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Nation States

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2 hours ago: Following new legislation in kolsland__772786t2.jpgKolsland, crowds of flag-burning protesters tend to accidentally become crowds of burning protesters.

Ce jeu est sublime. icon_aime2.gif

Etre dans le 10% of the world shortest average lifespan, cela n'a pas de prix.


Si ça vous intéresse il y a une région libertarienne assez marrante: LaissezFaireHolm

J'aimerais bien montrez aux autres qu'il y a des libertariens en France :frog:

  Le 04/11/2011 à 12:35, Normous a dit :

On peut arriver à 0%?

Alex l'a fait aussi ainsi que le sultan du Chitahistan :

Compulsory Consumerist State

Civil Right:
Very Strong
Political Freedoms:
Unheard Of

Regional Influence: Minnow

Location: Lazarus

Overview •


The Sultanate of Chitahistan is a massive, socially progressive nation, ruled by Leader with an iron fist, and notable for its complete lack of public education. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 1.039 billion are rabid consumers, partly through choice and partly because the government tells them to and dissenters tend to vanish from their homes at night.

There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, corrupt, pro-business individuals is effectively ruled by the Department of Defence, with areas such as Social Equality and the Environment receiving almost no funds by comparison. Income tax is unheard of. A healthy private sector is led by the Gambling industry, followed by Information Technology and Beef-Based Agriculture.

The military has had to quell a recent insurrection by uninsured revolutionaries, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume, armed police units patrol the roads late at night, and almost half of the child population live rough on the streets. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is a major problem, probably because of the country's utter lack of prisons. Chitahistan's national animal is the turkey, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the denarius.

Chitahistan is ranked 1378th in Lazarus and 26,530th in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides.


Le Filthikistan commence à bien se porter…


The Free Land of Filthikistan is a huge, socially progressive nation, notable for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 326 million hold their civil and political rights very dear, although the wealthy and those in business tend to be viewed with suspicion.

There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, corrupt, liberal individuals is mainly concerned with Commerce, although Education and Law & Order are on the agenda. Income tax is unheard of. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Pizza Delivery and Woodchip Exports.

Citizens are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits, Filthikistan is notorious for its citizens' infidelity, citizens simply have to point a weapon at a government official to get what they want, and it is illegal for police officers to carry out searches due to strict privacy laws. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is crippling, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Filthikistan's national animal is the Platypus, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Brouzouf.

Filthikistan is ranked 1592nd in the West Pacific and 35,985th in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides.


On remarquera que je suis classé parmi le décile des nations ayant les lois les plus laxistes en matière de stupéfiants et les citoyens les plus corpulents. Je suis aussi dans le top de ma région concernant l'impolitesse, la faible espérance de vie et la taille du secteur "Livraison de pizzas". Miam…

Je suis à 83% sur les libertés économiques, et 78% en ce qui concerne les libertés politiques et personnelles. J'étais à plus de 90% sur l'aspect économique, mais j'ai eu la mauvaise idée d'empêcher les industries lourdes de balancer leurs déchets dans les rivières, ce qui m'a mis une grosse claque de ce côté et m'a fait passer de nation "Capitalizt" à "Civil Rights Lovefest".

Je vise "Anarchy". Question : faut-il être à plus de 80% ou à plus de 90% dans les trois domaines pour avoir ce status ?

  Le 14/11/2011 à 17:38, Filthy John a dit :
Je vise "Anarchy". Question : faut-il être à plus de 80% ou à plus de 90% dans les trois domaines pour avoir ce status ?

Je l'ai été avec deux indicateurs en dessous de 80. Mais je n'arrive pas vraiment à saisir comment c'est calculé. Là, par exemple, j'ai :

Civil Rights: Excellent (72) (j'ai chuté après avoir refusé d'autoriser l'euthanasie…)

Economy: Powerhouse (93)

Political Freedoms: Superb (75)

Et pourtant je suis une "New York Times Democracy".


Je m'améliore, mais je viens de loin


Civil Right
World Benchmark


Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Minnow

Location: the West Pacific

The Free Land of PonyLandRepublic is a very large, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 141 million enjoy extensive civil freedoms, particularly in social issues, while business tends to be more regulated.

There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, liberal individuals juggles the competing demands of Social Welfare, Healthcare, and Commerce. The average income tax rate is 3%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Book Publishing, Cheese Exports, and Gambling industries.

Truth is often impossible to tell from fiction on the evening news, the government has cut its subsidies for all special interest groups, eminent domain has been abolished, and scenic mountain valleys are flooded with water as damming projects get underway. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is a major problem, probably because of the country's utter lack of prisons. PonyLandRepublic's national animal is the wolf, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Plods.

PonyLandRepublic is ranked 1345th in the West Pacific and 31,131st in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides

  Le 14/11/2011 à 18:23, Chitah a dit :

Je ne comprends pas un truc : que signifie "political freedom".

Plus ou moins démocratique. Quand tu autorises un référendum ça monte, quand tu envoies chier les opposants, ça baisse.

  Le 14/11/2011 à 18:26, jamkan a dit :

Plus ou moins démocratique. Quand tu autorises un référendum ça monte, quand tu envoies chier les opposants, ça baisse.

D'accord il n'y aura donc jamais aucune liberté politique au Chitahistan.


"Kanjam's army is full of two-metre tall super-soldiers."

Pas sûr que ça soit libéral, mais :hardos:

Et dans la même nation, je viens de décréter que les conducteurs bourrées qui écrasent des innocents seront exécutés.


Cannibals Demand To Taste What Northern Trollistan Has To Offer

The Issue

A coalition of tribalists, health experts, and civil rights proponents have recently suggested legalizing cannibalism for consumers of willing would-be meals.

The Debate

  1. "I see absolutely no problem with people digging into each other at dinnertime, so long as everyone is willing," Elizabeth Zhimo, the editor of the monthly magazine 'To Serve Man', quips, "Not only does it solve hunger problems and create jobs, but it also adds variety to Northern Trollistan's sometimes dull palette."
  2. Civil rights leader Beth Broadside came out publicly for moderate pro-cannibalism legislation, commenting, "While it may strike some as a crude, even evil practice, our ancestors have practiced cannibalism for years. If we create a government organization to strictly regulate and grade all human meat prior to its arrival on the market, we can ensure that respect for diversity is maintained while health concerns are also allayed. And instead of killing average people, why not make being turned into snack foods a post-mortem option? Like donating your body to science!"
  3. "You're all absolutely out of your minds!" exclaims Pip Levy, head of Northern Trollistan's largest health-food manufacturer. "It's immoral, it's unhealthy, and it's disgusting. Not only are these so-called 'dietary rights' activists leading us down a dark path of sin, but right into a marketplace with yet another product that's almost as bad as beef!"


Y a quand même des trucs bizarres dans ce jeu: certains ont 100/100 en économie alors qu'ils ont un "average tax rate" de 100 pour cent.

  Le 19/11/2011 à 10:59, Nik a dit :

Y a quand même des trucs bizarres dans ce jeu: certains ont 100/100 en économie alors qu'ils ont un "average tax rate" de 100 pour cent.

Et quand on laisse les gens se débrouillaient sans le gouvernement, la criminalité est très élevée. Je crois que je vais me mettre à renforcer la police toussa, ça m'énerve de voir "Crime is crippling". Je ne les taxe presque pas et ils sont riches mais ils ne sont même pas foutus de créer des agences de sécurité ces bouseux de citoyens.

Et quand on laisse les gens se débrouillaient sans le gouvernement, la criminalité est très élevée. Je crois que je vais me mettre à renforcer la police toussa, ça m'énerve de voir "Crime is crippling". Je ne les taxe presque pas et ils sont riches mais ils ne sont même pas foutus de créer des agences de sécurité ces bouseux de citoyens.

Ouai en faisant vraiment le gros fasciste répressif tu arriveras peut-être à " Crime is moderate". Mais pour avoir mieux il faut absolument investir plein d'argent dans le "welfare".

Commentators have warned that Sloth Island's social inequalities threaten to make it an international pariah.



Est-ce que l'on peut proposer/écrire les issues?

Actuellement, c'est très orienté et le choix se résume à :

  1. Interdire/réglementer
  2. Subventionner A
  3. Subventionner B


Ça y est, j'ai le label h16

Northern Trollistan is ranked 244th in the West Pacific and 8,847th in the world for Most Avoided


  Le 25/11/2011 à 18:54, Hank Rearden a dit :

Je supprime tout salaire minimum et ma courbe d'économie prend -10 dans les dents. Ce jeu est intrinsèquement orienté politiquement.

Et comment!! le créateur, Max Barry a écrit "jennifer government" un roman qui pointe les dangers d'une méchante société ultra-privatisée.

Il fait l'apologie de l'état et de la sociale démocratie a tout bout de champ.

Il a aussi dit de la grosse marde sur Ayn Rand et Atlas Shrugged… pas de bol, Rearden.


Whips, Chains, And Leather, Oh My!


The Issue

An organized crowd of leather-clad individuals, some of whom are on leashes, are protesting against discrimination for those who share their interests.

The Debate

  1. "We happen to express our love differently, with different hobbies and activities," explains BDSM enthusiast Ali Nguyen, while wearing needle-sharp spiked heels and holding a whip. "Shops exist to cater to the needs of 'normal' people, but do you have ANY idea how hard it is to get a quality whip? A little support for our hobbies would be appreciated!"
  2. "Yeah," exclaims Jamil Chandra, another enthusiast, wearing nothing but a collar, "and like other couples, we want the right to display our affection in public. If Master wants to take me walkies in public, he should be able to."
  3. Xu Wall dissents wholeheartedly. "This is not about showing affection--this is about moral decency. Think of the children, for God's sake! Think of the children! We must criminalize and eliminate this perversion to keep them safe. Which of course means a special task force to track down and capture these cretins!"


Comme souvent, manque l'option "foutre tous ces crétins au bagne pour leur apprendre à me déranger pour des conneries pareilles".

  Le 26/11/2011 à 13:11, rafale a dit :

Et comment!! le créateur, Max Barry a écrit "jennifer government" un roman qui pointe les dangers d'une méchante société ultra-privatisée.

Il fait l'apologie de l'état et de la sociale démocratie a tout bout de champ.

Il a aussi dit de la grosse marde sur Ayn Rand et Atlas Shrugged… pas de bol, Rearden.

Ok. Ceci explique pourquoi une deuxième nation que j'ai créée et que je gère par des décisions très social-démocrates et "politically correct" se porte si bien alors que son économie est complètement ruinée avec un taux d'imposition moyen de 73 % et un secteur privé de 4% de l'économie totale.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Kolsland is ranked 32nd in the West Pacific and 1,436th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden."

Après, dans un état sans gouvernement je vois pas pourquoi il y aurait des taxes de toute manière ? :dentier:


The Issue

The Household Defence Alliance is lobbying for the right to kill anyone who trespasses on private property.

The Debate

  1. "We must take a stand against burglars and looters entering our property," explains HDA President, Catherine Gratwick, while digging a moat around her house. "We should be able to rip their guts out with a machine gun, no questions asked. If they want rights they should have considered the poor sod they were robbing."
  2. "Even burglars have human rights," says Gregory Washington, while thieving a Trollion from your pocket. "And we don't deserve to be shot for trying to make our way in the world. People are far more important than property, I hope you agree! Why attack a burglar? That's the job of the coppers! I think anyone injuring anyone else should be severely punished with no excuses about trespassers or defending your property. Or yourself."
  3. "Hey, let's not be hasty!" cautions Samuel Dodinas, an anti-gun protester. "I'm not for riddling burglars with bullets either, but I do want to protect my family! I think it would be a lot more sensible if we allowed homeowners to attack burglars, but not with guns. In fact it would be even better if we just banned guns while we're at it."

Timur Inside :timur:

  • 2 weeks later...

Oui et aussi, le fait d'avoir fait fouetter les voleurs en place publique a fait baisser de 30 points (!) les libertés politiques.

J'apprends donc que voler est une liberté politique.

C'est marrant, j'ai jamais dit qu'après avoir reçu leurs coups de fouet, ils ne recouvraient pas l'ensemble de leurs droits.

J'ai jamais compris pourquoi on ne considère pas le fait d'enfermer un être humain dans une cage pendant des années comme infiniment plus dégradant que de lui faire bobo quelques jours.

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