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Euphémisme de l'année: "the European left has supported a form of multiculturalism that minimizes the importance of integrating newcomers into creedal national cultures." (p.11)


La vérité est que la gauche identitaire ou social-démocrate a ridiculisé le sentiment patriotique précisément parce que ça lui permettait de faire du clientélisme ciblée auprès desdites minorités d'une part (en exploitant leur besoin de reconnaissance, lui-même légitime jusqu'à un certain point -hélas difficilement définissable), et d'autre part parce que ça permettait à la frange bourgeoise de son électorat de délégitimer l'enseignement et un certain nombre de valeurs "traditionnelles" (en fait déjà modernes, mais d'une modernité moins contemporaine), afin de se promouvoir elle-même à la place desdits savoirs "bourgeois", etc.


Y à au moins ça: "France should help integrate its immigrants by making it easier for them to nd jobs, primarily by liberalizing the labor market. Finally, the idea of French national identity and French culture has come under attack as Islamophobic; in contemporary France, the very concept of assimilation is not politically acceptable to many on the left. This is a shame, since it allows the nativists and extremists of the far-right National Front to position themselves as the true defenders of the republican ideal of universal citizenship." (p.13)


Mais tout de suite après c'est pour faire du Macron: "The American creedal national identity would also be strengthened by a universal requirement for national service, which would underline the idea that U.S. citizenship demands commitment and sacrifice. A citizen could perform such service either by enlisting in the military or by working in a civilian role, such as teaching in schools or working on publicly funded environmental conservation projects similar to those created by the New Deal. If such national service were correctly structured, it would force young people to work together with others from very different social classes, regions, races, and ethnicities, just as military service does. And like all forms of shared sacri ce, it would integrate newcomers into the national culture." (p.13)


Ou pire: "What is needed is a better system of sanctioning companies and people who hire illegal immigrants, which would require a national identi cation system that could help employers gure out who can legally work for them. Such a system has not been established because too many employers bene t from the cheap labor that illegal immigrants provide." (p.14)

Il y a 1 heure, Johnathan R. Razorback a dit :


Oula: "there is nothing wrong with 


Rappelez-moi les options politiques de F. F ?

Socialiste de droite

il y a une heure, Johnathan R. Razorback a dit :

A citizen could perform such service either by enlisting in the military or by working in a civilian role, such as teaching in schools or working on publicly funded environmental conservation projects similar to those created by the New Deal. If such national service were correctly structured, it would force young people to work together with others from very different social classes, regions, races, and ethnicities, just as military service does. And like all forms of shared sacri ce, it would integrate newcomers into the national culture."


Rien de tel que le STO pour intégrer les étrangers au sein du Reich.

Il y a 3 heures, Johnathan R. Razorback a dit :

Rappelez-moi les options politiques de F. F ?

Néoconservateur (je veux dire, vraiment néoconservateur, pas "néoconservateur pour pas dire sale youpin", une habitude qu'avaient beaucoup de gens il y a quelques années). Mais un néoconservateur qui est passablement en froid avec le reste des néoconservateurs.

il y a 14 minutes, Bisounours a dit :

C'est qui F.F ?

Francis Fukuyama. Le type qui a écrit l'article de Foreign Policy, mentionné plus haut.

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