ibinico Posté 1 décembre 2008 Signaler Posté 1 décembre 2008 Selon The Economist, le Ghana, un des rares pays sub-sahariens stables, craint des élections aussi troublées qu'au Kenya ou au Zimbabwe. Deux passages intéressants : Even more so as Ghana, with annual growth rates of about 6% during the past few years, is one of Africa’s few undisputed successes of the past decade. It plunged the depths of despotism and kleptocracy in the 1970s and 1980s, but has fostered an enviable reputation for individual freedom and political stability since democracy was restored in 1991. This has attracted a lot of financial and diplomatic investment. For the sake of African democracy as much as of Ghana itself, nobody wants to jeopardise all of that with the sort of chaos that hurt Kenya earlier this year.[…] So it is an irony, given the charged atmosphere, that the policies of the NPP on the centre-right and the NDC on the centre-left are not that far apart. Both pledge largely to continue the more-or-less orthodox free-market policies that have served Ghana well for the past few years. Le bien-être et la prospérité proviennent du respect des droits individuels et du libre-échange. Un exemple de plus, d'autant plus remarquable étant donné sa situation géographique.
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