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Trichet en appelle à plus de discipline


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Trichet Calls for Return to the `Discipline' of Bretton Woods

By John Fraher and Gabi Thesing

Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- European Central Bank President Jean- Claude Trichet said officials reshaping the world's financial system should try to return to the ``discipline'' that governed markets in the decades after World War II.

``Perhaps what we need is to go back to the first Bretton Woods, to go back to discipline,'' Trichet said after giving a speech at the Economic Club of New York yesterday. ``It's absolutely clear that financial markets need discipline: macroeconomic discipline, monetary discipline, market discipline.''

Some European policy makers are pushing to tighten oversight of markets after the past year's credit squeeze culminated last week in the biggest stock sell-off since 1933. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has suggested the most sweeping rethink of global financial architecture since U.S. and European officials met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944. The rules they drew up there governed much of the world economy for the following 30 years.

``Creating stability by adapting frameworks that have worked historically can improve credibility and hence the effectiveness of policy stabilization measures,'' said Lena Komileva, an economist at Tullett Prebon Plc in London. ``This idea may gain traction with policy makers.''

At Bretton Woods, nations agreed to fix exchange rates, establish the International Monetary Fund and start the process of rebuilding Europe's economy in the aftermath of World War II by encouraging coordinated economic policies. Brown said national regulators must coordinate their work and banks should be pushed to disclose more trading positions.

`Exceptional Circumstances'

``If we don't have discipline, then we are putting into question the functioning of the market economies and the functioning of our financial markets,'' Trichet said.

Asked whether the escalation of the financial crisis exposed shortcomings in the global monetary system, Trichet said central bankers have ``been up to their responsibilities in these exceptional circumstances.''

Trichet and U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke are struggling to restore order to credit markets after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and $638 billion in writedowns make banks reluctant to lend. The ECB and the Fed last week cut interest rates in tandem and this week agreed to flood the financial system with dollars.

Trichet suggested that slowing growth in the 15-nation euro region may curb inflation, paving the way for more rate cuts after the ECB reduced its benchmark by 50 basis points to 3.75 percent.

`Downside Risks'

``There has been a materialization of the downside risks to growth and we have to take that into consideration in all respects, and particularly as regards the influence that it has on the upside risks for price stability,'' Trichet said.

He indicated that recent market turmoil was partly a consequence of the deregulation that occurred after Bretton Woods' demise. That was triggered in 1971, when inflation forced the U.S. to abandon the dollar's peg to gold, an anchor of the system, heralding the era of floating exchange rates.

``The explosion of the first Bretton Woods in a way could be interpreted as a rejection of discipline,'' said Trichet.

Brown, who has pushed for a decade to strengthen the hand of international authorities overseeing the financial system, said Oct. 13 in London that ``we must devise new rules for a world of global capital flows'' just as the founders of Bretton Woods ``devised rules for a world of limited capital flows.''


Un retour à Bretton Woods (c'est à dire à un contrôle des taux de change) pourrait effectivement être un pas dans la bonne direction. Mais les politiques vont s'en mêler et transformer cela en foire d'empoigne interventionniste.

  Sous-Commandant Marco a dit :
Un retour à Bretton Woods (c'est à dire à un contrôle des taux de change) pourrait effectivement être un pas dans la bonne direction. Mais les politiques vont s'en mêler et transformer cela en foire d'empoigne interventionniste.

Bretton wood, ce n'est pas un contrôle des changes, c'est une fixation des monnaies à l'or, via le dollar convertible en or.

  vincponcet a dit :
Bretton wood, ce n'est pas un contrôle des changes, c'est une fixation des monnaies à l'or, via le dollar convertible en or.

A l'origine oui, mais je pense que Trichet appelle plutot au controle des changes, sans l'or sous-jacent. Notons que Bretton Woods etait (illegament) arbitrable.

  A.B. a dit :
A l'origine oui, mais je pense que Trichet appelle plutot au controle des changes, sans l'or sous-jacent. Notons que Bretton Woods etait (illegament) arbitrable.

Des changes fixes, sans sous-jacent type or, c'est encore pire que bretton wood, non ?

on va retourner dans l'époque des dévaluations décidées par l'Etat quand il ne peut plus tenir son change dû à son déficit, non ?

  vincponcet a dit :
Des changes fixes, sans sous-jacent type or, c'est encore pire que bretton wood, non ?

Ouep, c'est le SME. Mais ce n'est pas forcément ce que Trichet avait en tête.


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