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Nation States

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  Le 19/09/2011 à 19:01, Lancelot a dit :

The Community of Sloth Island is a large, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 85 million are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.

There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, pro-business individuals is mainly concerned with Law & Order, although Commerce and Education are on the agenda. Income tax is unheard of. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Basket Weaving, Door-to-door Insurance Sales, and Uranium Mining industries.


GG. Je n'arrive pas à aller en dessous de 2, cela me frustre profondément, je ne vais pas encore pouvoir dormir. :mrgreen:


J'avais juste dit "on ne taxe pas le clergé".

Following new legislation, televangelists flaunt their expensive cars when they attend charity events.



The People's Republic of Chanksion is a very large, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its keen interest in outer space/for its ban on automobiles/ its national health service/its hatred of cheese/renowned for its devotion to social welfare/ its compulsory vegetarianism/its compulsory military service/its punitive income tax. Its compassionate, cynical population of 135 million are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Social Welfare, Law & Order, and Education. The average income tax rate is 74%, and even higher for the wealthy. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.

Prisons are crowded with possible terrorist suspects, illegal hunting is rife after veganism was recently made compulsory, heavy industry must go to expensive lengths to dispose of waste, and aeroplanes have been converted into housing units after all air travel was outlawed. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Chanksion's national animal is the Environmentalist, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Food Stamp.

Je suis fier de mon pays. icon_mrgreen.gif Dont les citoyens sont dans les 10% les plus beaux de la terre. Et 5% les plus égalitaires en revenus. 1% des régimes les plus autoritaires. devil.gif


Ce que je ne pige pas en revanche, c'est qu'à peu près tout est illégal si ce n'est pas obligatoire, et pourtant il n'y a pas de criminalité… Démarrer un véhicule à moteur, manger un steak ou un oeuf, battre un animal, mettre des vêtements, refuser un mariage arrangé par le gouvernement, tout est interdit. HA HA HA HA HA HA (rire diabolique) devil.gif


Si vous voulez savoir pourquoi le jeu est aussi biaisé et anti-libéral allez voir ça :

Comme vous pouvez le voir, ce Max Barry est à peu prés aussi libéral que Brejnev :online2long:


Bon, allez, je viens de créer Jabialia.

Pour l'instant c'est censé être de gauche.

J'ai rien contre, hein, mais à mon avis ça va rapidement plus être considéré comme tel.


C'est vrai que souvent toutes les options aboutissent d'une manière ou d'une autre à de l'interventionnisme et que le résultat est parfois à l'opposé de ce à quoi un libéral pourrait s'attendre, mais bon globalement ce n'est pas si orienté que ça (je crois que le même type de reproche pourrait être formulé par des gens de n'importe quelle obédience politique).

En fait le plus gros biais est structurel et l'auteur n'y est pour rien : le gouvernement ne peut jamais se faire renverser, la nation ne peut jamais s'écrouler ou se faire envahir. Du coup même le pire des dictateurs tarés restera au pouvoir quoi qu'il arrive, même avec une économie "imploded". On pourrait arranger un peu les choses en ajoutant une variable agorisme qui indiquerait à quel point les lois sont respectées en pratique.


Deux choses.

D'une, quand on n'est d'accord avec aucune des réponses, on devrait pouvoir en suggérer une, à l'auteur de voir s'il veut la proposer ou pas.

De deux, les Etats devraient pouvoir s'allier et se faire la guerre (et se trahir, etc). C'est horrible mais c'est ça la vraie vie. Et je ne suis pas sûr que les libéralies y survivent.

Et puis les coups d'Etat ça existe aussi.


Ah voilà ça y est mon NationState est désormais une dictature éclairée.

Tiens encore une question à la noix : faux dilemne entre autoriser la drogue dans les entreprises et l'interdire dans les entreprises. Mais bordel ça regarde le patron de chaque entreprise.

  Le 25/09/2011 à 17:35, jabial a dit :
Tiens encore une question à la noix : faux dilemne

Il y a pas mal de faux dilemmes tout pourris, dismiss est ton ami.

(mais c'est moins rigolo qu'imposer des lois farfelues :devil: )

  Le 25/09/2011 à 17:35, jabial a dit :
Tiens encore une question à la noix : faux dilemne entre autoriser la drogue dans les entreprises et l'interdire dans les entreprises. Mais bordel ça regarde le patron de chaque entreprise.

Faut s'y habituer, toutes les questions sont a la noix, et toutes les conséquences sont débiles, ce n'est pas une simulation, c'est un gros délire.


Military Budgets Up For Approval

The various branches of Sloth Island's military brought their budget petitions to your attention and, as usual, they are all asking for widespread increases over the rest of the military departments.

The Debate

  • "Clearly the army requires the greatest increase in funds this year," says Field Marshal Aaron Longbottom. "After all, wars were never won by air or sea and in this dangerous world we must be able to protect the interests of Sloth Island. Currently our men get hand-me-down weapons, rations I wouldn't feed a pig - the army is increasingly looking like a bad career option and we can't have that. If we're going to get recruits, we need more funding to support our brave lads in their duty."
  • "Hah! It's the Navy who needs the money, mate," says Grand Admiral Dave McGuffin. "The army and the police forces can protect us domestically, but can they protect us from having our foreign trade cut off? Can they protect us from terrorists and pirates? How are the soldiers going to get to the enemy's borders? Swim? I think not. Fund us, the Navy, the true protectors of Sloth Island!"
  • "Despite the statements of my colleagues," says Tobias McAlpin, Marshal of the Air Force. "The Air Force requires more money than these men playing around with boats. We are increasingly seeing terrorists taking to the air, and more ships or guns are not going to stop that. Our people will only be safe when the Air Force has the power it needs to defend us - and for that we need more funding and more government support for industries geared towards the development of new aircraft."
  • "You're all thinking too small!" exclaims Anne-Marie Frederickson, an avid Star Wars fan. "What we need is more research into the possibilities of space weapons! Big laser cannon and satellites with complete annihilation power! And cool spaceships! Boom! Rat-a-tata! Bang! Bang! It'll be expensive, sure, but think of the power! THE POWER!"
  • "It's simply not good enough!" wails Prudence Love, the Minister of Defence. "It's not about the money - it's the manpower. Not enough people by far are signing up! All we seem to be getting nowadays are drunks and people who volunteered for a dare. The current conscription laws need to be either more strictly enforced or drastically rewritten. What I propose is a universal draft: everyone capable of pulling a trigger should become a part of the Army, Navy or Air Force. Only in this way can we ensure the dominance of Sloth Island in the region."
  • "The military is a stain on the peace-loving nature of our nation!" cries Steffan McGuffin, while sporting a Rastifarian hat. "People should be allowed to choose what they do for a living! Conscription is wrong and I don't see why our tax sleepy dollars should go to such a despicable cause! The money should be going to more important places - like our pockets!"

Si je m'écoutais, je prendrais la quatrième…


C'est celle que je choisirais sans hésiter. C'est un comique mais si on fait abstractions des bêtises qu'il dit son programme concret est le meilleur.


J'ai autorisé les syndicats de cadres.

Following new legislation, CEOs and corporate executives are frequently found striking for better stock options.

Mais je n'avais pas prévu que sous mon règne, les gens ont droit de grève sans subir le pilori. :angry3:


Workers all over Sloth Island have gone on a general strike demanding you create a minimum wage to alleviate poverty conditions.

The Debate

  • "We will not accept this exploitation any longer," says May Barry, through a megaphone. "Without a minimum wage law in place we're forced to work for a pittance! How can I feed myself and my family if I can't earn enough money? This corrupt government favours a system where the rich get richer at the expense of the working class. No longer! We demand a reasonable minimum wage!"
  • "'Reasonable?' Since when have companies ever been 'reasonable' when it comes to money?" questions Beth Spirit, president of the Sloth Island Socialist Alliance. "The government should increase taxes and guarantee a living wage so everybody, no matter what job they have, can have access to food, water, and other basic needs. If everyone has the money needed to survive then things like the economy should take care of themselves. Stands to reason. But what you should be asking yourself is this: what's more important, individuals or corporations?"
  • "We don't need any of these stupid communistic welfare policies," says Dave Utopia, CEO of Sloth Island's largest Basket Weaving company. "Living wages are unworkable! if you make workers expensive then employers are just going to use fewer or lose profits. And as for minimum wage laws, I think it's a detriment to this nation's businesses that we even have to PAY them wages. If slavery was legal I think we'd find the nation's economy improving somewhat."

Ou comment pourrir totalement une option en une petite ligne hors sujet :angry3:



"Freedom, Property, Mind"

Devise: FreeGold

Catégorie: Corporate Bordello

Civil rights: very good

Economy: Powerhouse

Political Freedoms: Excellent

The Free Land of JusHoran is a fledgling, economically powerful nation, renowned for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 5 million are effectively ruled by a group of massive corporations, who run for political office and provide their well-off citizens with world-class goods and services. Their poorer citizens, however, are mostly starving to death while being urged to go out and get real jobs. The populace has reasonably extensive civil rights, although these are mostly aimed at allowing them to buy whatever they like. The tiny, pro-business government is mainly concerned with Law & Order, although Commerce and Defence are secondary priorities. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 10%. A robust private sector is led by the Uranium Mining, Retail, and Automobile Manufacturing industries.

Crime is a serious problem. JusHoran's national animal is the wildcat, and its currency is the FreeGold.

Should Democracy be compulsory ?

  1. "Compulsory voting makes about as much as sense as having the death penalty for attempted suicide," says civil rights activist Stephanie Wall. "You can't force people to be free! You can only give them the choice. Besides, if all those derelicts who can't be bothered to get off their butts once every few years voted, who would they elect? I shudder to think."
  2. "It's not contradictory at all," argues political commentator Sue-Ann du Pont. "The fact is, if not everyone votes, the outcome isn't truly representative. Some groups--like elderly gun nuts--vote more often than others. That's why we always end up with such terrible politicians."
  3. "This raises an interesting issue," says Randy Licorish, your brother. "And that is: why do we need elections, anyway? Seems to me it would be much simpler if you just decided what was right, and did it. Wouldn't that save everyone a lot of time?"

Choix: Dismiss; Pas à l'Etat de choisir si sa population doit aller voter ou non, et encore moins d'inscrire un choix dans la loi.

Harry Potter censorship Row

  1. "I quite enjoyed the book, until I got to the part where Harry summons evil demons to do his bidding," says religious leader Jack McGuffin. "Now that's just wrong. We need to restore some sense to this debate, by which I mean we should remove this book from the shelves, salt it thoroughly, and burn it."
  2. Teachers union President Jack Rubin says, "Come on, the book is fantasy! And it's a damn good read. I'd like the government to issue a statement of support for our teachers and librarians, so kids can enjoy good books without interference from religious wackos, like Christians."

Choix: Dismiss; Quel rapport avec l'Etat ?

Cancer Sufferer demands Euthanasia Bills

  1. Dorothy and her family are campaigning for a "Dying with Dignity" bill, to change this situation. She implores the government to legalize euthanasia.
  2. "I understand this is a very difficult time for these people," says freelance medical writer Colin Rubin. "But the solution is not to let our medical system slide down the slippery slope of killing people in pain. We must cure, not kill. This is not the right time for euthanasia."
  3. "I agree, but go further: there is never a right time for euthanasia," says Bishop Miranda Falopian. "The lives we lead are given to us by the grace of God, and he decides when they end. It is not for us to question God's divine purpose, no matter how odd or screwed-up it may seem."

Choix: Dismiss: Jusqu'à preuve du contraire, c'est un choix personnel, individuel. Ni légalisation, ni interdiction. Pas le rôle de la loi.

Uranium Deposit promises to Enrich JusHoran

  1. "This is a terrific find!" claims Nukes4U CEO Jennifer Steele. "It will provide an enormous stimulus to our economy and create thousands of new jobs. It's win-win! All we need from the government is permission to bulldoze the rainforest that's on top of the deposit."
    This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
  2. "You've got to be kidding," says Green politician Tobias Dodinas. "This rainforest is thousands of years old! This country needs more environmental protection, not less. And to destroy the environment in order to mine uranium that then goes into nuclear bombs--well, that really sticks in my craw."
  3. "There's no need for an either-or decision," says the government's Minister for Mining, Clear-Felling, and the Environment. "We can preserve most of the rainforest and allow mining of a small part. After all, think of all the good that the money from this uranium deposit can bring to JusHoran."

Choix: 1; en fait, question triviale qui sert à rien. Le gouvernement n'a pas à donner de permission pour raser la forêt. S'ils obtiennent la propriété du terrain, qu'est ce qui les empêchent d'en faire ce qu'ils veulent ?


Tin c'est hallucinant ce qu'il faut prendre les choses au premier degré dans ce truc. Suite à un sujet "mariage homo", je choisis "liberté du mariage, ça regarde pas l'Etat, que les gens se marient avec leur chat ou leur chien s'ils veulent". Le jour suivant, ma page m'informe que de plus en plus de personnes épousent leur chat ou leur chien.



Whips, Chains, And Leather, Oh My!

The Issue

An organized crowd of leather-clad individuals, some of whom are on leashes, are protesting against discrimination for those who share their interests.

The Debate

1. "We happen to express our love differently, with different hobbies and activities," explains BDSM enthusiast Sue-Ann Thiesen, while wearing needle-sharp spiked heels and holding a whip. "Shops exist to cater to the needs of 'normal' people, but do you have ANY idea how hard it is to get a quality whip? A little support for our hobbies would be appreciated!"

2. "Yeah," exclaims Pete Christmas, another enthusiast, wearing nothing but a collar, "and like other couples, we want the right to display our affection in public. If Master wants to take me walkies in public, he should be able to."

3. Freddy Gutenberg dissents wholeheartedly. "This is not about showing affection--this is about moral decency. Think of the children, for God's sake! Think of the children! We must criminalize and eliminate this perversion to keep them safe. Which of course means a special task force to track down and capture these cretins!"


C'est vrai que concernant cette manie d'en appeller au gouvernement à tout bout de champ, ce jeu n'est pas totalement fictif en fait.


Aucune option valable -> dismiss.

Mais ce qui est énervant c'est quand il y a une option qui semble libérale et qu'en fait il en est tiré une interprétation étatiste.


C'est pas mal ce petit jeu meme si on finit par avoir fait le tour au bout d'un moment, voici le mien:

The Empire of Abraracourcix is a very large, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its burgeoning cock population. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 178 million are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.

The small, pro-business government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Commerce. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 11%. A healthy private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Uranium Mining and Book Publishing.

All major public areas are watched by police surveillance cameras, extreme political groups are outlawed, euthanasia is legal, and corporations donate huge sums of money to favored politicians. Crime is a problem. Abraracourcix's national animal is the cock, and its currency is the sesterce.

Abraracourcix was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Happiest Citizens.:)

Mais qu'est-ce qui faut faire pour diminuer la criminalité ? J'ai pourtant augmenté les effectifs de police et mis des caméras de surveillance partout ça n'a eu aucun effet.Je ne vais quand meme pas mettre la peine de mort et les humiliations en place publique.

  Le 08/10/2011 à 10:22, Nik a dit :

Mais qu'est-ce qui faut faire pour diminuer la criminalité ? J'ai pourtant augmenté les effectifs de police et mis des caméras de surveillance partout ça n'a eu aucun effet.Je ne vais quand meme pas mettre la peine de mort et les humiliations en place publique.

:D C'est pourtant la seul solution à ce problème dans ce jeu.

  Le 08/10/2011 à 10:22, Nik a dit :

Mais qu'est-ce qui faut faire pour diminuer la criminalité ? J'ai pourtant augmenté les effectifs de police et mis des caméras de surveillance partout ça n'a eu aucun effet.Je ne vais quand meme pas mettre la peine de mort et les humiliations en place publique.

Chez moi les violeurs subissent une ablation. Ca a bien marché on dirait.

  Le 08/10/2011 à 12:17, jamkan a dit :

Et dans la vie réelle.


Lib-org, tes anarcaps impitoyaaaaableuh

Chez moi les violeurs subissent une ablation. Ca a bien marché on dirait.

Ouch, ça pique!

  Le 08/10/2011 à 12:25, rafale a dit :

Ouch, ça pique!

Ca se cumule avec les humiliations publiques. Ablation en public pour les violeurs.

  Le 08/10/2011 à 12:38, jamkan a dit :

Ablation en public pour les violeurs.

Qu'un libéral envisage de faire ça, ça me la coupe!

  Le 08/10/2011 à 12:12, Esperluette a dit :

Chez moi les violeurs subissent une ablation. Ca a bien marché on dirait.

Si on avait la machine à lire dans les pensées, j'aurais rien contre.

En son absence, je suis rigoureusement opposé à toute peine irréversible, de la peine de mort à la torture en passant par les mutilations.

  Le 08/10/2011 à 13:33, jabial a dit :

Si on avait la machine à lire dans les pensées, j'aurais rien contre.

oui, sauf qu'avec les pensées horribles que presque tout clampin moyen à déjà eu, on va droit vers l'ablation généralisée.

  Le 08/10/2011 à 13:40, rafale a dit :

oui, sauf qu'avec les pensées horribles que presque tout clampin moyen à déjà eu, on va droit vers l'ablation généralisée.

La machine n'a vocation ni à être utilisée sur tout le monde, ni à recueillir l'ensemble des pensées. Elle doit être uniquement utilisée pour découvrir si l'accusé a ou non en mémoire l'acte qui lui est reproché. Même dans ce cas, on ne peut le considérer comme probant que si des détails nouveaux qu'il n'était pas possible de connaître auparavant viennent corroborer la réalité de cet acte.

  Le 08/10/2011 à 13:46, jabial a dit :

La machine n'a vocation ni à être utilisée sur tout le monde, ni à recueillir l'ensemble des pensées. Elle doit être uniquement utilisée pour découvrir si l'accusé a ou non en mémoire l'acte qui lui est reproché. Même dans ce cas, on ne peut le considérer comme probant que si des détails nouveaux qu'il n'était pas possible de connaître auparavant viennent corroborer la réalité de cet acte.

Tiens, ça me fait penser à un exercice de questionnement auquel je m'étais déjà astreint : est-ce qu'un amnésique pourra être tenu responsable de son crime ?

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