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Merci Newbie, Chitah et Eclipse. C'est lancé.

Maintenant que ovus vous êtes donné le mal, reste la partie facile : mettre sur vos profils FB, retweeter, emailer aux amis, etc.

Il grimpe déjà pas mal, mais un article comme ça, il lui faut des milliers de lecteurs.


J'aimerais bien indiquer la traduction au site officiel, mais je ne vois aucun lien pour les contacter. Ceux qui ont demandé l'autorisation pour la trad ont-ils un mail de contact ?

edit: ah au fait, pourquoi avoir mis l'article dans la rubrique Économie ?


Je répète que je traduis actuellement l'article sur le shale gas, j'espère que personne ne l'a prie après moi. (si c'est le cas, dit le moi, j'arrêterais mon boulot pour me consacrer à un autre article)

Je répète que je traduis actuellement l'article sur le shale gas, j'espère que personne ne l'a prie après moi. (si c'est le cas, dit le moi, j'arrêterais mon boulot pour me consacrer à un autre article)

Dans tous les cas, il faut que l'ensemble des demandes se fassent par MP auprès de Nick, sinon on ne s'en sortira pas…

Pour le moment, tu es seul dessus. Go.

J'ai fait passer l'article du MIT en édito bien visible jusqu'à 12:30 aujourd'hui.

Si ça vous tente, le dernier article du MITNSE peut apporter de nouvelles informations intéressantes sur les explosions :…-units-1-and-3/

Okay je reviens là-dessus, j'ai trois articles compilés en un seul sur les explosions d'hydrogène et sur les piscines d'entreposage…-units-1-and-3/…fuel-pool-fire/

Ça peut faire suite au premier article publié sur le sujet.

Vu que je ne suis plus dispo après, un volontaire en ligne pour récupérer l'article en PM pour le faire passer à la rédaction ?


bel article de blog de Christiane Chavane…elle serait surement d'accord pour qu'il soit repris sur Contrepoints…V conne Vautour

bel article de blog de Christiane Chavane…elle serait surement d'accord pour qu'il soit repris sur Contrepoints…V conne Vautour


Il faut juste voir le timing pour éviter la noyade d'article, il y a pléthore en ce moment.


Il faut juste voir le timing pour éviter la noyade d'article, il y a pléthore en ce moment.

C'est ce que tu espérais non?….


Pourquoi on ne mettrait pas, comme sur certains sites d'information, une box sur le côté "le dessin de la semaine"?

Faut voir comment trouver la place sur la maquette mais ça peut être intéressant si le dessinateur est également d'accord


15:41 16Mar11 RTRS-WITNESS-Ukrainians recall Chernobyl sacrifice, applaud Japan

* Chernobyl 'liquidators' tackled disaster "out of duty"

* Few of those first on spot survived

* Survivor applauds Japanese

By Pavel Polityuk

KIEV, March 16 (Reuters) - If there is one person outside Japan who knows what the crisis workers at the Fukushima nuclear plant are going through now it is 64-year-old Andriy Chudinov.

One of the first Chernobyl trouble-shooters to get to the disaster site of the world's worst nuclear accident in 1986 and a rarity in that he survived, Chudinov looks back on those traumatic events with calmness, sadness and resignation.

He generously applauds the workers who are fighting to bring Japan's quake-damaged nuclear reactors under control.

"These are good guys. After all, they have had it even worse than we did. They had a tsunami first and now there are several reactors with problems. That's a nightmare for any atomic worker," he told Reuters on Wednesday.

It remains to be seen whether the Japanese drama will take on the proportions of Chernobyl, when tonnes of nuclear material were spewed across Europe after an explosion and fire at the plant's No. 4 reactor.

The world was different then. It was the Cold War when Ukraine was part of the secretive Soviet Union and Moscow withheld the truth about the disaster for three days.

Chudinov was one of a huge army of workers -- many of them soldiers -- whom Soviet authorities sent in to tackle the Chernobyl disaster which resulted from a test of cooling systems at the plant.

The experiment, which involved demobilising safety systems, went horribly wrong and a series of explosions in the early hours of April 26, 1986, blew the concrete roof off the reactor and sent radioactivity billowing across Europe.

Those drafted in to handle the crisis at risk to their own lives became known as the "liquidators".

Chudinov was a senior operator at reactor No. 3 -- next to the stricken reactor -- at the plant at Prypyat on Ukraine's northern border with Belarus.

"We got to the plant in the morning after the explosion. The unit (No. 4) was destroyed and burning. But there was no reason not to go," he said in a telephone interview.

"We did basically the same as the Japanese are doing now. We tried to stop the reactors. If the fire had spread, the plant would have been uncontrollable," he said.

"From my shift there was not one of my friends who refused to go. It was a question of duty. We knew it was dangerous but we were brought up differently and we didn't even think of not going," Chudinov added.

Back then, there was little protective clothing to hand to shield against radiation. "We wore normal clothes and a face respirator. As we went in to the reactor we were given an iodine preparation which was normally the first emergency aid," he said.


The official short-term death toll from the accident was 31 but many more people died of radiation-related sicknesses such as cancer. The total death toll and long-term health effects remain a subject of intense debate even 25 years after the disaster though a U.N. 2008 report concluded that only a few thousand people had died as a result.

On pension now and suffering from a blood condition which he attributes to radiation effects, Chudinov says: "I lost many, very many, friends. I haven't counted but an awful lot of them are no longer here. I don't know why I survived. Radiation reacts differently on different people," he said.

Nadezhda Mironenko's husband, Valentin, was then a 38-year-old carpenter whose firm worked at the Chernobyl plant.

He went to the plant to help in the clear-up operation a month after the explosion and remained working in what is now a 30 km (18 miles) exclusion zone around the site until 1992.

He died 5 years later of brain cancer at the age of 49.

"I knew when I accompanied him to work that there was no alternative. One had to go and do one's job. We had that expression -- duty to the Motherland," Mironenko, 62, who now lives on pension in Kiev, told Reuters.

Chernobyl 'liquidators' and their families have benefitted from tax breaks, cheap re-housing, enhanced pensions and other privileges over the years.

But the Japanese drama, evoking memories of 1986, brought 200 or so Chernobyl protesters out in Kiev on Wednesday to complain about government neglect.

Mikola, 64, was a Soviet army officer drafted in with his unit to help the Chernobyl clean-up and was one of a group of protesters outside the Ukrainian government building.

"The general came and said: 'I would rather have 2,000 poisoned (with radiation) if it allows 200 million people to live. We have been sent to work at the reactor'," he said recalling the day he learned he was being sent to the Chernobyl plant.

Half of his military unit died from the consequences, Mikola said.

Another protester, Vladimir Danilenko, 65, who worked as a fireman at the stricken plant, complained bitterly about the government.

"They cancelled our free treatment. They cancelled our free medicine. They have thrown us aside and don't care. That's the big difference between us and Japan."

(Additional reporting by Sergiy Karazy)

(Reporting by Pavel Polityuk; Writing by Richard Balmforth; editing by Janet McBride)


En complément, le rapport de l'ONU a été contesté par Greenpeace, mais il évalue à 4.000 les décès directs :

Death toll from Chernobyl was over-estimated: report

Only 56 people have died as a direct result of radiation released in the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, and the final death toll could be thousands fewer than originally feared, the UN nuclear watchdog said today.

However, anxiety caused by fear of death and illness from radiation poisoning is causing major mental health problems among the affected population and such worries "show no signs of diminishing and may even be spreading," the agency said, citing a new report compiled by 100 scientists.

The final death toll attributed to radiation could reach 4,000, said the report, compiled on behalf of the Chernobyl Forum. The Chernobyl Forum includes the International Atomic Energy Agency, based in Vienna, as well as seven other UN agencies and the governments of Ukraine, where Chernobyl is located, neighbouring Belarus and Russia.

Ukraine has previously said it had already registered 4,400 deaths related to the accident, and early speculation following the radiation release predicted tens of thousands would die.

But Dr Burton Bennett, the chairman of the forum, said that previous death tolls had been inflated, perhaps "to attract attention to the accident, to attract sympathy".

The report and a two-day scientific meeting to discuss it, which starts tomorrow, aim to "reach a consensus on the various issues so that we can go forward in a more positive way," Dr Bennett told a news conference.

Environmental organization Greenpeace condemned the report and accused the forum of "whitewashing" the impacts of the accident.

"Denying the real implications is not only insulting the thousands of victims, who are told to be sick because of stress and irrational fear, but it also leads to dangerous recommendations, to relocate people in contaminated areas," said Jan Vande Putte, Greenpeace International nuclear campaigner.

The 600-page UN report says a lack of accurate information about the accident’s consequences has made the mental health impact "the largest public health problem created by the accident."

"These problems manifest as negative self-assessments of health, belief in a shortened life expectancy, lack of initiative and dependency on assistance from the state," the agency said in a statement.

"Persistent myths and misperceptions about the threat of radiation have resulted in ’paralyzing fatalism’ among residents of affected areas."

Teachers and others with influence must receive better information so they can counter false fears by replacing mythology with facts, said Kalman Mizsei of the UN Development Programme.

"The health and environmental effects … have been relatively and surprisingly minor," Mr Mizsei said. Residents in the region had received no understandable information about the accident’s effects, and "people still don’t know what the effect is".

Mr Mizsei advocated that support programmes to Chernobyl victims should be altered to concentrate only on the groups affected by high levels of radiation. As of now, 5 million to 7 million people receive benefits and support, while only 200,000 people were exposed to higher levels of radiation.

Belarus in 1991 spent 22 percent of its national budget on Chernobyl-related expenses, but the figure has since fallen to 6 percent, according to UNDP statistics. Ukraine spends 5 percent to 7 percent of its budget on costs related to the accident.

"Pushing millions of people into this dependency is not helpful," Mr Mizsei said. By moving away from the illusion that the accident still had a ruinous effect, people could begin improving their lives.

The report also says there is no evidence of decreased fertility following the accident, nor of any increase in congenital malformations.

The survival rate of the about 4,000 cases of thyroid cancer caused by the accident has been almost 99 percent, the report said. Nine of the 56 deaths recorded so far were children who succumbed to thyroid cancer.

Thyroid cancer patients and thousands of workers exposed to high levels of radiation in the days following the accident suffered "major health consequences", Dr Bennett said. "The majority of workers and population received fairly low doses."

Lung cancer caused by smoking was expected to kill three times as many as Chernobyl-related cancers, he added. Among other findings was that poverty, "lifestyle diseases" such as illnesses caused by smoking, drinking and stress "pose a far greater threat to local communities than does radiation exposure," the statement said.

Dr Fred Mettler, one of the scientists behind the report, said that the report offered lessons for any future cases - including any potential radiation release by terrorists - by emphasising issues such as the need for early and accurate information. "It’s a timely document for learning lessons to apply to other areas," he said.

C'est ce que tu espérais non?….

Vas-yyyy, sors la moi ta citation bouddhiste qui dit "redoute de voir tes rêves se réaliser". Vas-y.

Pourquoi on ne mettrait pas, comme sur certains sites d'information, une box sur le côté "le dessin de la semaine"?


De manière générale, faut revoir la maquette.

Toi et moi, on va peler un oeuf ensemble un de ces jours.


en haut à gauche, pour les flux rss etc, il est écrit "rester informé" avec un "r", mettez plutôt "restez informé", injonctif, plus dynamique


Done. Peut-être une erreur de traduction de ma part entre impératif et infinitif.

en haut à gauche, pour les flux rss etc, il est écrit "rester informé" avec un "r", mettez plutôt "restez informé", injonctif, plus dynamique

C'est pas pour le plaisir de pinailler, mais ça se discute:

Impératif, c'est quand même donneur d'ordres, fait ci, fait ça,"restez informé"

Alors que "rester informé", sous entendu, je veux "rester informé", je me débrouille pour "rester informé"…fait plus "mature", plus libéral ,responsable….

Enfin,moi, je préfère…


En matière de gestion de projet, un basecamp à $49 ou à $24 par mois devient peut-être utile ? Cela pourrait servir pour tous les projets de, wikiberal aussi donc.

Vous gérez tout par email et MP pour l'instant ? Y'a moyen de faire mieux.


De manière générale, faut revoir la maquette.

Toi et moi, on va peler un oeuf ensemble un de ces jours.

Sur les sites d'info qui ont plus d'articles, on ne fait pas l'économie de scroller. Tout ne tient pas sur un écran.

EDIT : deux écrans

Sur les sites d'info qui ont plus d'articles, on ne fait pas l'économie de scroller. Tout ne tient pas sur un écran.

EDIT : deux écrans

Les gens ont pris l'habitude de scroller, ça ne les dérange plus. Ceux qui diront le contraire sont restés en 2001.


Est-ce qu'une appli dédiée pour contrepoint ou le forum sur tablette a un intérêt (économique) pour l'association ?

L'application peut être gratuite avec un bandeau publicitaire (et éventuellement un choix/filtrage sur le type de pubs affichées), ou être payante (le prix minimal en euros sur l'appstore FR est de 0,79 euros, pas grand chose, mais déjà quelque chose).

Un screenshot de la grille Apple pour ceux qui ne la connaissent pas :…tach=4066;image

Pour les prix sur Androïd, c'est plus compliqué, tous les pays ne disposent pas d'un Androïd Market, et certaines tablettes ont leur Market dédié, séparé du market google…

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