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Vinegar tasters


The Vinegar Tasters (三酸圖, three sours; 嘗醋翁, vinegar tasting old-men; 嘗醋圖, 尝醋图), is a traditional subject in Chinese religious painting. The allegorical composition depicts the three founders of China's major religious and philosophical traditions: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. The theme in the painting has been interpreted as favoring Taoism and critical of the others.

The three men are dipping their fingers in a vat of vinegar and tasting it; one man reacts with a sour expression, one reacts with a bitter expression, and one reacts with a sweet expression. The three men are Confucius, Buddha, and Laozi, respectively. Each man's expression represents the predominant attitude of his philosophy: Confucianism saw life as sour, in need of rules to correct the degeneration of people; Buddhism saw life as bitter, dominated by pain and suffering; and Taoism saw life as fundamentally good in its natural state. Another interpretation of the painting is that, since the three men are gathered around one vat of vinegar, the "three teachings" are one.



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Un détail du Jugement dernier, de Michel-Ange (les damnés). Un conseil : à regarder après avoir lu la Divine comédie, en écoutant l'apparition de l'Eglise éternelle, d'Olivier Messiaen.

jugement dernier.PNG

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Saint François prêchant devant les oiseaux de Giotto (~1300) :



L'Enfer in Les très riches Heures du Duc du Berry par les Frères de Limbourg (~1416) :



Il y a 10 heures, Frenhofer a dit :

Retable d'Issenheim


Vu récemment : très impressionnant (et amusant de voir l'influence qu'il a eu sur Otto Dix).

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