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Des Armes Dans Un Avion?

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Encore un exemple du fait que même si l'on peut débattre de la nécessité ou de l'efficacité d'armes dans les avions, contre les détournements, les problèmes ne se résolvent pas, c'est un euphémisme, quand l'Etat se mèle de trouver et faire appliquer SA solution…

Gun nuts at 30,000 feet?

(je vous laissse deviner qui est devenu nut dans l'histoire…)

The TSA was determined to quickly expand the number of marshals from a few hundred to more than six thousand. However, most of the applicants failed the marksmanship test. The TSA solved that problem by dropping the marksmanship test for new applicants – even though the ability to shoot accurately in a plane cabin is widely considered a crucial part of a marshal’s job.


USA Today’s Blake Morrison noted a report that “one marshal was suspended after he left his gun in a lavatory aboard a United Airlines flight from Washington to Las Vegas in December. A passenger discovered the weapon.” An air marshal left his pistol on a Northwest flight from Detroit to Indianapolis; a cleaning crew discovered the weapon.

(bon ok c'est anecdotique..)


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