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Un commentaire magnifique. Attention liberal aux sens US ne signifie pas libéral mais plutôt "progressiste" voire, dans ce texte, "bobo"




There is much pretending throughout the progressive and liberal community.

Success and the good life, credentials and status, position and privilege must be protected, at least for people like the "enlightened liberal." At the same time, this position and privilege is dependent upon playing a certain role. As Liberals they pretend that they are not defending privilege and position and must pretend that they are for the downtrodden. They pretend that privilege and position is all earned, and that anyone could have anything that they have. They defend the system of dog-eat-dog competition without allowing that to be too obvious. They pretend that introducing "fairness" rules and regimens into their personal life nullifies all of the things they do to attain and preserve the spot they have clawed their way to in society.

Sometimes this balancing act is fairly easy, since there are so many people willing to help them keep up the facade and since reality doesn't intrude into their "reality based" fantasy world, but once in a while something arises and calls their bluff.

When their bluff is called, there is no amount of time and energy they will spare in internecine warfare arguing fine points of what a liberal is, or what their position should be on each and every minute issue and sub-issue and variations on every issue. These arguments can never be resolved, because there is no basis of consensus.

Actually there is a consensus, but an important component of the consensus is that we never talk about it and they must pretend that it isn't there.

The consensus from which liberals and Democrats operate:

They are the better people. They are smarter, more humane, more compassionate, and better informed. They are better citizens, they are more cooperative and realistic. They are winners- not losers, and they deserve everything they get. They are spiritually superior. They are centered and balanced, calm and insightful. They are on the right side of history. They are building a better world.

The general public does not realize that liberals are the better people, and the ones who should be making the decisions. Of course the only logical reason for this public oversight is because- “Republicans are able to take advantage of the people's stupidity and ignorance and turn them against the liberals.”

As Liberals they understand that most of the problems in the world are the result of stupid people running things. If “We the smart liberals” were in charge, all of the problems could be solved with science and technology and rational social planning.

Class analysis, and the struggles of working class people against tyranny have no place in modern society according to the Liberal. They are obsolete and passé, and only something that we read about or see in movies. Romantic as those stories are, they are no substitute for hardheaded practical reality, whether we like it or not. This is a matter of being a mentally healthy, modern, well-adjusted adult in society. None of the lessons from history apply, because things are different now. Only strange maladjusted people are attracted to obsolete political ideas. They are all obviously losers, and are a great danger, almost as much of a danger as the Republicans are.

Since politics and economics in the traditional sense are dead, liberals now embrace a new paradigm of self improvement and self-actualization. Anything that interferes with their focus on themselves and their pursuit of creating themselves as an actualized being is to be rejected. The way to achieve the perfect society is first to create a perfect self. Meanwhile, so long as the authorities do not interfere with our self-actualization, we must comply in all ways with that authority. This allows liberals perfect self-expression within perfect social conformity. Anyone who attacks their personal choices is the enemy, and anyone who attacks the social system based on personal choice is also the enemy.

As fully-realized liberal-progressives they understand that their enlightened self-interest is the ultimate engine of social progress.

Others, however, who do not share these liberal values are not to be given personal choice, when and as can be proven that their personal choices are wrong, often with the righteous claim that their choice impacts the liberal somehow. Liberals support the police state and massive incarceration of people, so long as they are being harassed and imprisoned for the right reasons. Any variance from the liberal idea as to how people should be is quite naturally the right reason, by definition.

Liberals believe that we must “be the change we wish to see,” and the change they wish to see is more people like them: polite, talented, beautiful, intelligent, calm, successful, clever, enlightened.

So thet merely need to be themselves, focus on themselves, and serve themselves. Those who cannot or will not become like them need to back down and get out of the way.

Liberals fully support aristocracy, capitalism, corporate domination, and consumerism, provided that they support the liberal catechism of self-actualization and afford liberals the personal lifestyle choices they prefer.

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J'ai mis ce commentaire ici parce que, bien que l'auteur semble avoir des sympathies communistes, c'est un très beau plaidoyer pour les tea parties et le refus de "le camp des gentils qui vous veulent du bien et oeuvrent par amour de l'intéêt général"

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