Librekom Posté 15 août 2016 Signaler Posté 15 août 2016 Thousands of Muslims from around the world converged on the UK for a convention where they rejected extremism and violence of terror groups such as Isis.More than 30,000 members of the Ahmadiyya Islamic movement met at Oakland Farm in Hampshire for a three-day convention, the 50th time the annual event has taken place.On the final day, attendees were led by the global Caliph of the movement in a vow of peace and and a pledge of allegiance to their home countries"Let it be clear that they are not practising Islam, rather it seems as though they have invented their own hate-filled and poisonous religion."The Ahmadiyya movement has 129 centres across the UK including the Baitul Futh Mosque in south London, the biggest in Western Europe.The movement was founded in India in 1889 with a strong emphasis of peace over violence and tolerance over extremism.The President of the UK Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Rafiq Hayat said: “The 30,000 plus people from over 90 countries gathering at the convention come in the spirit of fraternity – and to give thanks for the security and freedom they have found in Britain.“Many have fled persecution in other countries and together, they will re-affirm their pledge to follow the true teachings of Islam – that are teachings of peace – and to counter all forms of extremism and intolerance.“We have much to be grateful for in Britain which has allowed our community to prosper and contribute to British life for more than 100 years. We count ourselves proud to call ourselves British Ahmadi Muslims.”
Bézoukhov Posté 15 août 2016 Signaler Posté 15 août 2016 Bon, après, les Ahmadistes, c'est un brin particulier, hein . On pourrait aller jusqu'à dire que c'est plus une forme de syncrétisme entre Inde, chrétienté et soufisme que de l'Islam. Les mecs sont persécutés au point d'être interdits de pèlerinage à la Mecque. Et d'ailleurs, pour se réformer, les mecs ont eu besoin de ressusciter Jésus et de le faire mourir quelque part au delà de l'Indus.
Neuron Posté 16 août 2016 Signaler Posté 16 août 2016 La question reste donc toute entière : existe-t-il un musulman pratiquant ?
Cugieran Posté 16 août 2016 Signaler Posté 16 août 2016 Pendant ce temps en France : faut-il interdire le burkini ?
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