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Police: Philly gunman says he shot cop in name of Islam

PHILADELPHIA -- A man using a gun stolen from police said he was acting in the name of Islam when he ambushed an officer sitting in his marked cruiser at an intersection,
firing shots at point-blank range, authorities said Friday. Both the 
officer and suspect were injured during the barrage of gunfire.

Gunman in custody after ambushing Philadelphia cop

The suspect, 30-year-old Edward Archer, also pledged allegiance
to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, when he was questioned
after his arrest in the shooting late Thursday, police said.The shooting of Officer Jesse Hartnett was an attempted assassination, Police Commissioner Richard Ross said.

just came out of nowhere and started firing on him," Ross said of the 
suspect. "He just started firing with one aim and one aim only, to kill 
him."Ross said Archer told police he believed the department defends laws that are contrary to Islam.

"It stands to reason there is more unknown than known," Ross said.

CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton reported that a law 
enforcement source said the suspect was dressed as a Muslim. Ross said 
he didn't know whether that described the suspect's clothes.
A gunman takes aim at a Philadelphia police officer Jan. 7, 2016, in a still taken from police camera footage.
Philadelphia police
mother, Valerie Holliday, told The Philadelphia Inquirer he has been 
hearing voices recently and that family asked him to get help. She also 
described him as devout Muslim.The gunman fired at least 13 shots
toward Hartnett and eventually got up next to the car and reached 
through the driver's-side window. Despite being seriously wounded, 
Hartnett got out of his car, chased the suspect and returned fire, 
wounding his attacker.Hartnett, 33, was in stable condition. Archer was treated and released into police custody.

"I don't know how this officer survived," Ross said.

suspect does not appear to have been on law enforcement's radar, Milton
reports. A law enforcement official told CBS News the FBI has joined 
Philadelphia police in the investigation, Milton reports.Police said there was no indication anyone else was involved. Archer has addresses in Philadelphia and the suburb of Yeadon.

gun used by Archer was stolen from an officer's home in 2013, police 
said. Officials said they were trying to figure how Archer got the 
weapon and whether it passed through other people's hands in the time 
since the theft.The officer's father, Robert Hartnett, said his son was in good spirits.

"He's a tough guy," he said.

served eight years in the Coast Guard and joined the police five years 
ago. He always wanted to be a police officer, his father said.When Hartnett called in to report shots fired, he shouted, "I'm bleeding heavily!" into his police radio.

The suspect ran away but was quickly apprehended by other officers, authorities said.



  :fleur:  :fleur:

Kenney, in his first week as mayor of the nation's fifth-largest city, 
said, called Archer's actions "abhorrent" and "terrible" and said they 
have nothing to do the teachings of Islam."This is a criminal 
with a stolen gun who tried to kill one of our officers," he said. "It 
has nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith."



:fleur:  :fleur:    bien sur bien sur on va croire le politicien  :fleur:   :fleur:  


j'y ai cru jusqu'a cette annee.Maintenant c'est fini.

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