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On m'avait fait croire que Jamy de C'est pas Sorcier était décédé aussi :(


Un homme se menotte aux buts lors du match entre Everton et Manchester City

Un incident peu commun a suspendu la rencontre entre Everton et Manchester City. En effet, un supporteur s'est menotté au poteau des buts gardés par Joe Hart, interrompant la rencontre pendant quelques minutes.

Outre la défaite de Manchester City, le match de mercredi soir entre Everton et les Citizens restera dans les mémoires. En effet, peu avant la mi-temps, un supporteur a quitté les gradins pour entrer sur la pelouse. Une fois n'est pas coutume, celui-ci n'était pas nu et s'est "contenté" de se menotter au poteau du but gardé par Joe Hart, tout en prenant bien soin de se débarrasser de la clef.

Le match a dû être interrompu durant les quelques cinq minutes qui ont été nécessaires aux stadiers pour libérer ce supporteur. Pour Yakubu, ancien buteur nigérian d'Everton, l'homme aurait pu être éloigné des terrains beaucoup plus rapidement comme il l'a expliqué sur Twitter: "Un homme s'est menotté au poteau du but de Manchester City à Goodison Park. Au Nigéria on se serait contenté de lui couper les mains et de l'emmener hors du terrain".




The Capitol architect wanted to reanimate George Washington’s dead body


George Washington may have been America's first president, but was he nearly America's first zombie-in-chief? If William Thornton, physician and designer of the US Capitol, had had his way, Washington's body would have been subjected a scientific experiment designed to bring the deceased former president back to life.

Teen kills mom, sister to save planet

A 15-year-old boy who killed his mother and sister because he believed there were too many people in the world was ordered to be detained indefinitely in a psychiatric hospital, a Hong Kong news report said on Thursday.

Kan Ka-leung used a cleaver to hack to death his mother and younger sister, later telling an ambulance officer that fewer people in the world would be more environmentally-friendly, the South China Morning Post reported.

Kan, now 16, pleaded not guilty to two charges of murder, but guilty to manslaughter claiming diminished responsibility, which the prosecution accepted.

Reports presented in court agreed Kan was schizophrenic and he was ordered to be detained indefinitely in a psychiatric hospital at a hearing on Wednesday.

The court heard the killings took place around 2am on July 22, 2010. The mother, Lam Lin-kan, 40, sustained 17 serious chop wounds. Kan's sister, Kan Chung-yue, 12, received 30 cleaver injuries.

Kan, described by his teachers as a good student, told police he had intended to continue killing “all bad people” but had called emergency services because he had injured his hand.


Je ne sais pas comment prendre cette niouze Reuters :


(Reuters) - Anti-government extremists opposed to taxes and regulations pose a growing threat to local law enforcement officers in the United States, the FBI warned on Monday.

These extremists, sometimes known as "sovereign citizens," believe they can live outside any type of government authority, FBI agents said at a news conference.

The extremists may refuse to pay taxes, defy government environmental regulations and believe the United States went bankrupt by going off the gold standard.

Routine encounters with police can turn violent "at the drop of a hat," said Stuart McArthur, deputy assistant director in the FBI's counterterrorism division.

"We thought it was important to increase the visibility of the threat with state and local law enforcement," he said.

In May 2010, two West Memphis, Arkansas, police officers were shot and killed in an argument that developed after they pulled over a "sovereign citizen" in traffic.

Last year, an extremist in Texas opened fire on a police officer during a traffic stop. The officer was not hit.

Legal convictions of such extremists, mostly for white-collar crimes such as fraud, have increased from 10 in 2009 to 18 each in 2010 and 2011, FBI agents said.

"We are being inundated right now with requests for training from state and local law enforcement on sovereign-related matters," said Casey Carty, an FBI supervisory special agent.

FBI agents said they do not have a tally of people who consider themselves "sovereign citizens."

J.J. MacNab, a former tax and insurance expert who is an analyst covering the sovereign movement, has estimated that it has about 100,000 members.

Sovereign members often express particular outrage at tax collection, putting Internal Revenue Service employees at risk.

Routine encounters with police can turn violent

Cette phrase m'a fait rire, quand on voit a quelle vitesse les flics américains dégainent le taser pour un oui pour un non, ça montre bien qu'ils ne reconnaissent la violence que dans un sens…

Une place Soljenitsyne à Paris votée malgré de fortes réticences à gauche

Le Conseil de Paris a voté mardi sans enthousiasme l'attribution du nom d'Alexandre Soljenitsyne à une place Porte Maillot (XVIe), un élu du Parti de gauche déplorant ce choix car l'écrivain était "clairement antisémite" et, selon l'adjoint PS à la culture, "passablement homophobe". La demande d'une place au nom du célèbre écrivain russe émanait d'un élu du Nouveau Centre Jérôme Dubus selon lequel Alexandre Soljenitsyne était "un brillant visionnaire". Si l'homme de lettres a été "victime d'une dictature indiscutable", a réagi Alexis Corbière (PG), c'est "une erreur absolue d'en faire un symbole de la liberté".

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