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Fauci, Parjure et Fact Checking

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J'ouvre un fil sur le Dr Fauci car ca commence a puer un peu beaucoup autour de lui, il y a meme #FauciGate en trend sur Twitter (j'ai pas trouvé de fil qui lui était dédié et ca vaut peut-etre le coup de séparer un fil sur lui et un fil sur les méfaits chinois).


Notamment cette publication:





January 11, 2017
Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak


Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.

Fauci has led the NIAID for more than 3 decades, advising the past five United States presidents on global health threats from the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s through to the current Zika virus outbreak.

Anthony S. Fauci
Anthony S. Fauci

During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.

“The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their predecessors were faced with,” he said.

While observers have speculated since his election about how Trump will respond to such challenges, Fauci and other health experts said Tuesday that preventing disease pandemics often starts overseas and that a proper response means collaboration between not only the U.S. and other countries, but also the public and private health sectors.

“We will definitely get surprised in the next few years,” he said.

‘Risks have never been higher’

Trump, the real estate developer-turned-Republican politician, has worried some infectious disease experts with controversial and sometimes unclear views on certain health issues.

Ronald Klain, who coordinated the U.S.’s Ebola response for the Obama administration, said Trump’s virtual silence about the Zika outbreak and harsh comments about American volunteers infected during the West African Ebola outbreak is “not the kind of leadership we need in our next president.”




Ca fait assez cherry picking dans la formulation de l'article quand on lit le contenu, mais même avec le contexte les mots ont un sens.


Il y a aussi sa confrontation avec Rand Paul qui ne se passe pas bien pour lui:





Rand Paul Has Won Every Single Round Against Fauci

Time has proven Rand Paul had his thumb on the pulse of the science of the virus, and understood the unintended consequences of government interventions better than public health officials.

With most sporting events canceled for much of the past year, audiences have tuned into a new kind of sparring to fill the void: political debates. And two opponents have quickly risen to the top of their weight classes—Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The two have paired off for numerous rounds in a feud that’s representative of the one the rest of the country has been having—how should the government respond to the coronavirus.

In each of these exchanges, the mainstream media and many on the left have rushed to condemn Rand for his views and back Fauci’s various stances. But with hindsight on our side, we can now look back on these debates and determine which of their perspectives history has proven correct.

Here’s a look back at some of their most memorable moments in the ring.


En lisant ceci, soit il y a un truc qui m'échappe, soit Fauci s'est parjuré devant une commission du Sénat américain (entre autres).

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Le truc qui me gêne dans ces histoires d'email, c'est ceci:




"The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (<0.1%) so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered."


Fauci répond sans sourciller à un email qui parle d'un virus fabriqué.


Et derrière dit à Rand Paul en commission que c'est complètement faux.

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Effectivement ça sent le parjure. 

Il y a d'autres éléments (les "grants" accordés au P4 de Wuhan justement pour ce genre de recherches les années précédentes, le fait que Fauci était un promoteur clair de l'ajout de fonction virale, le fait que dès que ces éléments ont été connus, il y a eu immédiatement plusieurs personnes directement en lien avec le board du P4 pour monter au créneau et dire "circulez y'a rien à voir", etc). 

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il y a 5 minutes, Hayek's plosive a dit :

Le truc qui me gêne dans ces histoires d'email, c'est ceci:




"The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (<0.1%) so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered."


Fauci répond sans sourciller à un email qui parle d'un virus fabriqué.


Et derrière dit à Rand Paul en commission que c'est complètement faux.


C'est intéressant, merci.


Sachant que le mail de Andersen fait référence à des études dont la conclusion doit, sous une semaine, permettre de répondre à la question de l'origine humaine ou non du virus, que dit l'étude en question ? Ca doit bien être dans les emails.


Tu fais référence à quel échange en commission stp entre Paul & Fauci ?

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il y a 1 minute, Lexington a dit :

Tu fais référence à quel échange en commission stp entre Paul & Fauci ?


Il y a cette vidéo dans l'article (c'était pas celle-là, je l'ai vu sur Twitter, faut que je la retrouve):



Fauci nie que les US ont financé le labo de Wuhan pour le "gain of function". Paul continue d'appuyer et Fauci craque en disant "let me explain to you why that was done". Mais derrière il re-nie financer le "gain of function" a Wuhan.


Donc la position en commission de Fauci c'est bien "oui on finance Wuhan, mais pas pour du gain of function".


Or l'email plus haut laisse penser le contraire.

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Ce sens du timing, dis. Facebook suspend DT pour 2 ans pour cause de "risques pour la sécurité du public". Faudra pas s'étonner que les trumpistes fassent le lien avec les échanges de mail entre Fauci et Zuckerberg même si c'est complètement con sur ce point précis. On peut par contre discuter du poids indécent des médias pour faire avancer l'agenda démocrate, mais c'est HS ici (quoiqu'en fait non).

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Au fait d'où sortent les mails? Qui les a fait leakés? 


Il y a 15 heures, Hayek's plosive a dit :

les échanges de mail entre Fauci et Zuckerberg même si c'est complètement con sur ce point précis. 


Il y a quand même une connivence gênante entre certains GAFAM et les autorité sanitaires.


A titre personnel, j'espère que cette affaire touchera aussi le Conseil scientifique français. Ca pourrait même servir Macron qui pourrait se débarrasser d'un organisme devenu gênant (et même lui rejeter la faute de la mauvaise gestion de la crise).

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De nouveaux squelettes sont sorti du placard de Fauci. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2021-09-07/fauci-was-untruthful-new-foia-evidence-proves-us-funded-gain-function-research


(Submitted by Quoth the Raven from QTR's "Fringe Finance" at http://quoththeraven.substack.com)

Powerful new evidence and analysis appears to further the link between Dr. Peter Daszak, the NIH, and the United States potentially having a hand in funding gain-of-function research for bat coronaviruses in Wuhan - the site of the Covid-19 outbreak.

The evidence came to light on Monday, but the scope of the documents was truly put into focus by one Harvard Ph.D. who said: “The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful…”.

Those who have been following my work for the last year or so know that I have been committed to trying to point out inconsistencies and the changing Covid narrative being pushed unto regular, hard-working, everyday Americans.

Most recently, I wrote a piece pointing out the stark differences between what the establishment, led by Dr. Fauci, is saying about herd immunity and vaccines versus what they were saying about a year ago.

A few weeks prior, I did a podcast called “Question the Answers” that laid out the changing narrative regarding the lab leak scenario.

I pointed out that those who were once regarded as conspiracy theorists for suggesting the (fairly obvious guess of a) lab leak now look as though they were on the verge of being proven right.
Additional evidence is now supporting my long held belief that the Wuhan Institute of Virology may have had something to do with the Covid pandemic. However, in my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined that the United States would have been involved in funding gain-of-function research in China.

But that is what the evidence continues to suggest. 

Sharon Lerner and Mara Hvistendahl at The Intercept broke the story late night on Labor Day. They wrote:


Et la cerise sur le gâteau pour couronner le tout, le magazine National Geographic a bien choisi le pire moment pour poster une bande-annonce d'un documentaire sur Fauci. À lire les commentaires certains ont posté qu'ils ont hâte de voir Fauci II: sa vie dérrière les barreaux.  



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In the context of a conversation about childhood infections, Fauci speculates that “if the close contact of a child is a household contact, perhaps there will be a certain number of cases of individuals who are just living with and in close contact with someone with AIDS, or at risk of AIDS, who does not necessarily have to have intimate sexual contact or share a needle, but just the ordinary close contact that one sees in normal interpersonal relations.”


Wow. Comme quoi jouer les fearmongerers, c'est porteur comme carrière.

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il y a 20 minutes, Hayek&#x27;s plosive a dit :

Wow. Comme quoi jouer les fearmongerers, c'est porteur comme carrière.

Quand tu es proche des milieux politiques, oui, clairement.

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Il y a un bon article sur Fauci qui se débat comme le diable dans l'eau bénite.





January 12, 2022

Fauci wriggles like a fish on a hook when questioned about DARPA


On Monday, Project Veritas released documents showing that an organization called EcoHealth Alliance approached the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (aka DARPA) seeking funding for its research into SARS viruses in rats, only to be turned down because of DARPA’s gain of function concerns. EcoHealth then turned to Fauci’s NIAID, which seemingly did research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that led to COVID’s spread throughout the world. When quizzed about these documents before the Senate, Fauci denied the charges but, if you listen carefully, he denied a strawman of his own making.

Monday’s bombshell was that DARPA refused to accept EcoHealth’s proposal for bat virus research in China. It did so because EcoHealth’s proposal failed to acknowledge that it was obviously doing gain-of-function research and, therefore, failed to address safety concerns or problems with the gain-of-function-research moratorium. Project Veritas also produced an August 2021 letter from U.S. Marine Corp. Major Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA fellow. Major Murphy wrote the summary after finding conveniently “misfiled” documents.

If you don’t like plowing through documents, Project Veritas’s video explains what’s going on:



Accompagné d'une image assez rigolo.


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Décidément, il y a un autre sqeulette qui s'est évadé du placard de Fauci. 




Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said Friday that during his seven-hour deposition with Dr. Anthony Fauci, new information revealed that two months after Fauci told a friend masks were "ineffective," he supported mask mandates. 

On Friday, the Show-Me State Republican attorney general tweeted a "tidbit" from his deposition with the outgoing head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:

"Another tidbit from Fauci depo: In Feb ‘20 he emailed a friend advising her masks were ineffective. Confirmed again on Mar 31. On Apr 3 he’s adamant masks should be worn even though he couldn’t cite a single study to prove it. Mandates followed—Lives ruined."



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Devrais-je remercier Fauci alias Fraudci ou Fauxci pour garder ce fil en vie? Maintenant il met le blâme sur Trump et défend la Chine.



The overlord of science Anthony Fauci blamed President Trump Sunday for China’s continued obfuscation of the origins of COVID, claiming that it was Trump’s “anti-China approach” that encouraged the Communist state to be non-cooperative.


Now that he has retired, Anthony Fauci is devoting even more time to his favourite hobby, appearing on the news, shilling for China, and telling people to get booster shots.

In his latest appearance on CBS’ Face The Nation, Fauci declared “What happens is that if you look at the anti-China approach, that clearly the Trump administration had right from the very beginning, and the accusatory nature, the Chinese are going to flinch back and say, Oh, I’m sorry, we’re not going to talk to you about it, which is not correct. They should be.”

“I think that horse is out of the barn, and they’re very suspicious of anybody trying to accuse them,” Fauci continued, adding “We need to have an open dialogue with their scientists and our scientists, keep the politics out of it. And let the scientists- because these are scientists that we’ve known for decades, and we’ve collaborated with them.”




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  • 4 weeks later...
Il y a 9 heures, Lexington a dit :

Reason, toujours au bon niveau 



J'aimerais être de leur avis (parce que concentrer la rage sur la seule personne de Fauci me semble un peu limité), mais dans un état technocratique moderne, Fauci ou quiconque occupe sa place ne donne pas "juste" des conseils. McKinsey donne des conseils (et ils sont déjà critiquables par ailleurs) ; Fauci, qui a été plusieurs décennies durant à la tête du NIAID, c'est tout autre chose.

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