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Mises University 2011


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2 chaines pour les sessions parallèles, en direct puis en différé:

Mises TV 1

Mises TV 2

La page de l'événement

Le programme

Commence ce soir avec en ouverture "The science of human action" par H.H. Hoppe

Le line-up:

Joseph Salerno, Director (Pace University)

Walter Block (Loyola University, New Orleans)

Thomas DiLorenzo (Loyola College, Baltimore)

Douglas French (Mises Institute)

Roger Garrison (Auburn University)

David Gordon (Mises Review)

Ronald Hamowy (University of Alberta)

Jeffrey M. Herbener (Grove City College)

Robert Higgs (Independent Institute)

Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Mises Institute)

Jörg Guido Hülsmann (University of Angers)

Stephan Kinsella (Center for Study of Innovative Freedom)

Peter Klein (University of Missouri)

Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)

Robert Murphy (Mises Institute)

Gary North (GaryNorth.com)

Timothy Terrell (Wofford College)

Mark Thornton (Mises Institute)

Thomas Woods (Mises Institute)

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