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Mark Sisson fait de l'anti Obamacare ?

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For years I’ve been complaining about the state of my country’s health care—I’m sure you’ve heard me loud and clear. The lack of success America’s current system has in helping people achieve, maintain, or regain good health is literally sickening. The U.S. health system is ranked as having the highest cost (in 2011 $8,508 per person was spent on health care) and the lowest performance (a 2014 new Commonwealth Fund report ranked the U.S. health system last among 11 industrialized nations).

The U.S. health care system is broken, and our current efforts to fix it are only making things worse. But don’t despair just yet. Authors Doug McGuff, MD, and Robert Murphy, PhD, combine their expertise in medicine and economics in Primal Blueprint Publishing’s newest release: The Primal Prescription.


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Like virtually all Americans, you have probably sensed that something
is terribly wrong with the US health care system. Feeling
helpless, you may have reluctantly agreed with the academics,
public policy wonks, and politicians who promised that a massive round
of legislation from Washington would set the country back on track.
Yet the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—also known as
the ACA or simply “ObamaCare”—is only the most recent of a string
of government initiatives, going back at least to the Great Depression,
aimed at improving the delivery of health care to Americans. This history
forces us to ask: is the ACA actually working? Or is it, instead, exacerbating
the very problems it was supposed to solve, setting us up for
another crisis down the road? In the meantime, while the politicians and
pundits bicker, what can Americans do to keep their families healthy?
The book you are holding answers just these questions. It contains
the real history of what went wrong with US health care and insurance,
and explains why so many people thought massive new legislation was
necessary. Once you realize exactly how and why American health care
had fallen into such a hole on the eve of the Affordable Care Act, you
will understand that the new legislation is only making things worse.
Indeed, we will use the government’s own estimates to show how all
workers—not just “the rich”—are going to pay hundreds of billions
more in taxes to make the legislation “pay for itself.” Furthermore, you
the reader will be shocked to see how many millions of people the
government itself predicts will be paying fines rather than obtaining the
“universal” and “affordable” health insurance that is now supposedly
a federal guarantee. With relentless arguments, data, and real-world
examples from an ER doctor, we will convince you that the delivery
of US health care will only become more inefficient, frustrating, and
bureaucratic over the coming years.
In this book, we argue that each round of increased government
intervention within the health care and health insurance sectors has
further hobbled the ability of the market economy to provide quality
service at affordable prices. Yes, health care is a crucial component of
a person’s lifestyle, and that might make Americans hesitant to rely on
“the free market” to deliver it. But food, clothing, and shelter are even
more fundamental staples of life, and most Americans would agree that
having the government act as a “single payer” for all of their purchases
at the grocery store and The Gap would be an absolute disaster. And
if a giant new government agency—perhaps called “Housicare”—were
given the power to tax all paychecks in order to pay for all home purchases
and apartment rentals (according to an official schedule of prices
corresponding to family size and job location), the disruption in the
market would be mind-boggling. By severing the direct connection
between buyer and seller, consumers’ satisfaction with their homes and
apartments would suffer while prices would soar. After a few years of
such a nutty system, the housing market would be just as screwed up as
. . . well, as the health care and health insurance markets currently are.
Make no mistake: though we have strong views on the political
drama in Washington and its disastrous fallout for average Americans,
this book is not partisan. Indeed, our historical journey will show you
that the problems with US health care are a bipartisan affair, the fault
of legislation signed into law by both Democrats and Republicans,
including the conservative icon Ronald Reagan. Seen in the proper historical
perspective, “ObamaCare” is simply an extension of the trends
that have been in motion for decades.



Tu ne peux pas être intellectuellement honnête et t'intéresser aux problèmes de santé publique et leurs liens avec les politiques de santé qui les accompagnent, sans avoir la même réaction que Ronald Coase étudiant la "régulation" par l'état. A savoir, "bad from A to Z, no exception".


Un mec avec une telle audience qui vante le "free market", c''est bon ça !


Mark Sisson fait de l'anti Obamacare ?

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Le PDF parle très clairement des changements obamesques

Hep, dis-donc. Tu as vu qui sont les auteurs de l'ouvrage dont tu parles, "The Primal Prescription" ? Tu as vu qu'il y avait Robert Murphy dedans ? Tu sais que Robert Murphy, c'est un des piliers du Mises Institute ; le type qui a écrit, entre autres, les Study Guides pour l'Action Humaine et pour Man, Economy and State ?

Un mec avec une telle audience qui vante le "free market", c''est bon ça !

Ce n'est pas vraiment une surprise:

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand:

Rand’s philosophies helped shape my own feelings on the role of government in society, in corporations and in the life of the individual. With all that’s going on in our nation today, it ought to be required reading for every elected official.

Hep, dis-donc. Tu as vu qui sont les auteurs de l'ouvrage dont tu parles, "The Primal Prescription" ? Tu as vu qu'il y avait Robert Murphy dedans ? Tu sais que Robert Murphy, c'est un des piliers du Mises Institute ; le type qui a écrit, entre autres, les Study Guides pour l'Action Humaine et pour Man, Economy and State ?





Je ne connaissais pas

  • 5 weeks later...



Jacques Attali, invité du "Europe 1 Social Club" le 26/11/2015 dans le cadre de la journée spéciale 2050 l'assure : "Deux choses vont se passer en matière agricole. La première, c’est qu’on va aller vers une agriculture bio généralisée, imposée ou souhaitée. La deuxième, c’est que nous allons tous devenir végétariens. Soit de façon volontaire, soit de façon imposée, parce que l’élevage est la pire consommation d’eau, une des pires productions de gaz à effet de serre, et qu’on sait que ce n’est plus nécessaire à la vie."



Je viens d'aller voir la page Wiki française de Mark Sisson. Extraordinaire:



L'admissibilité de cet article est à vérifier (novembre 2015)

Motif :  totalement15px-WikEd_nowiki.png Hors critères sport. Page de PUB truffé de contre vérité. Aucune sources secondaires démontrant une admissibilité, limite canular. 



Surtout qu'il m'a suffit d'une minute de recherche pour voir que le gars se gourait. effectivement, Molian est bien le gagnat de l'Ironman d'hawai de 1982.

De la session d'octobre.


Sauf que Sission a participé à celle de Février.

  • 2 weeks later...

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