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Obama Presidency

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pour dire, c'est plus rare que nick de Cu disant quelque chose de sympa :icon_up:

Look who's talking.

Mais toi, je t'adore, tu sais, mon rustre bûcheron.

One man, two men.

Et en plus, là c'est man, au sens l'homme. Tout simplement.

Dis donc, c'est rare les gens qui n'ont fait Anglais ni en première ni en deuxième langue.

Non le problème c'est que ça date et que je ne fais plus attention à l'écrit.

Ceci dit c'est une grosse faute et heureusement qu'il y a des petits cons gens consciencieux comme toi pour me le faire remarquer.

Tu me le paieras.




Ça s'arrange pas pour le Messie. Sa réaction ? S'attaquer frontalement à la Fox :

“We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, said in an interview with The New York Times. “As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”…dcarr.html?_r=1

On va voir qui va gagner le plus dans ce bras de fer.

Sign the Social Contract

By Roger Ebert on October 22, 2009 6:45 PM

It has been argued that universal health care is an offense against individual liberty. I've been told by readers that they'll deal with their own health care, thank you very much, and have no interest in government interference. At root this is a libertarian argument; conservatives are more likely to oppose it on the grounds that it undermines the free enterprise system. They warn of a Nanny State.

But what, I ask libertarians, about your families? Your children? What if the day comes that you lose your job-based health insurance and can't afford your own? What if you're denied coverage? That's their business, they tell me. I should butt out.

But it won't remain their business if a family member suffers a major illness. I know from personal experience that few people have the financial resources to deal with such an illness, and I suspect no one reading this is ready to deal with two. You and I will end up paying for them, even though they were unwilling to help pay for us.

Conservatives are willing to shoulder the burden, but through private insurance companies. The problem as I see it is that insurance companies are driven by the profit motive. Did you see the stories on TV about one baby denied coverage because it was too fat and another because it was too thin? Will infant weight become a "preexisting cause?" What is the weight range within which insurance companies are willing to write policies? At a time when many Americans are losing jobs they considered secure, will insurance companies continue coverage for those suddenly not part of a group? At present 14,000 American a day are losing their health coverage.


The freedom of speech (Norman Rockwell)

Here's a story about a man named Bill Caudle, who lost his job at the age of 39. His wife Amy had been suffering from ovarian cancer for two years, and needed continuing chemo treatment. To get insurance for them, he joined the Army and was assigned to a base far from home. His insurance started the moment he entered basic training, and his wife is continuing chemo. Bill Caudle is brave and loving, but if you know anything about chemo you know it's hard to weather it apart from your spouse. There's not a conservative who would deny health coverage to members of the military -- it continues lifelong in the VA hospitals -- but what about the rest of us?

It seems only fair that society as a whole must be concerned with the health of its members. If one of my loved ones requires treatment for a serious condition and I can't afford it, I'm not comforted by a libertarian's idea of his individual liberties, or a conservative's ideas about the free enterprise system. I want something I can tell the doctor.

Yes, in an immediate crisis I can throw myself on the mercy of an Emergency Room, but what about surgeries (I had four) or extended physical therapy (again, four)? My job-based insurance policies were excellent, but one has tapped out and the other has a finite limit. In prudence I should not consider another surgery. One third of all personal bankruptcies in the U.S. are caused by medical costs.

But this isn't about me. It's about all of us. When the general population has access to medical care, problems are discovered sooner, chronic conditions are avoided, and treatment is not delayed. Our national life expectancy can be expected to rise. That's a good thing. Well, isn't it? Poverty becomes that much less burdensome. The desperate a little less desperate. This is a matter of simple human compassion.

It did not always seem so. Until the 1700s, people were left pretty much to fend for themselves. When they got sick they used folk medicines, cures and healers. Those who could afford physicians hired them. Few could. In some cases they were able to appeal to the charity of the church. A group of philosophers began to argue that it need not be like this. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, signing himself simply "a citizen of Geneva," wrote a broadside titled The Social Contract that argued that people should expect to give up some rights to government in return for a systematic rule of law.


The freedom from fear (Rockwell)

Rousseau lived at a time when the notion of the Noble Savage was also being much praised. In this view, man was born free and uncorrupted, and was good by nature until interfered with by civilization. In very broad terms, I believe libertarians defend themselves as noble savages, living unencumbered by the impositions of others. The question becomes, to what degree are we willing to trade personal liberty for the good of the general community? If I don't want universal health care, am I fully prepared to grow sick and die as a consequence? Or will I undergo a sickbed conversion?

Until the 1700s the only class in society that was completely unfettered was the ruling class. A king had the right to do as he chose. Huey Long ran for office on the platform "Every Man a King," and I sometimes believe libertarians subscribe to that. The problems begin when the Kings require Subjects.

Rousseau didn't believe the rights he called for existed in our natural state. They became necessary when we began to live in large groups. It is necessary to trust that men will have the same general values if we travel a mile from home, or a hundred miles. We hope not to be robbed or murdered. We hope a system of trade allows us to earn a living and obtain what we need. We hope those we find there treat each other, and strangers, decently. We hope our boat hasn't landed us on the shores of a libertarian nation.

The ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau led logically to the American and French Revolutions. The preamble to our Declaration of Independence could well have been dictated by any one of the three. Our revolution, like so many, is still underway. Universal health care happens to be its current battlefield.

I am naive enough to think that universal care is obviously good. I don't say how it should be implemented or regulated. I say we should implement it and regulate it as well as we can, and improve it through our votes and our legislature. This is something we owe to the future. The United States is shamefully the only Western democracy without universal health care. All of the nations that we inspired by our revolution, including France, have moved ahead on us on this.


The freedom of belief (Rockwell)

I am told we cannot trust the government. I believe we must trust it, and work to make it trustworthy. We are told the free enterprise system will sort things out, but it has not. When insurance companies direct millions toward lobbying and advertising against a health care system, every dollar is being withheld from sick people. When it goes to salaries, executive jets, corporate edifices and legislative manipulation, it isn't going to Amy Caudle.

The fallacy of the free enterprise argument is that there is a faith that corporations are motivated to bring about the public good. Corporations are motivated to maximize profits for shareholders. That is the primary mission of all corporate executives, and they retain their jobs by placing the bottom line and the stock price above all else.

If you doubt it, I recommend a current documentary named "Crude," by Joe Berlinger. It relates the story of a group of Indians who have occupied the Ecuadorean rain forest since time immemorial. They existed in unison with nature, living off the land and for the land, governed by themselves. They were, if you will, Noble Savages. Or perhaps they were an ideal libertarian state. They occupy the forest filmed by Herzog in "Fitzcarraldo."

It was their misfortune that oil was discovered beneath their forest. Texaco, later called Chevron, moved in with the permission of the national government, which had previously ignored them. It laid waste to square miles of forest, struck oil, had an oil spill that blighted the river highway of the Indians, and pumped billions of gallons of toxic waste into the river. One independent estimate is that remediation should cost Chevron $27 billion.

We meet a man whose little daughter went splashing in the river one day and was dead within 24 hours. The water is lethal to drink. Many others died. Vegetation was destroyed. Fish disappeared. The Indians are represented by a determined local lawyer and an American lawyer working pro bono. Chevron has deployed a legal team that prevented the complaint from even coming to court for ten years. There is still no resolution. The corporation is prepared to fight this forever.


The freedom from want (Rockwell)

But wait, you ask: At the moment of the oil spill, why didn't the oil company act immediately to clean it up? Why did it knowingly pump tainted water into the river? I don't know. My best guess is: Cleaning the spill and treating the water would have cost money. That money would be charged against profits. The corporation had the national government on its side, and the Ecuadoran share of the oil was good for the national treasury. Local officials were plied with gifts and trips. The corporation thought it could get away with it.

For many years the insurance industry has gotten away with policies that place coverage out of the reach of many Americans. Their mission is not to sell health insurance. It is to sell profitable health insurance. If the experience of every other Western democracy teaches us anything, it is this, oddly enough: Providing it for everyone would cost less than our current system.

But there is a more compelling argument. We owe it to ourselves. It is the right thing to do. It will promote the general welfare. It will assist in our pursuit of life and happiness. The arguments against it come disguised in ideology designed to conceal their common motivation: Selfishness.

Trailer for Joe Berliner's Crude"

The medieval alms house at Beaune in France. They couldn't do much for you, but at least your pillow was placed to face the altar

"The Social Contract," a short film. The guy at the head of the line is a libertarian.

Rousseau's "The Social Contract,"complete…l_contract.html


Vous vous souvenez de Bush Jr, le mec qui passait trop de temps au golf pour pouvoir s'occuper des dossiers.

Pas grave, le Messie, en neuf mois, vient de visiter plus souvent les greens que son prédecesseur en deux ans et demi.

President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he's already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.

CBS' Mark Knoller — an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related — wrote on his Twitter feed that, "Today - Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24.

Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months."

This news comes on the heels of today's news that Obama played golf with a woman — chief domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes — for the first time since taking office.…sh_on_golf.html


Ne critiquons pas ces présidents pour cela: ce type de présidents toujours prêts à pondre un truc débile devraient passer beaucoup, beaucoup plus de temps à jouer au golf. C'est encore comme cela qu'ils l'emploient le mieux.


Visiblement la réforme de la santé est en "bonne" voie. Elle a fait son piti bonhomme de chemin.Il y a quelques mois je n'aurais pas donné cher de sa peau.

La public option est tellement ridicule… certains démocrates se la jouent "cheval de Troie" et disent qu'une public option est en parfait accord avec le principe de concurrence et poussera les assureurs privés par émulation.La bonne blague. La public option aura accès a tellement de passes-droit qu'elle faussera le jeu de la libre-concurrence.…eedName=topNews

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives have nearly finished a sweeping healthcare reform bill that would include a government-run insurance option and hope to unveil it on Thursday.

After weeks of negotiations to merge three pending health bills, Democratic leaders plan to make their final decisions in a Wednesday meeting and move the measure to the House floor for debate late next week, Democratic aides said.

The Senate all but finished its merger of two pending healthcare bills into one.

The House bill will include a government-run "public" insurance option that is likely to use reimbursement rates negotiated with healthcare providers, aides said.

That is a blow to House liberals, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who wanted a version with lower rates pegged to Medicare, the health plan for the elderly. Pelosi failed to find the 218 votes needed to pass a more "robust" version of a government-run plan that would compete with private insurers.

The House measure would require everyone to buy insurance and include a surtax on the wealthiest Americans to help pay for the changes, Democrats said.

President Barack Obama has made a healthcare overhaul that reins in costs, regulates insurers and expands coverage to millions of uninsured his top domestic priority.

The effort has bogged down in Congress amid battles over its size, how to pay for the changes and whether to include a government-run insurance plan that Obama and liberals believe would create more choice for consumers.

Critics say the public option, which would compete with private plans on a state-based exchanges where individuals could shop for insurance, would lead to a government takeover of the sector.

Democratic leaders in the House also have been negotiating with a group of about 40 House Democrats who want to strengthen the bill's language to ensure no federal funds would be used for abortions.

Those Democrats have threatened to sink the bill or block it from moving to the floor without changes.

In the Senate, Democratic leader Harry Reid has sent a proposed merged bill to congressional budget analysts for a cost estimate. The Senate debate will begin once they report their findings.

(Editing by John O'Callaghan)

Obama approuve un budget de la Défense de 680 milliards de dollars

(AFP) – Il y a 11 heures

WASHINGTON — Le président américain Barack Obama a approuvé mercredi un budget militaire pour 2010 doté de 680 milliards de dollars, affirmant que sa volonté de mettre fin aux gaspillages du ministère de la Défense montrait qu'une autre politique était possible à Washington.

"J'ai toujours rejeté l'idée selon laquelle nous devrions forcément gaspiller les milliards de dollars du contribuable américain pour assurer la sécurité de notre pays", a dit Barack Obama, avant de promulguer la loi de programmation budgétaire du ministère de la Défense lors d'une cérémonie à la Maison Blanche.

Le secrétaire à la Défense Robert Gates a rendu hommage aux efforts de M. Obama pour mettre fin aux gaspillages du Pentagone.

"Je voudrais souligner le fait que cette loi et ce budget ne sont qu'un commencement (…). Il faudra plusieurs budgets avant d'arriver là où nous voulons arriver", a-t-il déclaré.

Le texte promulgué qui est le fruit d'un compromis entre les deux chambres du Congrès, est proche des souhaits du Pentagone.

Il contient notamment une mesure visant à imposer de nouvelles restrictions sur l'aide militaire américaine au Pakistan qui exige une traçabilité du matériel militaire envoyé au Pakistan et affirme qu'Islamabad ne doit pas bouleverser "l'équilibre des pouvoirs dans la région", faisant allusion aux tensions avec l'Inde.

Le texte contient en outre une augmentation de la paie des militaires de 3,4%.

Il comprend également 6,7 milliards de dollars pour le financement de véhicules résistant aux mines.

En outre, 7,5 milliards sont prévus pour entraîner et équiper l'armée et la police afghane.

Le texte élargit également la loi sur les crimes liés à une discrimination. Les nouvelles dispositions donnent aux autorités de police et de justice locales la possibilité de se saisir de crimes et délits liés au genre, à l'orientation sexuelle, l'identité sexuelle (transsexuels ou travestis), aux handicaps physiques ou mentaux.…JRgFTk3BUgW03uA

Prix Nobel de quoi déjà?? :icon_up:


Dans les dépenses militaires des états-unis, il y a de nombreuses composantes, et souvent les journalistes qui écrivent dans les medias de masse ne savent pas quelle réalité les chiffres qu'ils annoncent recouvrent.

Il y a le budget "de base" destiné à l'entretien et à la paie des soldat, ainsi qu'à l'acquisition de nouveaux matériels; il y a les programmes pour les vétérans, les OPEX; il y a la branche du contre-terrorisme (homeland security), les intérêts sur les dettes contractées sur les précédents budgets,les dépenses qui sont effectuées par d'autre département que le Dod mais qui sont reliées à la défense, la partie défense du budget de la NASA…

En fin de compte selon que vous considérez uniquement les dépenses "de base" ou la totalité des dépenses reliées à la défense, le budget total varie de 500 à 900 milliards de dollars.

Le budget Dod base spending+Veteran's affair+Homeland Security+OPEX était de 760 milliards de dollars en 2008, et de 750 en 2009.Mais le Dod base Spending a progressé de 480 à 515 milliards sur la même période.

Quoi qu'il en soit, réduire le budget de la défense ne se fait pas juste comme ça, tous les généraux/chefs de service pleunichent pour qu'on ne leur supprime pas "leur" budget mais celui des autres, il y a des intrigues, des cabales, la traditionelle opposition faucons/colombes…

Un an après la présidentielle américaine, le vaste élan populaire qui a donné aux Etats-Unis le premier président noir de son histoire s'est transformé en tiède soutien à mesure que Barack Obama se frottait à l'exercice du pouvoir.

Stratégiquement installé à l'angle d'un carrefour animé de Washington, "Dick" vend sur un étal la panoplie complète du parfait touriste visitant la capitale fédérale: casquettes, tee-shirts et même des bijoux.

Quid des objets à l'effigie de M. Obama, pourtant un des symboles de la ville? "Ils sont restés dans le camion, dit-il en désignant un vieux véhicule rouillé. Ca ne se vend plus".

De fait, la lune de miel du président Obama avec les Américains aura duré moins de six mois.

Au lendemain de son investiture, fin janvier, le président culmine à près de 70% d'opinions favorables. L'heure est à la mise en place des grands chantiers, comme le gigantesque plan de relance de l'économie de 787 milliards de dollars. Fin avril, à l'issue des 100 premiers jours de son mandat, M. Obama bénéficie encore d'opinions plus positives que ses prédécesseurs depuis vingt ans.

Mais la chute ne tarde pas à venir alors que l'opinion s'interroge sur la capacité du président américain à redresser une économie en plein désarroi. En juillet, sa cote de popularité passe même en dessous de celle de son prédécesseur George W. Bush à la même période de son mandat. Depuis la mi-octobre, elle dépasse difficilement les 50%, indique à l'AFP Frank Newport, un analyste de l'institut de sondage Gallup.

"La cote de M. Obama est légèrement en dessous de celles des présidents américains depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale", remarque M. Newport, selon qui la situation économique "contribue sans aucun doute" à freiner l'enthousiasme des Américains. "De manière générale, les Américains ne sont pas très satisfaits de la manière dont les choses se passent aux Etats-Unis", dit-il.

Conséquence directe: les produits dérivés à l'effigie du président accusent eux aussi de sérieuses baisses de popularité dans les boutiques de souvenirs qui pullulent à Washington. "Les ventes ont vraiment ralenti depuis que M. Obama a pris ses fonctions", observe un vendeur, Vin Ngo.

Ce n'est pourtant pas faute d'une offre pléthorique: de l'effigie en carton grande nature à la cuillère dorée l'or fin, en passant par la bouteille de champagne cuvée spéciale investiture, on trouve de tout sur le président Obama.

Au rayon des nouveautés, une bande dessinée racontant la vie des deux filles Obama, Malia et Sasha, à la Maison Blanche explique que le président n'est pas censé faire la sieste ni jouer au basket dans le Bureau ovale, même si c'est son sport favori.

Le chien des Obama, Bo, a également fait son apparition avec une série de badges dont l'intitulé "Bo, commandant en laisse" rappelle la fonction de "commandant en chef" des armées du président américain.

La popularité de Barack Obama ne saurait toutefois s'arrêter aux sondages ou aux ventes de produits dérivés, elle relève également du "phénomène culturel", promis à perdurer, avance le professeur Clyde Wilcox, de l'université Georgetown de Washington.

"C'est le premier président afro-américain, c'est un homme jeune qui a déjà remporté de grandes victoires. C'est un phénomène culturel aux Etats-Unis et partout dans le monde", explique-t-il.

Il n'y a dans ces conditions rien d'étonnant à voir chez Lian Nelson, un autre marchand de rue de Washington, des tee-shirts Obama côtoyer ceux d'un autre héros noir américain, Michael Jackson, même si le "roi de la pop" le devance nettement en termes de ventes.

Source : AFP



À propos de la réforme du "healthcare system"… Dans les commentaires de ce post rigolo de Tom Naughton on peut lire que les professionnels de la santé subissent des pressions et risquent des procès en "malpractice" s'ils dévient de la propagande de l'USDA et de la FDA en matière de nutrition et de cholestérol, malgré les faits médicaux qui corroborent leurs avis. Et que l'unification du système de financement des dépenses de santé s'accompagnera certainement aussi… d'une "harmonisation" (à l'échelle fédérale) de l'ensemble des recommandations de santé. Il ne restera plus la moindre place au voix discordantes.


Messie ou pas, la parano se porte bien aux States :

1,600 are suggested daily for FBI's list

Number of names on terrorist watch list at 400,000, agency says

Newly released FBI data offer evidence of the broad scope and complexity of the nation's terrorist watch list, documenting a daily flood of names nominated for inclusion to the controversial list.

During a 12-month period ended in March this year, for example, the U.S. intelligence community suggested on a daily basis that 1,600 people qualified for the list because they presented a "reasonable suspicion," according to data provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee by the FBI in September and made public last week.


Le projet de loi du président a été validé par la Chambre des représentants. Si le Sénat fait de même, il pourrait permettre à 36 millions d'Américains de s'offrir une couverture santé.

La Chambre des représentants américaine a adopté samedi soir - par un vote serré - le plan de réforme de la couverture santé aux Etats-Unis, offrant à Barack Obama une première victoire au Congrès sur cet ambitieux projet politique. Le président a aussitôt salué le vote «historique» de la Chambre et s'est déclaré «absolument confiant» sur l'issue d'un prochain scrutin au Sénat, espérant ensuite promulguer la loi «d'ici la fin de l'année».

Les élus de la chambre basse ont approuvé le texte (d'environ 2.000 pages) par 220 voix contre 215, à l'issue de 12 heures de débats. Seul un républicain a voté en faveur de ce projet de loi. Le président s'était déplacé en personne samedi en milieu de journée pour exhorter les représentants, dans un discours d'une trentaine de minutes, à voter pour sa réforme, l'une de ses promesses de campagne.

(badurl) (badurl)


Ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font. Mais la Fraônce, pour le coup, a ouvert la voie.


Et merde, entendu ca aux infos hier :/

Bon, y a plus qu'à espérer que le Sénat ne lache pas aussi facilement.

PS: Lu dans le Capital de ce mois ci que 50+% des citoyens US non assurés en santé avaient des revenus supérieurs à… 45k$ annuels. Et environ un quart à 75k$.


Ce qui est quand même ironique c'est que les amerloques font leur sécu à l'americaine pil au moment où la notre affiche un déficit record de 30 miyards, que le vote du "budget" à tourné à la farce, et qu'on pense afficher un magnifique 70 miyards de deficit l'année prochaine. Il devrait y voir un sérieux avertissement pour le futur de son projet, mais bon vu que c'est une promesse de campagne…

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