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Emily Howell

Randian shithead

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Ça fera plaisir aux singularistes :

The announcement from the University of California at Santa Cruz of what is claimed to be the first software which can produce original classical music intriguingly synthesises human fears of technology with long-running debates about the meaning of creativity. Professor David Cope, who made and named Emily (from the initials of Experiments in Musical Intelligence), reports having tricked listeners. An academic who was played Howell's Op 1 – a piano concerto, called From Darkness, Light – warmed to its sound, then rapidly chilled when advised where it came from.

Some of the suspicion of Howell is not artistic, but a primitive robot-phobia. More or less since the invention of the wheel, homo sapiens has hovered between a desire for machines to take over the messy or tedious stuff – waste-disposal, production line work – and a dread of eventual human redundancy in the interesting bits of existence: art, chess, sex. With the advent of Emily, composers and critics of classical music feel as actors do when they note the box-office popularity of computer-generated movies. What used to be a jokey proposition about probability – the chance that monkeys on typewriters would eventually create the works of Shakespeare – has been replaced by the genuine fear that an untouched keyboard may soon start writing plays.

Un article qui s'emballe moins sur la qualité musicale du machin, et avec un extrait :…icle6884606.ece


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