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Republican Presidential Candidates


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Je vous laisse commenter ce petit graphique, issu du sire :


  Rincevent a dit :
Je vous laisse commenter ce petit graphique, issu du sire :


On remarque qu'on a bien un axe dans ce graphique (tous les points sont pratiquement alignés) et que Ron Paul n'est pas sur la droite en question.

Invité jabial

Ron Paul n'est pas loin de Friedman (qui n'aparaît pas sur ce graphe mais passons) et de…. moi :icon_up:

Au passage, je ne sais pas qui est l'escroc qui a foutu Gravel en bas de l'axe libertarian, mais c'est vraiment peu conforme à ses positions. Anti-war ne signifie pas nécessairement libéral. Entre la net neutrality et les écolo taxes, c'est nettement pire que la position de Ron Paul sur l'immigration - en tout cas selon moi.

  Chitah a dit :
On remarque qu'on a bien un axe dans ce graphique (tous les points sont pratiquement alignés) et que Ron Paul n'est pas sur la droite en question.

On a surtout un axe qui a une sens et une définition sur le plan des idée et un axe qui n'a aucune définition précise.

En fait, droite gauche chez eux regroupe à la fois les sens de prog VS conservateur et rigueur budgétaire Vs dépenses il me semble…

  Rincevent a dit :
Je vous laisse commenter ce petit graphique, issu du sire :


Ce qui est intéressant, c'est de voir comment est calculé ce mignon graphique. Et ça m'a l'air plutot crapuleux. Dans le classement des gouvernements européens, ils parlent du "trop lent" développement des "libertés sociales".

je parle pas des questions, surtout dans la rubrique économie:

"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."

"Controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment."

"A genuine free market requires restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies"

et des "<personnal matter> should be or not like this or like that" et autres questions du genre flattant le fascisme des gens.

Qu'est-ce tu veux répondre à des questions biaisées comme ça? Leur grille d'analyse semble être basée sur certains présupposés faux…

Invité jabial

J'ai râlé sur la page facebook. En effet, il existe des questions qui sont morales plus que politiques, et ça ne devrait pas être utilisé pour un classement politique.

  jabial a dit :
Ron Paul n'est pas loin de Friedman (qui n'aparaît pas sur ce graphe mais passons) et de…. moi :icon_up:

Au passage, je ne sais pas qui est l'escroc qui a foutu Gravel en bas de l'axe libertarian, mais c'est vraiment peu conforme à ses positions. Anti-war ne signifie pas nécessairement libéral. Entre la net neutrality et les écolo taxes, c'est nettement pire que la position de Ron Paul sur l'immigration - en tout cas selon moi.

Sur le graphique, "Libertarian" est plutôt un synonyme de "Anti-authoritarian". En effet, dans cette version (reconstruisant de manière indépendante le diagramme de Nolan), l'axe horizontal reflète sensiblement le degré de respect des droits économiques, et l'axe vertical celui des droits civils et politiques.

Pour ma part, je suis un peu plus bas que Friedman sur le graphique.

  jabial a dit :
Au passage, je ne sais pas qui est l'escroc qui a foutu Gravel en bas de l'axe libertarian, mais c'est vraiment peu conforme à ses positions.

Tout à fait.

De toute façon, ce "politicalcompass test", c'est vraiment n'importe quoi…

  jabial a dit :
Entre la net neutrality et les écolo taxes, c'est nettement pire que la position de Ron Paul sur l'immigration - en tout cas selon moi.

Ben, c'est évident.



Giuliani says Patriot Act is OK

Republican Rudy Giuliani said yesterday the USA Patriot Act "seems to be operating pretty darn well" and that he knows of no changes he would propose as President.

"I don't know of any areas in which it isn't operating well," he said yesterday. "I can't think of anything I would add to it, but sometimes you think of things as you go along."

The former New York City Mayor said the war on terrorism requires Americans to "take on certain burdens," but he said he does not believe they are sacrificing personal rights and freedoms.

He said extra safety measures for air travelers are "a small price to pay, but it is one we have to pay to check people more carefully,"

The government "does need to have more information about people coming into the United States," he said. "If that requires a little more inconvenience, it's necessary.

"This is all a question of how much do you minimize the risk. If you have the Patriot Act, if you have electronic surveillance and if you have aggressive questioning, it doesn't mean that you're going to pick up every attack, but it does mean you give yourself the better chance of doing that," he said.

He said the Democrats want to "cut back" in these areas.

"Sometimes, when I listen to the other side, they seem to be more interested in the wrongs to the terrorists than the wrongs being done by the terrorists," Giuliani said.

Giuliani said that as President, he would "remind everyone that our first preventers are our police officers. They are our eyes and ears in the community. They should be trained to look for the things that suggest a terrorist attack."

He noted that the terrorist plot against Fort Dix, N.J., earlier this year was first picked up by a local police officer and a store clerk.

►Giuliani: Yanks will have to pursue Lowell

"That's the kind of thing you have to make sure police officers all over the country are alert to," he said.

Giuliani said Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff was "the first person I hired" when he learned he would be U.S. Attorney in New York City in the 1970s. He called Chertoff a "very good choice" for his current post "because he understands law enforcement really well."

Giuliani said he supports the joining of border security agencies under the homeland security umbrella and the agency also "empowers" local law enforcement to deal with terrorist attacks.

He said he is committed "to get every community in America at least up to a basic level of preparation. The Department of Homeland Security should evaluate the level of preparation all throughout the country and find out who needs help to get up to a level that, if there were an anthrax or a biological attack, or a dirty bomb, they'd know how to spot it, react to it and take the first three or four steps before the federal government or the state can come in and help."

Giuliani said he sees no need for a military draft. Morale in the military is high, he said, while "politicians" and the mainstream media "have the morale problem."

He said military officers have told him, "There is great strength with a volunteer force."

Giuliani said that as the GOP nominee, he would ensure that New Hampshire's delegates are seated at the national convention next year, despite punishment against the local party by the Republican National Committee.

He said the two major political parties trying to dictate a nominating schedule "is a big mistake."


Mais j'espère bien qu'il gagnera!…aul-to-jay.html

Ron Paul to Jay Leno: 'I could win'

The campaign has been going so well in his view that "there's probably a risk I could win," Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul just told NBC-TV's Jay Leno.

We listened in on the audio of the "feed" that the network sends to its affiliates each evening of The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. Paul's appearance will be broadcast on NBC tonight. The show goes on the air around 11:35 p.m. ET.

Paul, who remains in the low single figures nationally in most media polls, has been raising more money than several candidates who are better known and has certainly been generating more buzz on the Internet, where his videos and blog postings about him have multiplied sharply in recent months.

He told Leno he attributes those successes "to the message."

"I have shortcomings, but the message has no shortcomings," Paul said. It's all about "liberty," he added.

Paul ticked off some of the things he would try to do as president -- including bringing all U.S. troops home from Iraq and eliminating the federal income tax.

Leno asked if Paul, who ran for president as a Libertarian in 1988, would accept the vice presidential slot on a Republican ticket. "I probably wouldn't be offered one," Paul deadpanned -- to laughs from the audience.

Du spam pour favoriser un candidat présidentiel aux États-Unis

Ei si ça agaçait les utilisateurs plutôt ?


spamLa société BitDefender, que l'on connaît pour ses solutions de sécurité, vient de publier un rapport sur une première concernant le petit monde fantastique du spam : l'aide à la promotion présidentielle.

Aux États-Unis en effet, BitDefender a relevé une série de courriers électroniques vantant les qualités du républicain Ron Paul. Selon l'éditeur toutefois, tous ces spams proviennent de nombreuses machines réparties sur une zone géographique étendue. La société pense donc qu'il s'agit d'une campagne qui a peu de chances d'être légitime. De plus, elle estime en outre que les symptômes sont ceux d'un parc de machines zombies agissant sous l'emprise d'un ou plusieurs bots.

« C'est la première fois que nous observons l'utilisation de spam pour essayer d'influencer une campagne présidentielle, aux États-Unis ou ailleurs. Il reste à étudier son impact, si impact il y a, sur les résultats de l'élection, mais cet incident est toutefois inquiétant, car des personnes d'autres sensibilités politiques peuvent choisir de le contrer par du spam pour leur propre candidat » précise l'éditeur.


Esperons que ce soit pas de lui … Sinon il y a pas de critiques dans les commentaires "bouh c'est un libéral et il est au GOP", ça m'a fait plaisir


Yesterday a supporter noted that Paul’s book A Foreign Policy of Freedom was listed as number 342 on Amazon’s bestsellers list. Knowing that Dr. Paul and his army could do better, said supporter suggested here that something be done about it. The result, certainly aided by The Tonight Show appearance, was a purchasing surge that virtually blasted the book up the charts to number twenty-two, all within a matter of hours.

The book has yet to reach number one yet this spontaneous support drive has already garnered press in the mainstream media. Posted yesterday in the First Read section of MSNBC’s website, this story, briefly covers the phenomenon noting that the jump in rank has also earned A Foreign Policy of Freedom a spot on the Amazon “Movers and Shakers” list as well. Fitting, one might say.

While this press is great, the drive to #1 isn’t over yet. So check out the MSNBC coverage and then get your copy of A Foreign Policy of Freedom and help put this excellent book right where it belongs (your bookshelf, your friends’ bookshelves and local public library) today!


  Phil a dit :
Jim rogers supporte Ron Paul.

il dit aussi dans l'interview:

For the past 30 yeats the chinese has been the best run government in the world
  A.B. a dit :
Au fait,

je suis curieux de voir la réaction dans les media

J'espere que çà aura un certain effet. Mais pour l'instant ils ne sont que 15 000.

Ce qu'il faudrait surtout, c'est que les célébrités libertariennes commencent à se montrer.

Que font Eastwood, Reitman et les réalisateurs de South Park?


RP est vraiment excellent. Son discours est remarquablement bien rôdé, il a de la bouteille. Je veux le même type en France.

Quand même un peu courbé le papy : 72 ans !

Attention tout de même à ne pas en faire une idole. Je lis les mots ''our leader", "the greatest man ever"… Ca ne sonne pas très bien à mes oreilles.


Pour ceux qui s'illusionneraient encore sur Mike Huckabee:


By Don Feder

The problem with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee isn't his funny name, which brings to mind a character in a Hanna-Barbera cartoon. (What kind of a name is Mitt, anyway?)

It's not the fact that he strums a guitar or that, other than governing Arkansas for a decade, his principal claim to fame is losing 110-lbs.

What scares me about Huckabee is that he's a practitioner of the ghastly art of political compassion. He could even be one of those compassionate conservatives we've heard so much about -- except he's not a conservative.

Huckabee's stock is rising. Friday's Rasmussen Poll has him among the top tier candidates for the GOP nomination. With 12%, the former governor is behind Giuliani, Thompson and McCain (at 14%) but ahead of Deep-Pockets Mitt (with 11%).

Understandably, Huckabee wowed them at the recent Values Voter Washington Briefing, sponsored by Family Research Council. For those who attended the conference and voted (instead of voting online), Huckabee won with 51%.

Superficially, Huckabee looks like the ideal candidate for social conservatives -- pro-life, anti-gay marriage and a Baptist minister to boot. A friend of mine who's an evangelical and a Beltway pundit says a lot of it comes down to tribal politics. The religious right, which is dominated by evangelicals, looks at Huckabee and sees one of its own. It is mistaken.

Abortion and marriage are make-or-break issues for me. But, uncompassionate conservative that I am, I also care about taxes and spending, secure borders, the economy, crime and the Constitution.

I'm not alone. Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly says Huckabee "destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party in shambles," Schlafly charges, "Yet some of the same evangelicals who sold us on George W. Bush as a 'compassionate conservative' are now trying to sell us on Huckabee." Call the Better Business Bureau.

Richard Viguerie, as principled and tough-minded as anyone on the right, observes, "But while Gov. Huckabee stands strong on some issues like abortion that are important to social conservatives, a careful examination of his record as governor reveals that he is just another wishy-washy Republican who enthusiastically promotes big government" -- which is why Time Magazine thought Huckabee was one of the nation's five best governors. Time doesn't hand out awards for cutting taxes and reducing spending.

During his years in Little Rock, Huckabee raised the state's sales tax by 37%, the gas tax by 16% and the cigarette tax by 103% (all fall particularly hard on the poor). State spending went up a staggering 65.3% -- three times the inflation rate. The state's workforce grew by 20% and Arkansas' general obligation debt increased $1 billion.

Conservatives most familiar with the man are the most skeptical of his conservative credentials. At its July convention, the Arkansas Republican Assembly, which represents the state party's right-wing, took a presidential preference straw poll. Thompson swept the field with 86%.

Betsy Hagan, Arkansas director of Schlafly's Eagle Forum, says that outside of a few key social issues, Huckabee governed as a liberal. "Just like Bill Clinton, he will charm you, but don't be surprised if he takes a completely different turn in office," Hagan cautions.

Huckabee is a sucker for social spending. In April 2006, he raised the state's minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.25 an hour, levying yet another tax on businesses and consumers -- one that destroys entry-level jobs.

Huckabee is particularly proud of his ArKids First program, which greatly expanded government-paid health insurance for children. Compassionate? Sure -- except it's one more small step on the road to socialized medicine -- which hasn't worked that well for the Brits and Canadians who've died waiting for operations, due to the inevitable shortage of medical services in a state-run system.

Huckabee calls the notorious No Child (Bureaucrat) Left Behind program the greatest education reform in his lifetime.

It all goes back to Huckabee's fatal flaw -- the Big C. The governor is one of those Republicans who's desperate to be loved. He craves the establishment's approval and gets an emotional high by doing good, invariably at someone else's expense.

Huckabee supports a mandatory cap on the release of greenhouse gases. "It goes to the moral issue," the governor intones. "We have a responsibility to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions…." This, even though he's unsure that C0-2 emissions actually have anything to do with global warming. "But whether there is or there isn't (a human factor in climate change) , it doesn't release us from the responsibility to be good stewards of the environment…. It's a spiritual issue. The earth belongs to God. I have no right to destroy it."

Good stewards also have a responsibility to consider the consequences of junk science. In the 1960s, Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" (the era's "Inconvenient Truth") convinced governments to ban DDT as toxic to humans. In the Third World, mosquitoes multiplied. So did malaria and typhus. Since 1972, 100 million have died of these preventable diseases, mostly in Africa, due to political stewardship.

Does God want us to destroy the U.S. economy? Does He want us to sit in darkened homes, warmed only by thoughts of the imaginary benefits conferred on the penguins and polar bears? Huckabee is an acolyte of the Church of Gore because it feels good -- it makes him feel morally superior to all of those energy-profligate conservatives who -- by not embracing this pious fraud -- desecrate the Gospel of Eco-Doom.

Huckabee also backs the so-called DC voting rights bill, telling reporters that DC residents are "American citizens. They pay taxes and it just doesn't seem right that someone could be at least partially disenfranchised."

If residents of the District of Columbia were mostly Caucasians, instead of black, would the left care? Would Huckabee? Jesse Jackson and his gang have turned this into a civil rights, meaning a race, issue.

No representation in return for getting the national government in your backyard -- that's the bargain that was made at America's founding.

There are all kinds of goodies derived from residing in the District. One way or another, most residents make a living from Uncle Sugar. For that, Washingtonians give up direct representation in Congress. If they simply cannot live without the bliss of voting for Congress-things, they can move a few miles into either Virginia or Maryland and vote in Congressional elections to their heart's content.

His regard for DC denizens is exceeded only by Huckabee's affection for aliens of the illegal persuasion.

When there was a bill before the Arkansas legislature to require proof of citizenship to vote and to cut off most government services to illegals, Huckabee did a passable impression of Linda Chavez, claiming the measure "inflames those who are racists and bigots and makes them think there's a real problem. But there's not."

Twelve million to fifteen million illegal aliens? More coming every day? Hospitals closed and schools severely overburdened? No problemo!

Huckabee now tries to rationalize that smear, generously allowing he does not think everyone who's concerned about criminals and terrorists infiltrating our porous borders -- not all who resent subsidies for the horde who are here illegally -- are the moral equivalent of Nazis and nightriders.

What's behind this gratuitous insult to patriotic Americans? Can't you guess?

In a 2003 radio address, Huckabee told the citizens of Arkansas: "I looked into the eyes of immigrant Mexican children and was moved. These children often don't have enough to eat, don't have good clothes and don't have a dry place to sleep… And I was reminded we can give something back by offering a helping hand to those who follow the American dream along Interstate 30 and Interstate 40 into Arkansas." Like Hillary, he's doing it for the kids -- and, in the process, throwing away the best issue the Republican Party will have next year.

Eventually, all compassionate politicians get around to slobbering over violent felons. Huckabee is no exception. Wayne Dumond served seven years of a life plus-20-year sentence for the kidnapping/rape of a 17-year-old cheerleader. Dumond claims that while he was awaiting trial, men broke into his home and castrated him. Sadly, he survived.

Shortly after he became governor, Dumond's pardon application crossed Huckabee's desk.

While denying the pardon, Huckabee helped with the parole board by sending the rapist a personal letter disclosing, "My desire is that you be released from prison. I feel that parole is the best way for your reintroduction to society to take place." A 2002 article in the Arkansas Times reports Huckabee's staff worked behind the scenes to secure the rapist's release. Was Huckabee moved after looking into Dumond's eyes and seeing another of society's victims who was just following the American dream?

Ashley Stevens, who Dumond raped, told Huckabee "If you ever let him out, he's going to do it again." Huckabee was unmoved, even when Stevens thrust her face inches from his and told him "This is how close I was to Dumond's face for an hour. I'll never forget his face, and you'll never forget mine."

None of that dissuaded Mr. Compassion. Wouldn't you know it, the year after the parole board reintroduced Dumond into society, he moved to Missouri where he sexually assaulted and murdered a 39-year-old woman.

To this day, Huckabee is in a state of denial (unfortunately for him, not one of the early primary states) regarding his role in this tragedy, insisting, "My only official action was to deny his clemency." In terms of taking responsibility for their actions, Huckabee and Hillary have more in common than at first meets the eye.

What traits should we seek in a president? Compassion is way down on my list -- well below guts, integrity, farsightedness, determination and patriotism.

Huckabee has bought into the left's definition of compassion, a mushy mix of sentimentality and victimology. The avatar of this species of compassion is Jimmy Carter -- Nobel laureate, builder of homes for the poor, anti-American agitator who accuses Israel of racism, (like Huckabee, a Baptist given to homilies), and easily America's worst president in the post-war era.

Political compassion comes at a price. Compassion for the recipients of social spending hurts taxpayers, including the struggling middle class and working poor. (It hurts recipients too by addicting them to the dole.) Compassion for illegal immigrants hurts the victims of criminal aliens, not to mention the Americans who see their national unity slipping away (eroded by those who refuse to learn our language or identify with our country). Compassion for criminals is an affront to their victims -- past and future.

Mike Huckabee, who's big on Bible quotes, should contemplate the Talmudic adage: Kindness to the cruel is cruelty to the kind.

Huckabee will not be the Republican nominee in 2008, for which we should be exceedingly grateful. He lacks the organization and finances. (As of September 30, he had $650,000 cash on hand, compared to $16.6 million for Giuliani, $9.2 million for Romney, and $7.1 million for Thompson.) Money isn't everything. But, with the nomination process front-loaded and the need to run campaigns in a dozen states simultaneously, it is indispensable.

It's only in the past week that Huckabee, due to the Iowa and FRC conference straw-polls, moved into double digits in national polling -- bumps he won't get again.

Huckabee won't be the nominee. But he could draw enough votes from an authentic conservative to throw the nomination to Giuliani, which, by fracturing the Republican base, would result in the election of the creature from the 9th circle of Hell, who seems to have a lock on her party's nomination -- not my idea of compassion either.

Quand je disais que c'était un con

  Roniberal a dit :
Pourquoi ce sourire?

parce que ça me fait sourire :icon_up:. le post d'avant me faisait sourire aussi.

  Roniberal a dit :
Quand je disais que c'était un con

Je trouve, au contraire, qu'il est plutôt cohérent avec ses idées (par rapport à d'autres républicains), même si je suis en désaccord avec lui pour la majeure partie d'entre elles.


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