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L'Afrique, bonne hôtesse

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The United Nations Security Council on Friday authorized the deployment of a 4,000-strong protection force in South Sudan's capital, Juba, as part of the U.N. peacekeeping mission and threatened an arms embargo if the government does not cooperate.

The authorization follows several days of heavy fighting involving tanks and helicopters in Juba last month between troops loyal to President Salva Kiir and those backing former Vice President Riek Machar that raised fears of a return to full-scale civil war in the world's newest nation.

The protection force - to be made up of African troops - will "use all necessary means, including undertaking robust action where necessary and actively patrolling" to enforce peace in Juba and protect the airport and other key facilities.

The force would also "promptly and effectively engage any actor that is credibly found to be preparing attacks, or engages in attacks" against U.N. sites, aid workers or civilians. It could confront South Sudanese government troops if needed.

Hundreds of people were killed and the United Nations said government soldiers and security forces executed civilians and gang-raped women and girls during and after last month's fighting. South Sudan rejected the accusations.

The protection force will be part of the U.N. peacekeeping mission in South Sudan, known as UNMISS, which has been on the ground since the country gained independence from Sudan in 2011. The force's chief will report to the UNMISS commander.

The council authorized UNMISS and the protection force until Dec. 15, 2016.

South Sudan said it would accept a deployment of African troops in the capital, but on Wednesday voiced opposition to those troops being placed under U.N. command.

The Security Council has long-threatened to impose an arms embargo on South Sudan.

Under Friday's resolution, the council will consider imposing an embargo if U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reports that South Sudan's government is obstructing deployment of the protection force or the work of UNMISS.

The deployment of more international troops in Juba has been a key demand of Machar, who left Juba following the violence last month. Kiir has since appointed a new vice president.

South Sudan descended into civil war after Kiir first dismissed Machar as his deputy. They signed a peace deal in August 2015, but implementation was slow and difficult.




  • 2 weeks later...




"Mugabe orders arrest "rats we call athletes" after Zimbabwe wins no olympic medals"


Dur de croire en Mugabe, aujourd'hui les blancs pourraient être propriétaires et demain?

  • 2 weeks later...



Une maison de José Eduardo dos Santos, le "président" (depuis 1979) d'Angola.



Gabon : la Cour constitutionnelle valide la réélection de Ali Bongo Ondimba



Jean Ping, ancien cacique du régime passé dans l’opposition, demandait notamment un recomptage des bulletins de vote dans la province du Haut-Ogooué.

Dans ce fief familial de la famille Bongo, le président sortant avait obtenu, selon les résultats de la commission électorale qui ont mis le feu aux poudres le 31 août, 95% des voix pour 99% de participation, lui garantissant au plan national une avance de quelque 5 000 voix sur Jean Ping, sur un peu plus de 325 000 électeurs.



Certains représentants des pays voisins comme le président du Botswana veulent que Mugabe parte. Quand un président d'un pays voisin n'est plus capable de blairer Mugabe....


Parlant de Mugabbe, il aurait demandé la main des filles d'Obama pour ses fils. :huh:  :icon_surpris::icon_eek2:




Les juges de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) ont reconnu, mardi 27 septembre, le djihadiste malien Ahmed Al-Faqi Al-Mahdi coupable de la destruction de mausolées classés au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité à Tombouctou, lors d’un verdict historique. Il a été condamné à neuf ans de prison.

« Considérant notamment sa participation directe à de nombreux incidents et son rôle en tant que porte-parole pour les médias », les juges ont estimé que l’accusé « est coupable », a affirmé le juge Raul Pangalangan.


  • 3 weeks later...

Le - Le Burundi a décidé de quitter la CPI

Le Parlement a voté à une écrasante majorité le retrait du pays de la juridiction internationale. Le Burundi est le premier pays à prendre cette décision.

Félicitation à eux. Malgré son nom, cette juridiction semblait ignorer les exactions de dirigeant occidentaux.



"African pastors building empires in the midst of extreme poverty"



It is commonplace in Africa for pastors to own mega churches, fleet of cars, private jets and properties all over the world while a majority of their members can barely feed on a daily basis. Criticism levelled from different quarters all leverage on the vulnerability and gullibility of church goers who use their hard earned money to enrich their pastors, even at their detriment. In an article, poor blacks’ rich pastors, Seth Dunn elaborated on the plight of the average black church goer. He stated sadly that the wealthiest pastors in the world are blacks pastoring black poor people.


‘It is not uncommon for pastors in majority black churches to have perks such as automobile and clothing allowances. In fact, it is sometimes necessary for black pastors to have such allowance. Many black congregations expect their preachers to appear exceedingly prosperous. After all, who is going to take seriously a sermon about God’s material blessings given by a man with no gold watch, no fine suit, and no Cadillac? Absolutely no one.’


South Africa-based Pastor Hastings Salanje said pastors need to be rich because the congregation have to pay them for pouring unto them blessings they seek from God. “You see, we men of God are rich just because people pay us for giving them blessings” Salanje told Capital Radio in the Straight Talk.


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