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Le Fisc Américain Admet Avoir Discriminé Des Associations En Fonction De Leur Opinions Politiques

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IRS apologizes for targeting tea party groups

A recurring theme in comments on Slashdot since the 9/11 attacks has been concern about the use of government power to monitor or suppress political activity unassociated with terrorism but rather based on ideology. It has just been revealed that the IRS has in fact done that. From the story: "The Internal Revenue Service inappropriately flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election . . . Organizations were singled out because they included the words 'tea party' or 'patriot' in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups. In some cases, groups were asked for their list of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said. 'That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive and it was inappropriate. That's not how we go about selecting cases for further review,' Lerner said . . . 'The IRS would like to apologize for that,' she added. . . . Lerner said the practice was initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati and was not motivated by political bias. . . . she told The AP that no high level IRS officials knew about the practice. Tea Party groups were livid on Friday. ... In all, about 300 groups were singled out for additional review. . . Tea Party groups weren't buying the idea that the decision to target them was solely the responsibility of low-level IRS workers. ... During the conference call it was stated that no disciplinary action had been taken by those who engaged in this activity. President Obama has previously joked about using the IRS to target people.

Je ne sais pas si on peut encore parler de démocratie.

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A recurring theme in comments on Slashdot since the 9/11 attacks has been concern about the use of government power to monitor or suppress political activity unassociated with terrorism but rather based on ideology. It has just been revealed that the IRS has in fact done that.


Les tea party, c'est une ideologie? Tiens donc.

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ils sont morts de trouille d'avoir une vrai rebellion sur leur territoire, via le Tea Party.

Ce qui est etrange parce que dans le media mainstream, aucun mouvement de rebellion de masse n'a l'air d'avoir lieu ni meme rien d'approchant

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(Reuters) - Washington's top tax official was fired on Wednesday as President Barack Obama sought to stem a rising tide of criticism over the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups for special scrutiny.


Au moins, il y a des sanctions. Même si après l'exercice des  les démocrates/socialistes, il est toujours difficile de savoir si une république subsite. En tout état de cause, les américains s'efforcent de nettoyer les conséquences abominables d'un gouvernement pervers "dit democrate";


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