Could someone please translate this? What I got from this, or Google Translate I should say, is "the only way he can explain the light on the houses is that there must have been a burning bush on my back"? I assume any lightsource?
Well, the only light illuminating the houses are the lampposts and the moonlight. How I can prove this? I can't. But considering I'm a 19-year-old kid without 4K ARRI lights laying around in my garage, and considering that in front of the houses is water, how would I do this?
Here's how I did it; I marked all of the lightsources for you:
Furthermore, as an experienced photographer you should know that white surfaces reflect light. 4/6 houses are white.
There's one more thing: I'm not a photographer really, I'm a junior cinematographer. Photographers often like to throw away important data like shadows. Cinematographers don't. We are very careful not to under or overexpose. If you can't believe this isn't HDR, maybe you should have a look at your camera profile, since your probably crushing the blacks all the time.