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No matter what the question is, Rudy says 9/11




Sunday, October 7th 2007, 12:56 PM


For Rudy Giuliani, 9/11 is the answer. To almost anything, it seems.

After all, it's why America fell in love with him on that darkest of days, when the mayor was the only person on TV reassuring the nation. It's why he's the Republican front-runner for President.

"For me, every day is an anniversary of Sept. 11," he said in Florida last month.

Giuliani wastes no opportunity to bring up 9/11 on the campaign trail. Sometimes, it looks like a stretch.

Here is "Jeopardy, the Giuliani Edition," where 9/11 is always the answer, but the questions may surprise you:


"There are some major intervening events - Sept. 11 - which cast somewhat of a different light on the Second Amendment."

- Giuliani's September speech to the NRA


"Since Sept. 11, most of the time when we get on a plane we talk to each other and just reaffirm the fact that we love each other"

- September interview with CBN News


"I support security at the borders. I think security is enormously important in the post-Sept. 11 period. I think we have to know who's coming into this country."

February interview with Fox News


"Each time I wear it, it reminds me of Sept. 11."

- July rally in Wilmington, Del.


"I don't want to promise you the federal government will take over the role. My general experience has been that the federal government works best when it helps and assists and encourages and sets guidelines on a state-by-state, locality-by-locality basis. It's no different from the way I look at homeland security. Maybe having been mayor of the city, I know that your first defense against terrorist attack is that local police station, or that local firehouse."

- July rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa


"I need God's help for everything, and I probably feel that the most when I'm in crisis and under pressure, like Sept. 11, when I was dealing with prostate cancer, or when I'm trying to explain death to people."

- September interview with CBN News.


"They do not seem to get the fact that there are people - terrorists in this world, really dangerous people - that want to come here and kill us. That in fact they did come here and kill us."

- May interview with Fox News


"You can judge me on my public record. I've had a long one. I've had an intense one. I've been under enormous pressure, took over a city that was the crime capital of America, had to handle the city at the very end, when it was part of the worst attack on America."

- May interview with Fox News


$9.11 was the answer a couple of Giuliani volunteers in California came up with as a suggested contribution for a fund- raising party. Giuliani said, "I think they made a mistake."

Je ne connaissais pas la "Ron Paul library":


Pour les news, hier a eu lieu le débat du parti républicain sur l'économie (celui dont parlait John Loque précédemment). Notre champion s'en est bien tiré :

Voila un petit compte rendu sur Yahoo:…s_from_the_deba

Vous remarquerez que désormais Ron Paul est cité et que seuls 6 candidats semblent rester dans la course. Manque plus qu'à éjecter McCain et Huckabee et il pourra avoir une plus grande visibilité médiatique.


Brownback expected to drop out of U.S. campaign

U.S. Republican Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, nearly out of cash and lagging badly in opinion polls, is expected to drop out of the 2008 presidential race, party and campaign sources said on Thursday.

The two-term senator planned an announcement on Friday. A staunch opponent of abortion and same-sex marriage, Brownback finished third in the Iowa straw poll in August and had just $94,000 in the bank at the end of September.

"It's just time," said a source who spoke to Brownback on Thursday. "He is not going to endorse anyone else right away."

Brownback focused much of his effort in the early voting state of Iowa, aiming to take advantage of his ties to the party's influential religious conservatives.

He spent heavily on the straw poll, typically an early test of strength, in hopes of a second-place finish behind winner Mitt Romney that would heighten his profile and boost his fund-raising.

But Brownback finished behind Romney and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and was unable to build any momentum. He wound up spending more money than he raised in the last three months.

"It's tough. I'm just not getting the traction. We've not been able to raise money," Brownback told the Kansas City Star on Wednesday before word filtered out that he was quitting the race.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani leads the Republican field in national polls, and Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, leads in Iowa state polls. Brownback has languished in low single digits.

Brownback's long-shot status in the November 2008 race hindered his efforts to build support among conservatives. His departure could provide at least a small boost to Huckabee, who also has struggled to attract religious conservatives unhappy with the top Republican contenders.

John Willke, a long-time abortion rights opponent who served on Brownback's campaign committee, said he contacted Romney's campaign on Wednesday to tell them he was switching his support to him.

"I thought it was prudent for Sam to pull out of the race," Willke said. "Obviously he was not going to be competitive."

Brownback, a practicing Roman Catholic raised as an evangelical Protestant, backed a switch to a flat tax and a sharp reduction in government spending and waste.

But he also talked frequently about sponsoring programs to help the poor around the world and in the United States.

Last week, he joined with Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden, a Delaware senator, to propose a shift toward regional governments as a long-term solution to the war in Iraq.

Brownback has been a leader in the U.S. Congress in drawing attention to problems in Africa, which he has called a proving ground for the Republican agenda of compassionate conservatism.


video sympa.

Bon moi je vais aller mettre mon panneau "Who is Ron Paul?" devant l'ambassade Américaine.


Et bien, la droite religieuse se fourvoie car Huckabee est objectivement un con.

Par ailleurs, en parlant de cons, pourquoi ne suis-je bizarrement pas surpris de voir Tommy Thompson soutenir la candidature de Giuliani?……-thompson_N.htm

Tommy Thompson to endorse Giuliani

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani will pick up the endorsement Friday of former Republican rival Tommy Thompson, a one-time Midwestern state governor.

"Rudy Giuliani has shown that he is a true leader. He can and will win the nomination and the presidency. He is America's mayor, and during a period of time of great stress for this country he showed tremendous leadership," Thompson, the former Wisconsin governor, said in a statement obtained by the Associated Press.

The former New York mayor is to accept the endorsement in South Carolina later Friday.

Thompson is the first former 2008 Republican presidential candidate to endorse in the race, and officials familiar with details of the political courting involved said Giuliani's top rivals also sought his support. But Thompson recently told Giuliani he would get the nod after several weeks of conversations.

Thompson, the Health and Human Services secretary in President George W. Bush's first term, entered the crowded Republican presidential field early this year only to spend several months struggling to raise money and gain traction in key early voting states. He was overshadowed by another, unrelated Thompson who was not even in the race at the time, but who was polling far stronger than the ex-governor, former Tennessee senator and Law & Order star Fred Thompson.

The lesser-known Thompson dropped out of the race in August after finishing sixth in an Iowa test vote measuring organization and popularity in the state that holds the leadoff caucuses.

Unclear is the impact of Thompson's support for Giuliani. On one hand, Giuliani could use the endorsement to try to mollify skeptical Iowans and other Midwesterners who are concerned about his moderate-to-liberal stances on social issues, pointing out that a prominent Republican from their backyards is supporting him.

On the other hand, Thompson left the race because voters were not gravitating toward him and he does not bring with him much support in early voting Iowa and elsewhere. He languished in single digits in polls there, and barely registered in national surveys while in the race.


Selon Sam Brownback, Giuliani n'emportera pas la mise:…/19/420221.aspx


WASHINGTON, DC -- After his Values Voters speech here, in which he called for all Americans to defend life at every stage, Brownback refused to confirm the news that he is dropping out of the presidential race this afternoon. “I’m headed back to Kansas and I’ll be making an announcement there,” he said.

The Kansas senator did acknowledge, however, that he is convinced the Republican Party will nominate a “pro-life candidate,” and he feels that Giuliani does not fit the bill. “Governor Romney’s certainly taken a pro-life position now,” Brownback said to reporters after his speech. “We’ll see if that’s something that can persuade the American public. My criticism of [Romney] has been that you need someone that believes in the cause to persuade the American public, and if it’s seen as switching on a lot of topics it’s tough to persuade the American public. Mayor Giuliani has said he’s pro-choice.”

Brownback has been openly critical of Romney on the abortion issue, even going as far as to place automated phone calls to voters in Iowa criticizing the former Massachusetts governor for his inconsistent stance on the issue. Today, he confirmed that he does not believe the GOP will nominate Giuliani due to his pro-choice history, and that he feels that the party is divided because “we don’t have an heir apparent for the first time in a couple of decades.”

“This is a very logical place we would be at this point in time,” Brownback said. “It’s October of the year before. This is a lengthy courtship… Some of the other candidates, [faith] is less of a core issue. They’re not opposed, but it’s not the thing that gets them up and going in the morning.

“George Bush came to them as a man of faith, believed in the cause. He had a personal conversion that was pretty dramatic. And believed in the cause and this is kind of everything. And then he’s got the resources and the name to drive it. I come to them with the cause, but I don’t have the resources and the name. I guess I should change my name.”

When asked if he would attend the GOP presidential debate this weekend, Brownback simply said, “Stay tuned.” Brownback will hold a press conference in Topeka, KS at 4:45 pm ET.


Débat "ce soir" du coté républicain.…ando.2C_Florida

C'est sur Fox News a 8 pm ET . Donc 2 heure du matin ici.

Vous pouvez regarder Fox news avec TVU player. (c'est gratuit)

J'ai vu qu'il y avait ABC news aussi.

Cà commence vers 00:30 en fait

Ca donne quoi la version avec arguments ? :icon_up:


-pour la guerre en Irak (…&Issue_id=2 )

-souhaite une Sécurité Sociale financée fortement aux frais de la princesse (…al_Security.htm )

-est favorable à la peine de mort ( )

-aime les augmentations de salaire minimum ( )

Et bien, la droite religieuse se fourvoie car Huckabee est objectivement un con.

Donc elle ne se fourvoie pas. :icon_up:

Je doute qu'il y ait grand-monde aux Etats-Unis pour le lui reprocher; même Hilary Clinton et Al Gore sont pour.



je suis nouveau sur ce forum et j'ai bien aimé cette discusssion.

Je ne suis pas d'inspiration liberal ( tout le monde n'est pas parfait :icon_up: ) mais je me demandais comment on pouvait être libertaire comme Ron PAUL et être pro-life et contre l'euthanasie ?

N'est ce pas paradoxal ? D'un coté proner la liberté total de l'individu et de l'autre l'empecher d'être mettre de son propre corps ?

Invité jabial

Bonne question en ce qui concerne l'euthanasie ; ça se justifie par la crainte de dérives mais en fait ce n'est pas le fond du problème, qui est plutôt la volonté d'empêcher les gens de se suicider pour des raisons religieuses. Pour l'avortement, c'est nettement plus compliqué. A part ça, on écrit maître.

mais je me demandais comment on pouvait être libertaire comme Ron PAUL et être pro-life et contre l'euthanasie ?

Déjà, Ron Paul n'est pas libertaire mais libéral. Nuance.

Ensuite, la position "pro-life" et anti-euthanasie de Ron Paul n'est pas quelque chose d'inédit dans le mouvement libéral. Pour une partie des libéraux, la volonté n'est pas la norme suprême, le droit à la vie lui est supérieur car, fort logiquement, sans vie, pas de volonté ou de liberté.

Donc, concernant l'avortement, la vie du foetus prend le dessus sur le supposé "droit de la femme à disposer de son propre corps".

Idem, concernant l'euthanasie: la vie humaine n'est pas contractualisable.

Déjà, Ron Paul n'est pas libertaire mais libéral. Nuance.

Ensuite, la position "pro-life" et anti-euthanasie de Ron Paul n'est pas quelque chose d'inédit dans le mouvement libéral. Pour une partie des libéraux, la volonté n'est pas la norme suprême, le droit à la vie lui est supérieur car, fort logiquement, sans vie, pas de volonté ou de liberté.

Donc, concernant l'avortement, la vie du foetus prend le dessus sur le supposé "droit de la femme à disposer de son propre corps".

Idem, concernant l'euthanasie: la vie humaine n'est pas contractualisable.

N'est ce pas plutot la religion qui prend le pas sur la politique quand on parle de pro life et anti-euthanasie ?

Il place la volonté divine devant leur propre volonté ? Drôle de paradoxe pour un liberal non ?

Même si la société américaine est bien différente de la française sur ces questions, j'ai dut mal a comprendre que la 1ere des libertées qui est d'être maître de son propre corps ( et OMFG l'erreur dans mon 1er post … ) n'est pas appliqué par un liberal.

Mais merci de la réponse.

N'est ce pas plutot la religion qui prend le pas sur la politique quand on parle de pro life et anti-euthanasie ?

Il place la volonté divine devant leur propre volonté ? Drôle de paradoxe pour un liberal non ?

La volonté humaine a besoin de limites, sinon c'est non pas le règne de la liberté mais celui du chaos.


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