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Sarkozy, la défaite du ravioli francais

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Le 05/03/2021 à 15:27, Rübezahl a dit :

Tu aurais une source stp ?


"For years, Tarhouna had been ruled by a militia known as the Kaniyat – believed to be behind a series of atrocious crimes, including torture, killings, and forced disappearances"


"For Elham Saudi, co-founder and director of Lawyers for Justice in Libya, Tarhouna typifies years of traumatic conflict in the country: Foreign powers meddle as they please; lawless militias see no consequences for their crimes; in the end, civilians pay the price."


“Tarhouna embodies a horrible truth about Libya’s… conflict and the culture of impunity: a reality where armed groups commit violations and then leave the scene,” she said. “Then victims [are also forced to flee], pressured into accepting a reality that they didn’t create.”


Migrants – of which there are around 600,000 in Libya – were also kept in al-Daam prison, and were forced by the militia to carry out tasks they reckoned the Libyans couldn’t be made to do, according to al-Amri and three other sources.




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Nicolas Sarkozy a été condamné par le tribunal correctionnel de Paris à la peine maximale d’un an de prison ferme pour financement illégal de sa campagne pour la présidentielle 2012, dans l’affaire Bygmalion. La peine sera « aménagée et exécutée sous le régime de la surveillance électronique ».


Il s’agit de la deuxième condamnation pour l’ancien président de la République. Il avait été condamné le 1ermars à trois ans de prison (dont un an ferme) pour corruption et trafic d’influence dans l’affaire des écoutes. Il a fait appel de cette condamnation.



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