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Sunspot observatory: Unexplained FBI raid sparks conspiracy theories



IT sounds like the opening scene of a conspiracy-theory movie. But this time, it’s real. US federal agents have swarmed onto a mountaintop observatory from a Blackhawk helicopter, ordering staff to leave and sealing the facility off from the public.


Perplexed astronomers and nearby residents have been wondering what is going on ever since.


The National Solar Observatory’s operators have been given no word as to why it has been seized or when it will be returned to their hands again.


“We have decided to vacate the facility at this time as precautionary measure,” observatory spokesperson Shari Lifson told the local Alomogordo Daily News. “The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy who manages the facility is addressing a security issue at this time.”


Nearby residences and facilities — including the local post office — have also been evacuated.


The FBI called on local police to help with the evacuation.


“There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers, but nobody would tell us anything,” Otero County Sheriff Benny House said.


“We went up there and everything was good. There was no threat. Nobody would identify any specific threat. We hung out for a little while then we left. No reason for us to be there. Nobody would tell us what we’re supposed to be watching out for.”


Sunspot Solar Observatory: Located at 9,200ft in Sunspot, New Mexico, the Sunspot Solar Observatory is home to the Dunn Solar Telescope which monitors solar activity.

Sunspot Solar Observatory: Located at 9,200ft in Sunspot, New Mexico, the Sunspot Solar Observatory is home to the Dunn Solar Telescope which monitors solar activity.Source:Supplied




The observatory is technically at Sacramento Peak, situated above the tiny town named Sunspot.


Sheriff House told media the agency has been in contact but refuses to share any details.


“The FBI is refusing to tell us what’s going on,” said House. “We’ve got people up there that requested us to standby while they evacuate it. Nobody would really elaborate on any of the circumstances as to why.”


He said he only had rumours to work with at this stage, including one that there had been a threat against the facility and staff, or a hazardous substances leak.


“If that’s the case, why didn’t they call us and let us deal with it?” he said. “I don’t know why the FBI would get involved so quick and not tell us anything.”


It’s now been more than a week since the facility was seized.


No explanation has yet been forthcoming.


The local newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal, has contacted the FBI. It refuses to confirm or deny that it is still in, or was even in, Sunspot.


The Sunspot observaotry is designed to monitor the output of the Sun and its solar flares.

The Sunspot observaotry is designed to monitor the output of the Sun and its solar flares.Source:Supplied




The solar telescope inside the observatory is designed tortrack the Sun while photographing and collecting spectroscopic data on the rays it and its sunspots emit.


“The Sacramento Peak Observatory serves the solar physics community as the only high-resolution solar facility with extensive spectroscopic capabilities open for community access in the United States and as a development testbed for the high-order AO (adaptive optics) capability needed for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope,” says a National Science Foundation description of the facility.


“The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) who manages the facility is addressing a security issue at this time,” AURA spokesperson Shari Lifson said in a statement. “It’s a temporary evacuation of the facility. We will open it up as soon as possible.”


The observatory is not the only research facility in the mountainous region


The Apache Point Observatory is about 1km from the Sacramento Peak site. It remains in operation.


The Washington Post spoke to Professor James McAteer at New Mexico State University, asking him what had been happening at the facility.


He said AURA had “ordered the site vacated, providing no other reason than a “security” issue. He said the researchers did not spot anything in the sun to necessitate them leaving, nor were they aware of any scientific reason — such as an anomaly in the data they were collecting — for doing so.”




The only clue is in the statement by AURA that the FBI’s move relates to a “security issue”.


This could imply espionage.


The National Solar Observatory’s site enjoys a wide view over the US Air Force’s Holloman Air Force Base and the US Army’s White Sands Missile Range.







Sinon à la toute fin de l'article:


This could imply espionage.

The National Solar Observatory’s site enjoys a wide view over the US Air Force’s Holloman Air Force Base and the US Army’s White Sands Missile Range.


Le seul truc logique. :D


@Alchimi Oui, c'est ce que j'ai pensé également. À côté des théories qui abondent (aliens, espions chinois, anthrax), il y a une explication simple : l'armée voulait mener des tests sur le site de White Sands que surplombe l'observatoire. Ils évacuent le site pour se prémunir des oreilles indiscrètes (j'imagine qu'il doit y  avoir du matériel de mesure dans ce genre d'installations). D'ailleurs, il n'y a aucune activité sur le site, pas de personnels en combinaisons NBC : il est simplement interdit d'accès.


On September 6th the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) made the decision to temporarily vacate the Sunspot Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak, New Mexico as a precautionary measure while addressing a security issue. The facility closed down in an orderly fashion and is now re-opening. The residents that vacated their homes will be returning to the site, and all employees will return to work this week. AURA has been cooperating with an on-going law enforcement investigation of criminal activity that occurred at Sacramento Peak. During this time, we became concerned that a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. For this reason, AURA temporarily vacated the facility and ceased science activities at this location. The decision to vacate was based on the logistical challenges associated with protecting personnel at such a remote location, and the need for expeditious response to the potential threat. AURA determined that moving the small number of on-site staff and residents off the mountain was the most prudent and effective action to ensure their safety. In light of recent developments in the investigation, we have determined there is no risk to staff, and Sunspot Solar Observatory is transitioning back to regular operations as of September 17th. Given the significant amount of publicity the temporary closure has generated, and the consequent expectation of an unusual number of visitors to the site, we are temporarily engaging a security service while the facility returns to a normal working environment. We recognize that the lack of communications while the facility was vacated was concerning and frustrating for some. However, our desire to provide additional information had to be balanced against the risk that, if spread at the time, the news would alert the suspect and impede the law enforcement investigation. That was a risk we could not take.



On dirait plutôt le new normal d'un pays policier où le "lockdown" de villes complètes (on se rappelle les images lunaires après le marathon de Boston). Bref quand il y a un suspect quelque part on ferme tout, on fait venir une division d'infanterie mécanisée etc. Toujours dans le simple quoi. Tu m'étonnes que faire SWATER son voisin soit devenu occupation comme une autre aux US.


C'est bien ce que je sentais : une dérive policière paranoïaque. Toujours plus. La course à la "sécurité" est sans fin. À quand une équipe de SWAT et un lockdown de quartier parce que le teckel de mamie biscotte a à aboyé un peu trop bruyamment dans la rue ? 

  • Yea 1

Le but de toutes ces gestuelles, de partout, est très clairement d'intimider la population.

Ces gens à la base payés pour nous protéger sont avant tout des sbires à la solde d'un seul maître : l'état.

Puis eux-mêmes.

  • Yea 1

J'ai toujours pensé que plus qu'intimider, le but est à la fois de rassurer (on s’occupe de vous, avec les grands moyens) et d'éviter tout risque (d'où le déluge de moyens). Nous sommes dans des sociétés qui vieillissent avec un certain attachement au risque "zéro".


Je ne veux pas tomber dans les clichés mais n'oubliez pas que c'est aux states.

Les flics et la garde nationale US aiment bien sortir l'arsenal à la moindre interpellation.


Il n’y a pas eu de mort, on peut donc applaudir la retenue dont a fait preuve la police. 

  • 1 month later...
  Le 21/09/2018 à 18:59, Tramp a dit :

Il n’y a pas eu de mort, on peut donc applaudir la retenue dont a fait preuve la police. 



Après moult recherches, il est apparu qu'il n'y a pas de physicien afro-américain dans cet établissement.



Edit : avec un mois et demi de retard, j'ai regardé cette affaire sur Google, on est dans le top 10 des résultats.

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