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Kim Jong-Il 'died in 2003'

Posted Mon Sep 8, 2008 3:21pm AEST

r130043_429188.jpg Kim Jong-Il … dead man walking? (Reuters: Korea News Service)

He doesn't appear in public very often so it's difficult to verify but there are allegations today that North Korea's leader Kim Jong-Il has in fact been dead for five years.

A Japanese expert on North Korea is claiming that the role of the "Dear Leader" has instead been played by a group of doubles since 2003, when he says the President died of diabetes.

The word "reclusive" hardly does Kim Jong-Il justice. The 66-year-old was last seen in public on August 14, when he inspected a military unit.

He is known for dipping out of the international spotlight for months on end, especially when relations with other countries such as the US are strained.

The leader has been thought to be ill for some time but Japanese-North Korean expert Professor Toshimitsu Shigemura is proposing a far worse state.

"Already he has died. A lot of information came from Pyongyang," he told The World Today.

The proof of the North Korean leader's passing is varied and rests on the main claim that Kim Jong-Il is being played by a number of convincing imposters.

The fake Kims are said to be the wrong height and are always shadowed by one of four senior military figures.

"A Japanese TV station checked his voice print four years ago and the result was the voice was different, the former Kim Jong-Il and now Kim Jong-Il, so there are questions," Professor Shigemura said.

Kim Jong-Il's secret death is impossible to verify and other North Korean experts have called the claim silly.

Professor Shigemura is not completely certain himself but has been in contact with unnamed close friends of Kim Jong-Il.

"But they are pretty high, maybe 60 per cent or 70 per cent [sure] it's possible," he said.

"We can trust those persons so we trust, we are trusting this person with the information."

This would mean that the world, including Vladimir Putin and Hu Jintao, have been negotiating with an impostor.

Kim Jong-Il has ruled the secretive Communist state since the death of his father Kim Il-Sung in 1994 but his father remains the state's eternal President beyond death.

So who pulls the strings now if Professor Shigemura's claims are correct?

"Some of the military leaders, also the party leaders, and government leaders," he said.

"Several people are conducting North Korea's government. Actually the North Korean government is guided by those people, those leaders, not only one person. Now they are collective leaderships."

The best chance to test the theory could come tomorrow when Kim Jong-Il is due to appear at a military parade celebrating 60 years since the founding of North Korea.

"He will be the double Kim Jong-Il, it will be positive," Professor Shigemura said.

Based on a report by Karen Barlow for The World Today

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Une prime pour les Benito et les Rachele

Associated Press (AP)

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«Ce sont de jolis prénoms», a commenté M. Mancusi, soulignant que l'initiative était une manière de rendre hommage aux racines du parti et de conserver des prénoms rarement donnés.

L'argent pourra être utilisé pour acheter des vêtements ou d'autres fournitures pour les enfants, a-t-il ajouté.…125-090149.html

L'argent public ça permet d'en financer des choses.

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Des billets de 200M$ au Zimbabwe



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Le MILLIARD, Le MILLIARD, Le MILLIARD, Le MILLIARD, Le MILLIARD, Le MILLIARD, Le MILLIARD, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…-dans-la-po_fun


Normalement, c'est le moment où on déclare que le nouveau dollar zimbabwéen en vaut 1 million d'anciens. Ou 10.

Au passage, il me semble que la réserve fédérale a par le passé émis d'assez gros billets, indépendamment de toute inflation.


Ca y est les libéraux sont touchés par la crise et restent maintenant le soir chez eux!

Le nombre maximum d'utilisateurs en ligne simultanément a été de 140 le hier, 20:59.

Ou alors c'est l'effet Murray Johanson!

  john_ross a dit :
Ou alors c'est l'effet Murray Johanson!

Quel film con. Mais con. Le Guide du routard des poncifs sur le Japon servant de décor à une histoire lourdement mal torchée.

  Lucilio a dit :
Quel film con. Mais con. Le Guide du routard des poncifs sur le Japon servant de décor à une histoire lourdement mal torchée.


J'ai perdu 90 min de ma vie que je ne reverrai jamais, c'est la vrai tristesse de ce film!

  Lucilio a dit :
Quel film con. Mais con. Le Guide du routard des poncifs sur le Japon servant de décor à une histoire lourdement mal torchée.


Ô combien vrai.

  LeSanton a dit :
Quand même pas aussi pénible que "Hiroshima mon amour", non?

Ils ne jouent pas dans la même catégorie. L'un était nominé dans la catégorie "Film étranger chiant", le second dans la catégorie "Film franchouille chiant".

  LeSanton a dit :
Quand même pas aussi pénible que "Hiroshima mon amour", non?

Non, y'a quand même Just Like Honey de The Jesus and Mary Chain à la fin. Un aussi bon morceau sauve presque le film !

"Inspecteur Derrick" est mort à 85 ans

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L'acteur est mort dans une clinique de Munich, dans le sud de l'Allemagne.…W3TOCB_F67vxBJg

  h16 a dit :
Qui va mener l'enquête pour déterminer les causes de son décès ?

Sarkozy à déjà trouvé le coupable c'est l'absence de plan de relance en Allemagne.


Je pense qu'on peut clairement mettre sur le dos du libéralisme l'état général de déliquescence des soins en Allemagne qui n'auront pas permis de conserver le fin limier à son poste ! C'est scandaleux !

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C'est vieux maintenant (2007), mais ça m'a fait rire. Voilakoi.

Hollywood film giant 20th Century Fox has come under criticism for a promotional stunt that saw its summer blockbuster Die Hard 4.0 starring Bruce Willis being promoted over a Jewish cemetery. A helicopter holding a large banner flew above the Bushey cemetery in Hertfordshire owned by the United Synagogue with an image of Bruce Willis and the words Die Hard in large letters.

“I went to the cemetery to visit my brother’s grave and heard a large noise overhead and was stunned to see a helicopter with the banner and the word Die appearing below it,” said one visitor. “It wasn’t exactly in the best of taste.”

A spokeswoman for 20th Century Fox said: “It was a test run to see if the banner would stay up and was a practice run without our consent. We didn’t mean to cause any offence.”

Bushey Cemetery was not impressed. “We had one funeral earlier in the day, but if there were funerals going on, it would have caused much upset for the families and friends attending and cause real distraction,” said a member of staff. “We hope that if this was a test run, 20th Century Fox don’t repeat it again.”

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