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Messages postés par Stephdumas

  1. Le 12/07/2022 à 03:09, Groucho Marx a dit :

    Cela dit, je recherche les articles dithyrambiques de notre presse subventionnée, de l'époque où ils sont passés au 100% bio. juste comme ça pour me moquer de façon bien vile.

    Il n'y a pas non plus grand chose provenant de la presse canadienne dont les plus subventionnées sont au Québec,...

  2. Le 08/07/2022 à 15:34, Prouic a dit :

    Bon le japon.Les insultes en lignes sont interdites, mais les tournées de pipes en bar  adolescentes et autres sugar dady en sortie de collège sont autorisés. Y a plus inquiétant que la gène quand on veut noter les dérives.

    De quoi penser que les tournées de pipes en bar adolescentes et autres sugar daddy est la version japonaise du pain et des jeux...

  3. Il y a 8 heures, Bézoukhov a dit :


    Tu n'est jamais plonge dans le subTwitter des covidoflippes ?


    Les mecs, ils vivent dans un film de zombies. Mais sans zombies et au lieu d'avoir des gros flingues, le but est d'avoir un masque.


    Ça devrait être signalé à la Miviludes comme déviance.

    Au train que ça va, c'est à se demander si le port du masque n'a pas tourné en fétichisme ou encore au point den'être "maskholique". Autant reposter cette vidéo satirique du Babylon Bee.



  4. Didier Raoult se lâche encore.




    Le célèbre professeur Didier Raoult, directeur de l'IHU de Marseille était l'invité de l'émission de Cyril Hanouna TPMP ce vendredi soir sur C8. Et le moins que l'on puisse dire c'est qu'il n'a pas mâché ses mots à propos du vaccin anti-Covid. Didier Raoult avait déjà fait polémique cette semaine en émettant des doutes sur l'efficacité des vaccins. 

    Voici ce qu'a déclaré le professeur sur C8 : "On a l'impression que ça décroche à partir de 54 ans. C'est-à-dire que les risques de faire quelque chose d'un peu plus grave à partir de 54 ans sont significatifs. On sait que c'est à la fois l'âge et l'obésité qui font le risque de cette maladie. La deuxième chose, sur le plan épidémique, est-ce qu'on a une évidence que la vaccination générale sert à quelque chose ? Je suis désolé de ne pas être d'accord avec les autorités, la réponse est non. Ça ne contrôle pas l'épidémie. Pas du tout. Ce sont les pays dans lesquels on a fait le plus de vaccins qui ont le plus de cas". 



    • Yea 1
  5. Justin Trudeau avait tweeté à propos de la décision de la Cour Suprême des États-Unis sur Roe vs Wade et quelques réactions ont suivi. 




    Je me demande comment Justin l'aurait pris si on lui aurait dit que c'est dommage que ta mère a décidé de ne pas faire d'avortement car on aurait pas eu un avorton comme premier ministre?

  6. il y a 30 minutes, Lancelot a dit :



    Comme je le disais l'autre jour, j'étais récemment en contact avec des chercheurs américains (donc bac + tout ce que tu veux, leaders dans leur domaine etc.) et ils continuent à prendre le doublemasquage sérieusement. La matrice est trop forte.


    Doublemasquage, ils doivent se ficher de la pollution du masque où les masques contaminés sont jetés n'importe où comme les mégots de cigarette...


    Un peu HS, les gars de Sud-radio ont posté ce clip sur la remontée des cas de Covid.  


  7. Il y a d'autres photos de la fusillade d'Uvalde que des avocats essaient de bloquer la publication.


    The first images from inside the Uvalde school shooting have emerged, revealing that police were heavily armed with rifles and a ballistic shield, yet still waited another 58 minutes while gunman Salvador Ramos continued his rampage - leaving 19 students and two teachers dead. 


    The photo, obtained by the Austin American Statesman and KVUE on Monday, casts an even more damning shadow on the Uvalde police department's response to the May 24 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

    Despite entering the school just nine minutes after Ramos, officers waited nearly an hour to advance despite their superior firepower and training. Eventually, at 12:50 p.m. a Border Patrol BORTAC agent ignored police orders and burst into the classroom, shooting and killing Ramos.

    "There were 19 officers in there," said Col. Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, at a media briefing days after the shooting (per the NY Post), "In fact, there were plenty of officers to do whatever needed to be done, with one exception — the incident commander inside believed they needed more equipment and more officers to do a tactical breach at that point."

    The pictures are undoubtedly one of the reasons the City of Uvalde and the police department hired a private law firm to prevent the release of basically all records pertaining to the mass shooting.

    According to VICE, Uvalde wants to suppress body camera footage, photos, 911 calls, emails, text messages, criminal records, and more.

    "The City has not voluntarily released any information to a member of the public," said city's new lawyer, Cynthia Trevino, of the law firm Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal & Zech, in a letter to Texas AG Ken Paxton seeking a determination about what information they were required to release to the public.



    • Sad 1
  8. Je me demande si Jean-Michel Blanquer a vu cet article du Daily Mail publié le 19 jiun sur les tests de vaccination des enfants?





    Experts question CDC's approval of COVID vaccines for under-5s because Pfizer study used just THREE children to prove it works and Moderna admits it is only 37% effective: 'We should just assume we don’t have efficacy data'

    • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday authorized Moderna Inc's and Pfizer's shot for children aged six months to five years old
    • On Saturday, a CDC panel voted unanimously to recommend vaccines for children as young as six months
    • That vote was later signed off by CDC Director Rochelle Walensky meaning a national rollout could begin next week 
    • An infectious diseases expert, Dr. Sarah Long, said: 'We should just assume that we don't have efficacy data' regarding vaccine success in under fives
    • A Pfizer study used just three children while Moderna's study showed efficacy of just 37 percent in kids aged two through five 
    • Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine is approved for children aged six months to 4 years 
    • President Joe Biden's administration plans to roll out the vaccines to the under-5 age groups after the Juneteenth holiday weekend


    In the wake of the CDC's approval of Pfizer and Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine for babies as young as six months, at least one expert has questioned the move.

    Dr. Sarah Long, an infectious diseases expert at the Drexel University College of Medicine, told the New York Times: 'We should just assume that we don't have efficacy data.' 

    That comes off the back of Pfizer's own reporting that said their statements of 80% effectiveness in children under five was based on the responses of just three children.

    Those children were part of a group of ten but seven were given a placebo.

    And there are also concerns about the Moderna shot, which is only between 37 per cent and 51 per cent effective, depending on the age of the child receiving it.  



  9. Justin avait eu la covid au moment où il y avait le convoi de la liberté, je me demande qu'est-ce qu'il essaie d'éviter cette fois-ci?


    Et certaines personnes à Radio-Canada n'ont pas aimé qu'on fait une parodie d'une ancienne émission pour enfants nommé Bobino.


    Et comme si c'était pas assez, après la loi 101, voici la loi 96.



    Manifestement, la Loi sur la langue officielle et commune du Québec, le français, engendrera plusieurs débats interprétatifs, tant au sein du public qu’auprès des tribunaux.


    J’admets que l’interprétation des lois ne provoque normalement pas un vif intérêt chez les profanes. N’empêche, ces débats toucheront à des enjeux pertinents à toute la société québécoise. Par exemple, les tribunaux devront préciser leur rôle relativement à un législateur qui les voit comme une irritation, au mieux, et qui se soucie peu des droits fondamentaux. D’ailleurs, ces débats déboucheront sur des effets humains concrets.

    Une question concerne l’interprétation de la clause de dérogation dans la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. Ce mécanisme a beau émerger d’un compromis politique au début des années 1980, il n’en demeure pas moins qu’il est sujet à interprétation par les tribunaux comme tout élément de la Constitution.



  10. Et pas seulement Salon, un reporter du Chicago Sun-Times, Neil Steinberg, avait posté cet édito.

    Et au cas où il supprimerait cet article, il est archivé.




    God bless free speech.
    It is what allows columnists — or anybody else — to write whatever we want without fear the government is going to haul us off to jail. In Russia, you can go to prison for calling their war against Ukraine “a war.” In China, you get sent to a camp for adhering to certain religions.
    Free speech is so important in the United States, it is the First Amendment to our Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.” Not only am I allowed to air the truth as I see it — Donald Trump is a traitor who should be in prison — but all sorts of salacious material are permitted. Courts decided, grudgingly, that offensive artworks and obscene comedy sketches and extreme pornographic videos are also free speech and cannot be banned.


    Disons qu'il est mal placé pour faire la leçon,  avec ce genre de squelette daté de 2005 qui est placé dans son placard.
  11. Un intéressant vlogue de Ian Sénéchal de Radio X sur les confineurs et je suis d'accord sur de nombreux points.


    Dans son édito de cette semaine, Simon Rocheleau raconte qu'il en avait assez de voir toujours les mêmes textes pro-mesures et pro-confinement sur le site de Radio-Canada et a écrit à l'ombudsman ! Il nous fait par de la réponse qu'il a reçue à ses critiques. Un exemple clair de comment les faits sont sélectionnés en vue d'un certain narratif !



    • Yea 1
  12. À la suite de la tuerie de Ivalde au Texas, Justin veut renforcir les lois anti-armes et certains pensent que Justin veut que le Canada soit une nation totalitaire.




    May 31, 2022

    Canada plans to follow in the path of the world’s worst dictators


    (See also Olivia Murray’s Trudeau takes another major step towards totalitarianism.)

    Canada’s government, headed by its prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has introduced drastic anti-gun legislation that, if passed, will mean (in Trudeau’s words) that “it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada.” This is one more step in Canada’s mostly relentless push (only slightly alleviated during the Stephen Harper administration) to bring all weapons under government control. This never ends well for a nation’s people.

    Even though Canada and America come from the same British tradition that, under the Magna Carta and the 1689 Bill of Rights, recognized certain English rights, they took different paths beginning in the 1760s. In America, colonists were outraged when Parliament’s law aggressively restricted some of those rights. When the colonists challenged the laws by referring to the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights, Parliament announced that those documents controlled only the king, not Parliament.

    In the face of that sophistry, the American people rebelled. After they won the Revolution, they ratified the Bill of Rights, saying that specific rights are inherent in the people and no form of government can restrict them. The Canadians, however, did not rebel and meekly allowed the British Parliament and then their own Canadian Parliament to do with them as they wanted.


    • Sad 1
  13. Le Washington Post parle du moral bien bas des soldats ukrainiens, eux qui n'avaient pas mentionné ce détail avant.


    With Russia's war in Ukraine now in its fourth month, mainstream media consumers have been treated to seemingly endless headlines and analysis of Russia's extensive military losses. At the same time Ukrainian forces have tended to be lionized and their battlefield prowess romanticized, with essentially zero public information so far being given which details up-to-date Ukrainian force casualties, set-backs, and equipment losses.

    But for the first time The Washington Post is out with a surprisingly dire and negative assessment of how US-backed and equipped Ukrainian forces are actually fairing. Gone is the rosy idealizing lens through which each and every encounter with the Russians is typically portrayed. WaPo correspondent and author of the new report Sudarsan Raghavan underscores of the true situation that "Ukrainian leaders project an image of military invulnerability against Russia. But commanders offer a more realistic portrait of the war, where outgunned volunteers describe being abandoned by their military brass and facing certain death at the front."


    As many careful and less idealistic observers suspected the whole time, a steady stream of both wartime propaganda and one-sided social media feeds where it seems the only tanks being blown up are Russian ones has served to present a very skewed portrayal of the battlefield to the Western public. While it's perhaps easier to get sucked into this pro-Ukraine bias based on the innumerable so-called open source intelligence self-anointed 'experts' on Twitter, this is less so if one wades into Telegram, where a flood of uncensored videos from both sides gives a truer picture, as the fresh report seems to also suggest.

    The Washington Post report belatedly admits the avalanche of propaganda based in a pro-Kiev, pro-West narrative from the outset: "Videos of assaults on Russian tanks or positions are posted daily on social media. Artists are creating patriotic posters, billboards and T-shirts. The postal service even released stamps commemorating the sinking of a Russian warship in the Black Sea."

    The report then pivots to the reality of an undertrained, poorly commanded and equipped, rag-tag force of mostly volunteers in the East who find themselves increasingly surrounded by the numerically superior Russian military which has penetrated almost the entire Donbas region. "Ukraine, like Russia, has provided scant information about deaths, injuries or losses of military equipment. But after three months of war, this company of 120 men is down to 54 because of deaths, injuries and desertions," the report reads as it follows one particular battalion.

    The report's sources speak out despite threat of being court-martialed amid a heavily controlled information flow:

    “War breaks people down,” said Serhiy Haidai, head of the regional war administration in Luhansk province, acknowledging many volunteers were not properly trained because Ukrainian authorities did not expect Russia to invade. But he maintained that all soldiers are taken care of: “They have enough medical supplies and food. The only thing is there are people that aren’t ready to fight.”



  14. De faux certificats de covid-19 avaient été donnés à personnalités espagnoles comme des athlètes, politiciens et hommes d'affaires. Se pourrait-il que le même schéma aurait été appliqué en France et au Canada?




    Reaction to the news that more than 2,200 prominent Spaniards, including the leader of one of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies, has been one of resignation and disbelief.

    Since the story broke on May 24, people have been asking how this could happen. But they have also been asking hot it is, that reaction to the news has been muted, almost accepting that this is what happens.

    In the words of one Twitter user Starfish: “Why NOBODY here talks about the operation Jenner, discovered in Spain, why don’t they go further in the investigation?”

    The reality is that the investigation is still ongoing with more evidence being collected before many of those go to trial, but perhaps it is more that this was not unexpected.

    Whilst the average Spaniard did as the government asked, obeyed the rules and went out and got vaccinated, others thought they were above the law, that they were somehow special.

    What is disconcerting, is that many of these people are involved in professions that meant a high level of contact with others. Essentially, they cared so little for those around them, they did not bother to ensure that those they came into contact with were kept safe and free from Covid-19.

    But perhaps the bigger issue is that the level of trust is broken, that a company president involved in researching Covid-19 vaccines did not feel it necessary or important to get vaccinated leads many to ask whether vaccinations were necessary or safe.



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