tienouchou Posté 28 mars 2006 Auteur Signaler Posté 28 mars 2006 Your ScoreYour scored -4 on the Moral Order axis and -0.5 on the Moral Rules axis. Matches The following items best match your score: System: Liberalism Variation: Moderate Liberalism, Moral Liberalism Ideologies: Capital Democratism US Parties: Democratic Party Presidents: Jimmy Carter (97.79%) 2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (92.03%), Ralph Nader (88.95%), George W. Bush (55.53%) Statistics Of the 172393 people who took the test: 1.4% had the same score as you. 34.6% were above you on the chart. 53.6% were below you on the chart. 76.8% were to your right on the chart. 16.4% were to your left on the chart. Others Le serveur d'okcupid a bugué, j'ai pas pu faire l'autre test, sinon je suis assez satisfait des résultats même si il me parait assez bidon.
Dardanus Posté 28 mars 2006 Signaler Posté 28 mars 2006 Your scored -3 on the Moral Order axis and -4.5 on the Moral Rules axis.Matches The following items best match your score: System: Liberalism Variation: Economic Liberalism Ideologies: Capital Democratism US Parties: Democratic Party Presidents: Bill Clinton (95.58%) 2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (88.95%), Ralph Nader (72.31%), George W. Bush (64.58%) Statistics Of the 172409 people who took the test: 0.3% had the same score as you. 74.3% were above you on the chart. 20.7% were below you on the chart. 68.9% were to your right on the chart. 23.2% were to your left on the chart. Je dois être un libéral de gauche, n'en doutons pas. Mais il faut vraiment que je me décide à apprendre l'anglais.
tienouchou Posté 29 mars 2006 Auteur Signaler Posté 29 mars 2006 <center><table style='border:1px solid black'><tr><td align=center> <font size="3"> You are a <center> <br> <font size="4"><b>Social Liberal</b></font> <br> <font shmolor="#a8a8a8" size="3">(75% permissive)</font><br> </center> <br> and an… <center><br> <font size="4"><b>Economic Liberal</b></font> <br> <font shmolor="#a8a8a8" size="3">(36% permissive)</font><br> </center> <br> You are best described as a:<br> <br><font size="+2"><u><center><b>Democrat</b></center></u></font> </font><br> <table id="thetable" name="thetable" background="http://is1.okcupid.com/graphics/politics/chart_political.gif" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="375" width="375"> <tbody><tr height="218"> <td width="262"></td> <td width="112"></td> </tr> <tr height="156"><td width="262"></td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="112"><img src="http://is1.okcupid.com/graphics/politics_you.gif" border="0"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <br> <table id="thetable" name="thetable" background="http://is1.okcupid.com/graphics/politics/chart_basic.jpg" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="375" width="375"> <tbody><tr height="218"> <td width="262"></td> <td width="112"></td> </tr> <tr height="156"><td width="262"></td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="112"><img src="http://is1.okcupid.com/graphics/politics_you.gif" border="0"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <br><br>Link: <a href='http://www.okcupid.com/politics'><b>The Politics Test</b></a> on <a href='http://www.okcupid.com'><b>Ok Cupid</b></a><br>Also: <a href='http://www.okcupid.com/oktest3'>The OkCupid Dating Persona Test</a></td></tr></table></center>
Jean-Jacques Posté 31 mars 2006 Signaler Posté 31 mars 2006 arghhh J'aime bien la liberté mais là…. Pour revenir au graphic ce qui est intéressant c'est que dans le système nord-americain, le système droite-gauche n'a pas évolué. La gauche c'est les liberaux sur les moeurs et la droite les conservateurs. Au niveau économique, on s'aperçoit qu'il y a un grand pluralisme dans chaque partie. Social Libertarian : 40,9% Economical Libertarian : 40,9%
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