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Tout ce qui a été posté par Freezbee

  1. Bien. Changeons de méthode alors. Il semble que non...
  2. À Saint-Quentin, on n'a pas de chats à balancer contre les murs mais on a des bébés :
  3. Tiens... justement, parlons de l'impact d'une telle longévité sur la sexualité. Est-ce que ça vaudra toujours le coup de bander ?
  4. D'accord avec ça, j'ai pensé la même chose à ce moment. À sa décharge, le format des conférences Ted ne lui permet pas de s'étendre... Si tu veux des exemples concrets, je vois quand-même, parfois, des nouvelles intéressantes. J'avais posté cette info il y a un jour ou deux : En bref, grâce à l'immunothérapie, un groupe de 16 patients atteints de leucémie a atteint un taux de rémission de 88% (contre 5% habituellement). C'est plutôt encourageant, non ? Une autre « brève » sur le vieillissement :
  5. Il faudrait regrouper les deux... tu as bien introduit le sujet, mais je préfère mon titre (inspiré par la réflexion de NicolasB). Plus bucolique. On pourrait continuer ici ; d'un autre côté, Anton avait posté une réponse intéressante...
  6. Koenigsegg présente la première... megacar. Mega pour 1 MW. Soit 1358 ch...
  7. ... et une vidéo - un peu WTF - que je n'ai pas osé poster en début de fil :
  8. Je viens d'en créer un :
  9. Suite de la discussion entamée sur le fil « vidéos intéressantes »... puisque ce sujet semble intriguer un certain nombre de liborgiens. Je commence par une version intégrée de la vidéo postée par Loi :
  10. La fille attribue le déplacement du vortex polaire au réchauffement climatique.
  11. Si quelqu'un peut m'expliquer comment le climat influence le magnétisme terrestre...??? J'ai dû manquer quelque chose. Business as usual.
  12. Freezbee


    A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there is sex after death. Their biggest fear was that there was no after life at all. After a long life together, the husband was the first to die. True to his word, he made the first contact: “Marion, Marion.” “Is that you, Bob?” “Yes, I’ve come back like we agreed.” “That’s wonderful! What’s it like?” “Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast and then it’s off to the golf course. I have sex again, bathe in the warm sun and then have sex a couple of more times.. Then I have lunch (you’d be proud — lots of greens). Another romp around the golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon. After supper, it’s back to golf course again. Then it’s more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again”. “Oh, Bob! Are you in Heaven?” “No… I’m a rabbit somewhere in Arizona.”
  13. Freezbee


    A boy was feeling very nervous about his first date, and so went to his father for advice. "My son, there are three subjects that always work with women: food, family, and philosophy." The boy picks up his date and they stare at each other for a long time. The boy's nervousness builds, but he then remembers his father's advice and asks the girl, "Do you like potato pancakes?" "No," comes the answer, and the silence returns like a suffocating blanket. "Do you have a brother?" "No." After giving it some thought, the boy plays his last card: "If you had a brother, would he like potato pancakes?"
  14. Freezbee


    A physicist, a mathematician and an engineer stay in a hotel. The engineer is awakened by a smell and gets up to check it. He finds a fire in the hallway, sees a nearby fire extinguisher and after extinguishing it, goes back to bed. Later that night, the physicist gets up, again because of the smell of fire. He quickly gets up and sees the fire in the hallway. After calculating air pressure, flame temperature and humidity as well as distance to the fire and projected trajectory, he extinguishes the fire with the least amount of fluid. Alternatives :
  15. Freezbee


    Amanda is 21 years older than her son John. In 6 years from now, Amanda will be 5 times as old as John. Question : Where is Amanda's husband? Solution : Je sais, ce n'est pas forcément son mari...
  16. Freezbee


    Two chemists walk into a bar. The first says, "Can I have a glass of H2O." The second chemist says "Can I have a glass of water too." The first chemist broke down in tears - his assassination attempt had failed.
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