Mobius Posté 8 juin 2005 Signaler Posté 8 juin 2005 Peace Works j'en ai peut-être déjà parlé, mais je pense que ce genre d'iniative est 1000x plus intéressante que le commerce équitable "basique" Our mission PeaceWorks is a not-only-for-profit company. We have proven that we can build and sustain a profitable company AND do a little good in the world. Je pense que ca intéressera Chitah, même si ce n'est pas son domaine d'expertise c'est devenu mon exemple pour lutter contre "le capitalisme, c'est la guerre!"
Chitah Posté 8 juin 2005 Signaler Posté 8 juin 2005 Ca m'intéresse énormément, j'en profite pour indiquer un autre site, d'informations celui-là, dont je reproduis la description: What is this all about?Our goal is to identify and discuss sustainable business models that address the needs of the world's poorest citizens. Linking the pursuit of profit with the goal of economic development creates a new lens through which traditional business and development models can be viewed. Through this lens, we explore the “next billion” - the next billion to rise from poverty, who are also the next billion customers currently underserved by markets worldwide. emerges from the successes of “Eradicating Poverty Through Profit: Making Business Work for the Poor,” a conference held December 12-14, 2004 in San Francisco, California. It is an opportunity to continue, and to expand upon, the relationships and conversations begun there. Our goal is to create a new forum for the discussion of best practices, new research, and on-the-ground activities related to business engagement with low-income communities, and private sector-led development. It is a place where development professionals, business leaders, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, policy makers, academics, activists, and practitioners - from both North and South - can convene every day to access each other, and build on their own, and others’, work. Over time, we will be listening to and soliciting feedback from this emerging community as to how we can best serve their needs and inspire the creation of new knowledge and new collaborations. We look forward to talking to and hearing from you. Note: This is a community site where individuals from accross the world are welcome to comment and engage in discussion. The views and opinions expressed by the users of this site do not necessarily reflect those of the World Resources Institute or its staff.
Mobius Posté 8 juin 2005 Auteur Signaler Posté 8 juin 2005 mauvaise URL visiblement bon je regarderais ca après les exams ^^
Chitah Posté 8 juin 2005 Signaler Posté 8 juin 2005 Et encore une autre initiative: The EEC provides an exciting opportunity for MBA students to gain first-hand experience assisting entrepreneurs who are establishing or expanding environmental companies in Latin America. Through the EEC, student teams have the opportunity to help these companies with a range of services, including business plan development, marketing strategies, financial analyses, and capital search. These services help the companies attract investment.The EEC has two main objectives: 1) To provide pro-bono business advisory services to environmental and social entrepreneurs in Latin America, and 2) To educate MBA students and the next generation of business leaders, making them aware of the business opportunities available in fast-growth environmental sectors.
Chitah Posté 8 juin 2005 Signaler Posté 8 juin 2005 mauvaise URL visiblement Corrigé! J'en profite pour me mettre des mots clés, afin de retrouver ce fil: business et pauvreté, business et environnement
Evildeus Posté 9 juin 2005 Signaler Posté 9 juin 2005 Je croyais que l'échange libre était déjà suffisant pour faire du bien Ce sont de bonnes initiatives
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