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Alfred Kinsley Et La Revolution Sexuelle

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Brinkmann suggests that without the support of the Rockefeller Foundation and the credibility of his position at Indiana University, Kinsey’s "scientific work" likely would never have been published.

I agree. It is unthinkable that 1950s America would have looked kindly on data collected by a bisexual pedophile recounting the sexual experience of convicted sex offenders, prostitutes, serial rapists, and other prison inmates. It certainly would not have accepted such data as representative of the normal population, let alone as the basis for rewriting American sexual laws.

But so it happened. Brinkmann works the story chronologically, following Kinsey from his "repressive" Christian upbringing through his coming of age as a homosexual and his apparently respectable marriage to a female sexual adventurer with whom he had four children.

Brinkmann, following Reisman’s lead, places great stress on the sordid elements of Kinsey’s story. For example, two of his "co-investigators" were serial rapists: Rex King, convicted of 800 counts of child rape involving both sexes, and Fritz von Balluseck, an ex-Nazi convicted of the rape-murder of a ten-year-old girl in Berlin. For years, both men submitted written accounts of their various boy and girl rapes to Kinsey for inclusion in his database.

The Man Who Mainstreamed Perversion


Il y a beaucoup à redire sur la personnalité, les méthodes et partant les résultats obtenus par Kinsey, mais Reisman est une agitée du bocal et le livre de Brinkmann est basé quasi-exclusivement sur ses "travaux".


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