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Un très bon exemple de l'inefficacité et du gâchis au nom de la sécurité avec en prime la fierté des niais. La lecture du top 10 catch de la TSA est Un pur moment de rigolade… 1,2 G$ pour ça (0 terroriste pris donc).

TSA Top 10 Good Catches of 2011

Our officers have had some good finds this year at our checkpoints and we wanted to share our top 10 good catches with you. Some are dangerous, some simply look dangerous and can cause major delays, and others are just plain weird. Click on the links to read more about each good catch.

Top 10:

10) Snakes, turtles, and birds were found at Miami (MIA) and Los Angeles (LAX). I’m just happy there weren’t any lions, tigers, and bears…

9) A science project shut down a checkpoint at Omaha (OMA). I wonder if mentioning the shutting down of the checkpoint added enough flare to his presentation to score him some bonus points?

8) An artfully concealed non-metallic martial arts weapon called a “Tactical Spike” was found in the sock of a passenger at Pensacola (PNS) after being screened by a body scanner. The only thing I keep in my sock is my foot.

7) Inert landmines were found at Salt Lake City (SLC). I always travel with mine, don’t you???

6) A stun gun disguised as a smart phone was found at Los Angeles (LAX). Not very smart to travel with this stunning device.

5) A flare gun with seven flares was found in a passenger’s carry-on bag at Norfolk (ORF). Hmmm… pressurized cabin + 7 live flares = no good can come from this.

4) Two throwing knives  concealed in hollowed out book were found at Washington National (DCA). Killer book…

3) Over 1,200 firearms were discovered at TSA checkpoints across the nation in 2011. Many guns are found loaded with rounds in the chamber. Most passengers simply state they forgot they had a gun in their bag.

2) A loaded .380 pistol  was found strapped to passenger’s ankle with the body scanner at Detroit (DTW). You guessed it, he forgot it was there…

1) Small chunks of C4 explosives were found in passenger’s checked luggage in Yuma (YUM). Believe it or not, he was brining it home to show his family.


Son père se fait de toute façon régulièrement arrêter par la TSA (il a une barre de métal dans la jambe).

Moi je trouve ça bizarre qu'il n'ait pas refusé le scanner (ce que fait son père, et ce que devrait faire toute personne ne souhaitant pas avoir un cancer).

Seule consolation, les employés de la TSA seront tous morts dans 10 ans ?


Seule consolation, les employés de la TSA seront tous morts dans 10 ans ?

Bof c'est pas temps eux qui sont les coupables de ce merdier.

Comme j'avais lu ailleurs, plutôt que de tuer ben laden ou de le condamner à mort il aurait dû être condamner à passer par tous les contrôle du TSA jusqu'à la fin de ses jours.

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