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  • 5 weeks later...
  Le 07/11/2020 à 10:40, Bisounours a dit :


En même temps, les études et les livres sont haram (td'où le noùm Boko Haram)., Il faut respecter leur convictions religieuses.


L'Arménie a rendu les armes semble-t-il.


Les images incessantes de frappes de drôles sur les pauvres fantassins Arméniens étaient plus que de la propagande finalement.


Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop Its Growing Nuclear Program



President Trump asked senior advisers in an Oval Office meeting on Thursday whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks. The meeting occurred a day after international inspectors reported a significant increase in the country’s stockpile of nuclear material, four current and former U.S. officials said on Monday.


A range of senior advisers dissuaded the president from moving ahead with a military strike. The advisers — including Vice President Mike Pence; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Christopher C. Miller, the acting defense secretary; and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — warned that a strike against Iran’s facilities could easily escalate into a broader conflict in the last weeks of Mr. Trump’s presidency.


Any strike — whether by missile or cyber — would almost certainly be focused on Natanz, where the International Atomic Energy Agency reported on Wednesday that Iran’s uranium stockpile was now 12 times larger than permitted under the nuclear accord that Mr. Trump abandoned in 2018. The agency also noted that Iran had not allowed it access to another suspected site where there was evidence of past nuclear activity.



Une petite guerre avant de partir

  Le 10/11/2020 à 20:21, Mathieu_D a dit :

L'Arménie a rendu les armes semble-t-il.


Les images incessantes de frappes de drôles sur les pauvres fantassins Arméniens étaient plus que de la propagande finalement.



je n'sais quelle partie quoter tant tout est important :

  • Yea 2
  • 1 month later...

Ça chauffe... Les États-Unis et Israël envisagent la possibilité d'une attaque iranienne, un an après la mort de Suleimani.



Israel said bracing for possible strikes by Iran-backed militias in Iraq, Yemen


The Israeli military is preparing for the possibility of a strike by Iran-backed militias in Iraq or Yemen, according to a Friday report.


The Israeli Defense Forces held discussions last week about possible attacks, including missile and drone strikes, from the Iraqi militias and Houthi groups in Yemen, the Kan public broadcaster reported.


Tensions in the Middle East have heated in recent weeks as Israel and the US have traded threats with Iran ahead of the 1-year anniversary of the US airstrike that killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.


Iran has also threatened to attack Israel since the assassination of its top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, in late November, in a raid blamed on the Jewish state.


urther ratcheting up tensions, the UN nuclear watchdog said Friday that Iran intends to produce uranium enriched up to 20 percent purity, well beyond the threshold set by the 2015 Vienna accord and a short jump from weapons-grade material.


The Friday report from Kan echoed comments made last week by IDF Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman, who told a Saudi news outlet that Israel was not aware of any specific plans by Iran to attack the Jewish state, but that Iranian forces could carry out an attack from Iraq or Yemen.


He said Israel had information indicating Iran was developing unmanned aerial vehicles and “smart missiles” in Iraq and Yemen, and that the weapons could have the ability to strike Israel.


Zilberman said Israel was tracking Iranian movements around the region, and that Israeli submarines were quietly “sailing everywhere.” His interview came after an Israeli submarine reportedly openly crossed the Suez Canal in a show of force directed at Iran.


A day after the interview was published, an unnamed Iranian official told Al Jazeera that “Tehran’s response to any attack on national security will be strong and wide.”


US officials have expressed concern that Iran may be planning attacks against US-allied targets in neighboring Iraq or elsewhere in the region. In recent weeks the US military has taken a range of steps designed to deter Iran, while publicly emphasizing that it is not planning, and has not been instructed, to take unprovoked action against Iran.


US President Donald Trump has warned Iran against any attack, and the US has flown strategic bombers over the Persian Gulf in a show of force meant to deter Iran from attacking American or allied targets in the Middle East.


In a strikingly similar move to the reported Israeli submarine crossing of the Suez Canal, a US nuclear submarine crossed the Strait of Hormuz on Monday.

Iranian officials have issued a stream of threats against the US as the anniversary of Soleimani’s death approaches. The general was killed in a US airstrike in Baghdad on January 3 of last year.


The US State Department on Tuesday advanced the sale of 3,000 precision-guided glide bombs to Saudi Arabia, Iran’s chief regional foe.




Iran’s military ready to respond to U.S. pressure, general warns


TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The top commander of Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard said Friday that his country was fully prepared to respond to any U.S. military pressure as tensions between Tehran and Washington remain high in the waning days of President Donald Trump’s administration.


Gen. Hossein Salami spoke at a ceremony at Tehran University commemorating the upcoming one-year anniversary of the U.S. drone strike in Baghdad that killed Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who headed the expeditionary Quds force, on Jan. 3, 2020.


At the time, Iran retaliated by launching a ballistic missile strike on a military base in Iraq that caused brain concussion injuries to about 100 U.S. troops. Washington and Tehran came dangerously close to war as the crisis escalated.


“Today, we have no problem, concern or apprehension toward encountering any powers. We will give our final words to our enemies on the battlefield,” Salami said, without mentioning the U.S. directly. Several top Iranian officials, along with Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese allies and members of Soleimani’s family, were in attendance.


Soleimani’s replacement, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani, said at the ceremony that Iran was not afraid of confronting “powers,” again without naming the U.S. He also warned that “freedom seekers” within the U.S. could retaliate for the attack that killed Soleimani, telling America that “inside your own home, there might be those who want to respond to the crime that you committed.”


The head of Iran’s judiciary, Ebrahim Raisi, said all those who had a role in Soleimani’s killing will not be able to “escape law and justice,” even if they were a U.S. president.


Also, Iran’s Foreign Ministry tweeted that Iran will not rest until perpetrators of Soleimani’s killing are brought to justice.


“By committing a craven act of terror against Gen Soleimani, the US violated int’l law & the UN Charter in a blatant violation of Iraqi sovereignty,” said a post on the ministry’s Twitter account. “The US’ lawlessness in full show. #Iran won’t rest until bringing those responsible to justice.”


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Friday that Washington would bear responsibility for the consequences of any possible “adventure” in the region. His comments came during a call with his Kuwaiti counterpart, according to the ministry’s website.


Already, America has conducted B-52 bomber flyovers and sent a nuclear submarine into the Persian Gulf over what Trump administration officials describe as the possibility of an Iranian attack on the anniversary of Soleimani’s killing.


Strategic calculations on both sides have been complicated by the political transition in Washington to President-elect Joe Biden’s administration, which may seek new paths in dealing with Iran.


Also Friday, Iranian video sharing services released an English-language song filmed abroad that praises Soleimani. Footage of Soleimani’s funeral and some videos of him in the battlefield were also shown.




Here’s Why Tensions Are Rising Between Iran And The U.S.


Iran promised on Friday to rebut any military threats from the United States, and it vowed to hold U.S. officials responsible for last year’s killing of a prominent military leader, a pair of vague threats that come amid weeks of escalating rhetoric from both countries and U.S. demonstrations of military force in the Middle East.


President Donald Trump tweeted last week that the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was hit by Iranian rockets almost two weeks ago (an accusation backed up by Pentagon officials), and the president warned about “chatter” of other imminent Iran-backed attacks against Americans in Iraq.


On Wednesday, the U.S. Air Force flew B-52 bombers in the Middle East, a show of force the military said was meant to deter any possible attacks.


Iranian officials responded on Thursday and Friday by accusing the United States of lobbing false allegations as a pretext for conflict, and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Revolutionary Guard commander Hossein Salami said the country will actively rebut any direct threats, though they didn’t specify the kind of response they’re weighing.


Meanwhile, Iran said it will hold U.S. officials responsible for killing Quds Force paramilitary commander Qasem Soleimani early last year, an action the United States claimed was due to an immediate threat of violence but Iran described on Friday (two days before the one-year anniversary of Soleimani’s death) as a “craven act of terror.”


U.S. Central Command (which oversees Middle East military operations) and Iran’s mission to the United Nations did not respond to requests for comment.



  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Ça chauffe pas mal : d'après Tsahal, deux cents roquettes auraient visé Israël :





C'est "interessant" toutes les videos qui proviennent d'Israel en ce moment. J'imagine que cela nous permet de voyager dans le temps et de voir comment les Palestiniens ont ete forces a quitter leurs proprietes privees : intimidation, violence, lynchage. Au moins, on pourra enterrer la fable sur la creation d'Israel issue de transactions foncieres mutuellement consenties.


Le conflit israelo-palestinien fait parti des sujets sur lequels l'expérience a montré que l'on arrivait pas à une discussion constructive en particulier quand le sujet est dans l'actualité. Il est possible que cette politique change dans le futur mais il n'y aura donc pas de débat sur le forum sur ce sujet pour le moment. 
Cette politique est discutable par MP si vous le souhaitez mais aucunement en public sur le forum.

  • 1 month later...

Les talibans misent sur la Chine pour la reconstruction de l’Afghanistan



Suhail Shaheen a affirmé que les talibans contrôlaient désormais 85 % du territoire afghan, et qu’ils garantiraient la sécurité des investisseurs et des travailleurs chinois qui reviendraient dans le pays. “Ils sont les bienvenus. S’ils investissent, bien sûr, nous assurerons leur sécurité, celle-ci est très importante pour nous”, a-t-il assuré.


Selon le quotidien anglophone hongkongais, les talibans s’engagent à ne pas fournir de base d’appui à des Ouïgours



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Pendant ce temps chez les voisins :



On Tuesday, four members were killed and 13 others were wounded in an attack of ISIS on an Iranian-backed militias’ military point in the countryside of Abu Kamal on the Syrian-Iraqi border.



Le 12 aôut dernier, l'ambassadeur russe et l'ambassadeur britannique ont taquiné les ayatollahs.




Russia and the UK have denied offending Iran over a controversial photo of their ambassadors in Tehran.

An image of the two diplomats sat on the historic steps of the 1943 Tehran Conference sparked anger from Iranian authorities.

Russian ambassador Levan Dzhagaryan and his British counterpart Simon Shercliff were pictured on the same steps where allied leaders had met during World War II when Iran had been invaded.


The Russian Embassy has stated that the image was only intended to commemorate the fight against Nazi Germany.

But Iran has described the photo as "extremely inappropriate" and summoned the two ambassadors, according to state media.

Why is the image controversial?

Dzhagaryan and Simon Shercliff were pictured sat atop the same stairs where Soviet leader Josef Stalin met UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Roosevelt in 1943.

The so-called Tehran Conference of the "Big Three" leading powers was intended to strengthen their countries' cooperation against Nazism.


In their original tweet, the Russian embassy also noted the comparison between the photo and the 1943 conference, although Roosevelt's seat was left empty.




  • 2 weeks later...
  Le 10/09/2021 à 14:06, Johnnieboy a dit :


Oui, et pour résumer : Al Qaida représente une forme "d'elite" tandis que l'EI est la masse médiocre. Ca se voit du haut en bas de leurs organisations.



Chose que j'ignorais.


Pour une fois que le coté "populaire" perd contre le coté "élitiste".

  • Yea 1

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