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il y a une heure, Rübezahl a dit :

si les calés veulent ouvrir un fil sur la women country, ça serait bien aussi.

Il y a des jolies choses.

Aucune raison de ségréguer, fais-nous donc découvrir ça ici même ! :)

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"Long Black Veil" is a 1959 country ballad, written by Danny Dill and Marijohn Wilkin and originally recorded by Lefty Frizzell.

It is told from the point of view of an executed man falsely accused of murder. He refuses to provide an alibi, since on the night of the murder he was having an affair with his best friend's wife, and would rather die and take their secret to his grave than admit the truth. The chorus describes the woman's mourning visits to his grave site, wearing a long black veil and enduring a wailing wind (wiki).

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