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Images pas fun mais tout de même cool


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  Le 01/01/2015 à 21:23, DiabloSwing a dit :

C'est propret par chez toi, y compris la photo. On dirait un décor de cinéma...pas de photoshop ?



C'est du HDR garantie à 100% + retouches classiques.


edit ; pour info, c'est facile à déduire car sur cette photo, de nombreux éléments sensées être d'une exposition très différente sont tous exposés de la même façon. Les murs des batiments aussi exposé que les feux d'artifices que les lampadaires.

  Le 01/01/2015 à 21:44, Jaimepasmonpseudo a dit :

C'est du HDR garantie à 100% + retouches classiques.


edit ; pour info, c'est facile à déduire car sur cette photo, de nombreux éléments sensées être d'une exposition très différente sont tous exposés de la même façon. Les murs des batiments aussi exposé que les feux d'artifices que les lampadaires.


Alright so I'm not French but this is my photo. Found this via Google image search, since this was picture was ripped.


It's not HDR, it's a single exposure, and there is only minor touching up in Lightroom by the way.


Where did you get the high res version of this picture?

  Le 02/01/2015 à 14:41, ReneHuwae a dit :

Alright so I'm not French but this is my photo.

Hi and welcome :)
  Le 01/01/2015 à 21:44, Jaimepasmonpseudo a dit :

C'est du HDR garantie à 100% + retouches classiques.

  Le 02/01/2015 à 14:41, ReneHuwae a dit :

Alright so I'm not French but this is my photo. Found this via Google image search, since this was picture was ripped.

It's not HDR, it's a single exposure, and there is only minor touching up in Lightroom by the way.

Where did you get the high res version of this picture?

Uhoh, this makes for an interesting conversation.

  Le 02/01/2015 à 14:41, ReneHuwae a dit :

Alright so I'm not French but this is my photo. Found this via Google image search, since this was picture was ripped.


It's not HDR, it's a single exposure, and there is only minor touching up in Lightroom by the way.


Where did you get the high res version of this picture?


I accept any raw file as proof if it's not a joke from a member of the forum. :mrgreen:


I find it quite weird to look to his own image in google search. I never did that despite i take pictures for 15 years and have 100K+ pictures. Why do you do that for this one ?  (i am curious if you are the real owner)


I post this picture that I found on IMGUR.
Original Poster on IMGUR said that author is called René Huwaë who present himself as a 19-year-old film & motion designer, and student Image & Media Technology at the University of the Arts Utrecht.

Here is his page on 550px :
Here is his Facebook profile:

He looks quite talented to me for 19 year old photographer but I'm far to be a pro.


Hi guys,


I'm sorry commenting out of nowhere. I was trying to find where it was being posted because sites like 9GAG and such, so I decided to do a image-search, which I had never done before, and ended up here. Didn't mean to offend you in any way, but I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. I was a bit annoyed by the fact that my picture was going anywhere without my knowledge, so again, I'm sorry.  :icon_wink:


If you want to have a look at the RAW files, be my guest, haha. Here is a before and after screenshot:


Have a look at the settings on the right side of the frame; you'll see I didn't even boost the shadows.




In the meantime, I confirm that the ReneHuwae on this forum is the same guy who own the Rene Huwae account on Facebook.


Jaimepasmonpseudo was last seen on the forum today at 16:32 and we are still waiting for his answer!!


  Le 03/01/2015 à 10:41, Snow a dit :

C'est une très jolie langue 


Heeft niemand ooit gezegd.

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