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Nick de Cusa

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Très bon, en forme en ce moment h16 :)


Articles sur le cout d’entretien d'un fonctionnaire au cours de sa vie avec quelques chiffres interessant.


Avec des commentaires rigolos:


Un fonctionnaire, ce n'est pas une dépense, mais un investissement (social, économique, culturel... ).
Un agent C des impôt payé 18 ou 20000 euros par an peut rapporter (si on lui en laisse la possibilité, ce qui est de moins en moins le cas) de 100 à 150 000 € à l'Etat. Qui peut en dire autant dans le privé ?




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typo : il y a un crowfunding au début

La finance des corbeaux.... C'est comme ça que ça finira.... Les starts-ups ravitaillées par les corbeaux en argent frais... Vive le "crowfunding" en France


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ça fait plaisir à lire, ce rappel à plus de responsabilité individuelle...

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Je savais pas trop où poster ça :


Non Americans here?


Well, not just Non-Americans. Are there any people here, specifically, from the more "democratic socialist." parts of the western world? Countries like Scandinavia, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Canada, and the like. Countries who many cite as proof that Libertarianism is bunk, and that regulations, government enforced workers protection, social benefits such as universal state health insurance, and other anti-libertarian policies like them are not only beneficial, but necessary to maintain a society and economy that is both functional and not plagued by structural violence.

For the sake of honesty, I want to be clear here and say that I am personally, not a libertarian. I find the ideology flawed for reasons that I don't want to talk about (in this specific post, at least) because I'm not here to pick a fight. I am asking this because "European" social democracy is often touted, especially on Reddit, as an ideal to aspire to, something that America should be ashamed not to have already adopted, and something that those living under it would defend to the death. I want to know if anyone living under this system has come here to reject it. If you feel comfortable, I would also love to hear a brief explanation of why you, in your own personal view, feel this way. I don't like to think in stereotypes, after all, and one such stereotype that I've been exposed to a lot is that Libertarians must be either fools or Sociopaths, because democratic socialism is both fair and effective, and the only people who would want to get rid of it are those who either don't understand their own material interests, or who want to harm others for the sake of their own luxury and excess.

Thanks for the help.

N'hésitez pas à répondre

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Celui-ci a été liké par 3 personnes "pas de la mouvance" rien que sur ma page FB. Un Monsieur Z., vous m'en direz des nouvelles. D'abord, lisez le pour votre plaisir.


Ensuite, partagez le. Pas "like", partage. Vous ferez des heureux.


Helvète underground :lol:

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