturellement les commentaires sont pleins de gens qui trouvent scandaleux le tabassage du pauvre meurtrier-victime.

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Il va falloir qu'il trouve comment réconcilier sa théorie avec le fait que l'ADN mitochondrial des Ashkénazes semble indiquer qu'ils sont issus, d'un point de vue matrilinéaire, d'un groupe de cent à deux cents femmes qui vivaient au 5 et 6ème siècles en Italie du Nord.

Sinon, en quoi la "langue" tendrait-elle à prouver son hypothèse ? Je ne parle même pas de ce qu'il y avait déjà pas mal de Juifs en Europe avant l'explosion du royaume Khazar.

Edit : il semblerait que le papier soit tout de même nettement plus contrasté que ce que la presse en dit. Saletés de journalistes.

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Amis de la poésie, bonsoir :


Des piments rouges dans l'anus de sa fille !


Déjà que le piment de la veille peut faire mal...


Par contre l'avis du gastro-entérologue évoqué à la fin est à mon avis déformé par le journaliste : la capsaïcine ne provoque qu'une sensation de brûlure, mais sans dommage sur les tissus donc il n'y a aucune "brûlure" en réalité (pas de cloques ni de conséquences autrement plus scabreuses en cas de brûlure à cet endroit là)

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Un candidat pour la rubrique pipoconomiste : Philippe Askenazy, directeur de recherche au CNRS, Ecole d'économie de Paris




La France a un des marchés du travail les plus flexibles.


Restons sur le marché du travail. On ne cesse de parler d'un niveau de chômage record. Il est surtout remarquablement... bas.

Nous devrions avoir au bas mot un demi-million de chômeurs supplémentaires si le marché du travail avait réagi comme dans la seconde partie du XXe siècle – et bien plus si on intègre les nouvelles facilités de licenciement qui renforcent la pro-cyclicité du marché de l'emploi.

La question scientifique ouverte est donc de comprendre pourquoi il y a si peu de chômeurs en France (c'est vrai aussi au Royaume-Uni) : bonnes politiques de l'emploi (par exemple, fin de la pratique des préretraites) ? Main-d'œuvre plus qualifiée grâce à la démocratisation scolaire ?...


La satisfaction de voir la dette française financée et refinancée à des taux historiquement bas n'est ainsi que la partie émergée de l'iceberg d'une France solide, relativement au contexte macroéconomique européen.



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La question scientifique ouverte est donc de comprendre pourquoi il y a si peu de chômeurs en France (c'est vrai aussi au Royaume-Uni) : bonnes politiques de l'emploi (par exemple, fin de la pratique des préretraites) ? Main-d'œuvre plus qualifiée grâce à la démocratisation scolaire ?...

La focalisation sur la désindustrialisation de la France peut être également renversée. Déjà, il convient de la modérer. Personne ne soulève le fait que les comptables nationaux allemands ne mesurent pas l'industrie manufacturière comme leurs homologues français.





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Quiz for Bright People

There are only nine questions.

This is a quiz for people who know everything !!
I found out in a hurry that I didn't. These are not trick questions.
They're straight questions with straight answers.

1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score
or the leader until the contest ends.

2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward ?

3 Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own,
for several growing seasons. All other vegetables must be replanted every year.
What are the only two perennial vegetables ?

4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside ?

5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy,
with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and ripe,
and the bottle is genuine; it hasn't been cut in any way.
How did the pear get inside the bottle ?

6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters ' dw' and they are all common words.
Name two of them.

7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar.
Can you name at least half of them ?

8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any
other form except fresh.

9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with "S"

Answers To Quiz:

1. The one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score
or the leader until the contest ends: Boxing.

2. North American landmark constantly moving backward:
Niagara Falls .. The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the
millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.

3. Only two vegetables that can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons:
Asparagus and rhubarb.

4. The fruit with its seeds on the outside: Strawberry.

5. How did the pear get inside the brandy bottle?
It grew inside the bottle. The bottles are placed over pear buds when they're small, and are wired in place
on the tree.
The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season.
When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems.

6. Three English words beginning with "dw":
Dwarf, dwell and dwindle.

7. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar:
Period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point,
quotation mark, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.

8. The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other
form but fresh:Lettuce.

9. Six or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with 'S': Shoes, socks, sandals,
sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.

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