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Suppression de la participation annuelle de 30euros pour l'Aide Médicale d'Etat aux étrangers en situation irrégulière…

Pendant ce temps, les pauvres sans mutuelle paient le forfait hospitalier, 18euros par jour

C'est pas que ça représente beaucoup en termes financiers, mais voilà encore bien une mesure faite pour marquer les esprits de gôche.

  Le 13/07/2012 à 12:52, Chitah a dit :

Mme Pulvar devient rédactrice en chef du magazine Valeurs Actuelles.

Euh non je voulais dire les Inrocks.

Je ne le connais pas ce magazine. Est-il destiné à un publique d'animaux de basse-cour ?

Si ça n'est pas le cas, pourquoi mettre Pulvar rédac'chef ?

  Le 13/07/2012 à 18:59, Bisounours a dit :

Déconnes pas ! C'est une super promo pour elle !

Alors qu'elle aurait pu bosser comme DRH à Aulnay…

  Le 13/07/2012 à 12:52, Chitah a dit :

Mme Pulvar devient rédactrice en chef du magazine Valeurs Actuelles.

Euh non je voulais dire les Inrocks.

Cela lui sied très bien.

  Le 13/07/2012 à 21:15, WBell a dit :

Je pensais qu'elle partait dans Vaucluse, parce que ça pue, le Var.



Bof, à une fellation près on allait bien élire un cochon pour président, je ne vois pas ou est le problème.

Bon, plus sérieusement, c'est un excellante chose pour la ville, et je suis persuadé que ce chat ne fera passer aucune mesures liberticides.


La domination des chats commence. Le chatbéralisme. Le nouvel ordre mondial.


Chat-pitalisme quoi.

Félibéralisme ?




Sérieusement, l'idée est géniale. Je sais pas si c'est possible en France, mais si c'est le cas, il faut faire quelque chose.

Britain flooded with 'brand police' to protect sponsors

Olympic security is in disarray, but organisers are taking no chances with corporate deals…

Monday 16 July 2012

Hundreds of uniformed Olympics officers will begin touring the country today enforcing sponsors' multimillion-pound marketing deals, in a highly organised mission that contrasts with the scramble to find enough staff to secure Olympic sites.

Almost 300 enforcement officers will be seen across the country checking firms to ensure they are not staging "ambush marketing" or illegally associating themselves with the Games at the expense of official sponsors such as Adidas, McDonald's, Coca-Cola and BP. The clampdown goes on while 3,500 soldiers on leave are brought in to bail out the security firm G4S which admitted it could not supply the numbers of security staff it had promised.

Yesterday, the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, refused to rule out that even more soldiers may be called upon to help with security, but dismissed the issue as merely a "hitch". However, as well as the regular Army, the Olympic "brand army" will start its work with a vengeance today.

Wearing purple caps and tops, the experts in trading and advertising working for the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) are heading the biggest brand protection operation staged in the UK. Under legislation specially introduced for the London Games, they have the right to enter shops and offices and bring court action with fines of up to £20,000.

Olympics organisers have warned businesses that during London 2012 their advertising should not include a list of banned words, including "gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London".

Publicans have been advised that blackboards advertising live TV coverage must not refer to beer brands or brewers without an Olympics deal, while caterers and restaurateurs have been told not to advertise dishes that could be construed as having an association with the event.

At the 40 Olympics venues, 800 retailers have been banned from serving chips to avoid infringing fast-food rights secured by McDonald's.

Marina Palomba, for the McCann Worldgroup agency in London, described the rules as "the most draconian law in advance of an Olympic Games ever". The ODA and Locog (London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games) say the rules are necessary to protect brands.

"These rights are acquired by companies who invest millions of pounds to help support the staging of the Games," Locog said. "People who seek the same benefits for free – by engaging in ambush marketing or producing counterfeit goods – are effectively depriving the Games of revenue."

Some £1.4bn of the Games' £11.4bn budget comes from private sector sponsors. The International Olympic Committee's 11 global partners, including Coca-Cola, Visa and Proctor & Gamble, are contributing £700m while £700m comes from London 2012 partners, including Adidas, BT, EDF, and Lloyds TSB.

The scale of the brand enforcement squad is nonetheless likely to intensify criticism that the Olympics has become too corporate. Paul Jordan, an expert in brand protection at Bristows solicitors who advises firms on the rules, said they were almost certainly tougher than at previous Olympics. "No other brands would have people walking the streets being their eyes and ears, protecting their interests," he said.

A spokesman for the Olympic Delivery Authority, whose team of 286 enforcement officers have been seconded from 30 local councils, said it had a duty to ensure businesses were meeting the rules.

"We are using experienced local authority staff who currently enforce street trading and advertising legislation. They have all been fully trained," the spokesman said.

"Deliberate ambush offences will be dealt with using the full enforcement powers conferred on officers."


Est-ce bien libéral, tout ça ?

  Le 17/07/2012 à 12:30, Tramp a dit :

Ils ne cachent même plus que les sommets-de-la-dernière-chance-pour-sauver-la-social-démocrassie-et-les-états-obèses servent juste à s'empiffrer :

[…] les chefs [cuisiniers] […] devraient se régaler […] de "fraises des bois dans leur jus tiède accompagnées d'un sorbet au fromage blanc". Pas possible, c'est fait exprès….

Lorànt Deutsch explorera "Le Paris de Céline" en septembre 2012

Au cœur d’une polémique entre la ville de Paris et le groupe PCF- parti de gauche concernant l’idéologie contenue dans son best-seller Métronome, Lorànt Deutsch annonce la parution d’un livre à la rentrée intitulé Le Paris de Céline.

Ecrivain, comédien, animateur de bonne humeur, Lorànt Deutsch ne s’arrête que pour faire escale et prendre la correspondance de son prochain métro. En septembre prochain, il publiera Le Paris de Céline avec Patrick Buisson, politologue et président de la chaîne Histoire, un livre tiré du documentaire diffusé en 3D sur France 5, à paraître chez Albin Michel.


  Le 18/07/2012 à 08:48, Chitah a dit :

Avec Patrick Buisson en plus. :lol: Mais il est extraordniaire ce Lorant Deutsch. :lol:

Au début, je savais pas de qui vous parliez, puis j'ai googlé. Puis j'ai trouvé ça:

Quel coup de nostalgie, j'écoutais ça quand j'étais gosse :o

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