Punu Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Afin de voir si un profil psychologique se retrouve plus souvent chez les libéraux, pourquoi ne pas faire le test de Myers-Briggs ? Cliquer ici pour le réaliser, ça prend 5 minutes Vous n'êtes pas obligé de dire à tout le monde votre résultat : il suffit de cliquer dans le sondage (pour ceux qui aiment l'anonymat).
walter-rebuttand Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Je suis INTP. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Moi aussi
Punu Posté 6 janvier 2005 Auteur Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Je sens qu'on va avoir une surreprésentation des NT.
jugurta Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Afin de voir si un profil psychologique se retrouve plus souvent chez les libéraux, pourquoi ne pas faire le test de Myers-Briggs ?Cliquer ici pour le réaliser, ça prend 5 minutes Vous n'êtes pas obligé de dire à tout le monde votre résultat : il suffit de cliquer dans le sondage (pour ceux qui aiment l'anonymat). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ben moi suis INTj
Invité alpheccar Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Relation entre la typologie de Myers-Briggs et la position sur la diagramme de Nolan Les libertariens semblent en effet être NT.
wapiti Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Bon ceci dit ce genre de tests me semble toujours très réducteurs. Question : faites vous plus confiance à vos sentiments qu'à votre raison par exemple, franchement je ne sais pas quoi répondre : les deux sont nécessaires dans la plupart des cas (sauf résoudre un problème de maths …).
Patrick Smets Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 INTP ( Mélo, ce sera INRI ) J'ai tjs un peu d'apréhension pour ce genre de truc. la description correspond, mais avec les signe du zodiaque sur des cartes postales, ca marche aussi. On connait les proportions dans la population et par catégories sociales ?
Calembredaine Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Rien compris. Quelle est la signification de ces lettres? J'ai obtenu cela: "Vos fonctions dominantes sont : introversion, intuition, pensée, organisation" parmi "Introversion, Extraversion, Intuition, Sensation, Sentiment, Pensée, Perception, Organisation", je ne vois pas vos "N" et vos "T"
Coldstar Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 *Lis le commentaire en Anglais dessous, tu verras apparaître toujours les même sigles. A priori, je dirais que tu sembles être INTJ
Patrick Smets Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Ca pourrait remplacer utilement les élections, ce truc. Le pouvoir aux INTP
walter-rebuttand Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Ca pourrait remplacer utilement les élections, ce truc. Le pouvoir aux INTP <{POST_SNAPBACK}> J'ai du mal à te voir comme un "introverti".
melodius Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 ENTJ les gars, un vrai chef quoi. Je me demande ce que Jabial va en penser.
Patrick Smets Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 J'ai du mal à te voir comme un "introverti". Tu ne vas pas commencer à remettre en cause un test psychologique aussi fondamental que le Myerrs-bridge C'est parce que tu ne me connais pas assez. D'ici 15 à 20 ans, avec bcp d'attention, tu auras découvert mes cotés introverti. C'est ca la grande force du test. Il est capable de cerner mieux ma personnalité que toi après 12 ans de camaraderie. PS: je suis aussi introverti que toi ou Gadrel. En langage psy, introverti est un synonyme de "grande gueule".
melodius Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 The sixteen typesThis section contains a brief overview of the sixteen types that result from the Myers Briggs model. Everyone is an individual, but Myers Briggs highlights general themes or similarities between people. Reading this section may help you to consolidate your understanding of the preferences, and help identify your own personality type. ESTJ The ESTJ takes his/her energy from the outside world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with facts and the present, and makes decisions using logic. His/her life is organised on a logical basis. He/she is therefore practical, and likely to implement tried and trusted solutions to practical problems in a businesslike and impersonal manner. He/she prefers to ensure that the details have been taken care of rather than spend time considering concepts and strategies. INFP The INFP takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts and emotions. He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, especially for people, and prefers to make decisions on the basis of personal values. His/her life is flexible, following new insights and possibilities as they arise. He/she is quiet and adaptable (up to a point - when his/her values are violated the normally adaptable INFP can surprise people with his/her stance). He/she will seem to be very interested in ideas, and he/she may sometimes make very creative contributions. He/she has a hidden warmth for people and a desire to see self and others grow and develop. He/she prefers to undertake work that has a meaningful purpose. ESFP The ESFP takes his/her energy from the outside world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with facts, which he/she usually takes at face value. He/she also prefers dealing with the present and with people, and probably derives much enjoyment out of friendships. His/her life is flexible, living it very much in the present, and responding to things as they arise. He/she is impulsive and friendly, seeking enjoyment out of life, and makes new friends easily. He/she likes taking part in solving urgent problems, such as fire-fighting or trouble shooting. He/she operates best in practical situations involving people. INTJ The INTJ takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts (and, maybe, emotions). He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities for the future, and making decisions using impersonal analysis. His/her life is organised on a logical basis. He/she is a strategist, identifying long term goals and organising life to meet them. He/she tends to be sceptical and critical, both of self and others, with a keen sense of deficiencies in quality and competence. He/she often has a strong intellect, yet is able to attend to details that are relevant to the strategy. ESFJ The ESFJ takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with facts, and making decisions on the basis of personal values. He/she likes dealing with people, and organises life on a personal basis. He/she is a very warm person, seeking to maintain harmonious relationships with colleagues and friends, who are a very important part of his/her life. He/she can find conflict and criticism very difficult to handle. He/she has a strong sense of duty and loyalty, and is driven by a need to belong and be of service to people. INTP The INTP takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts (and, maybe, emotions). He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, and making decisions on a logical basis. His/her life is flexible, following new insights and possibilities as they arise. He/she is quiet and detached, and adaptable (up to a point - sometimes he/she may stop adapting, insisting that there is a clear principle at stake). He/she is not interested in routine, and will often experiment or change things to see if they can be improved. He/she operates at best when solving complex problems that require the application of intellect. ENFP The ENFP takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, particularly for people, and makes decisions on the basis of personal values. His/her life is flexible, following new insights and possibilities as they arise. He/she is creative and insightful, often seeking to try new ideas that can be of benefit to people. He/she may sometimes neglect details and planning, but he/she enjoys work that involves experimentation and variety, working towards a general goal. ISTJ The ISTJ takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts (and, maybe, emotions). He/she prefers dealing with facts, and making decisions after considering the various options. He/she organises his/her life on a logical basis. He/she is quiet, serious and well prepared for most eventualities. He/she is a keen observer of life, developing a good understanding of situations, which is often not expressed. He/she has a strong sense of practical objectives, and works efficiently to meet them. ESTP The ESTP takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with facts, which he/she usually views objectively, and he/she makes decisions on a logical basis. His/her life is flexible, consisting of a series of activities that interest his/her. He/she is an action oriented problem solver, and prefers to work with practical organisational issues. He/she can be impulsive, and likes taking part in trouble-shooting-type work. He/she can sometimes neglect follow-through, but will work best when there is a lot going on that needs organising and solving. INFJ The INFJ takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts and emotions. He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, particularly for people, and makes decisions using personal values. His/her life is organised on a personal basis. He/she often has a private sense of purpose in life, and works steadily to fulfil that goal. He/she demonstrates a quiet concern for people, being interested in helping them to develop and grow. He/she is good at developing insight into people, though it can often remain unexpressed. ENFJ The ENFJ takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, particularly for people, and makes decisions using personal values. His/her life is organised on a personal basis, seeking to develop and maintain stable relationships with those people he/she likes. He/she is actively concerned with promoting personal growth in others. He/she is also highly sociable, and expressive of feelings towards others, but can find conflict and criticism difficult, particularly if it might damage long term relationships. He/she works best in situations involving people. ISTP The ISTP takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts (and, maybe, emotions). He/she prefers dealing with facts and making decisions on a logical basis. His/her life is flexible, demonstrating an interest in acquiring new information that leads to a practical understanding of the way the world works. He/she is quiet and detached, and adaptable (up to a point). He/she is often good at solving organisational problems that need to be thought through. He/she is curious about how and why things work, and can seem impulsive, sometimes producing surprising ideas or doing something unpredictable. ENTJ The ENTJ takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, and making decisions after considering the consequences of the various courses of action. His/her life is organised on a logical basis. He/she tends to control life, organising systems and people to meet task oriented goals. He/she often takes the role of executive or director, using a business-like and impersonal approach. He/she may appear intolerant of people who do not set high standards for themselves or don't seem to be good at what they do. ISFP The ISFP takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts and emotions. He/she prefers dealing with facts and people, and making decisions on the basis of personal values. He/she is adaptable (up to a point), quiet and friendly. He/she is interested in people, enjoying their company preferably on an individual basis or in small numbers. He/she takes a caring and sensitive approach to helping others. He/she enjoys the present, and tends to dislike confrontation and conflict. He/she usually acts as a very supportive member of a team. ENTP The ENTP takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, and making decisions on a logical basis. He/she is adaptable, tending to focus on new ideas and interests as and when they arise, particularly if they involve increasing his/her competence or skill. He/she is an ingenious problem solver, constantly trying new ideas out, and can seem to enjoy a good argument. He/she is interested in instigating change, and operates best in overcoming new difficulties where the solution requires the application of creative effort. ISFJ The ISFJ takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts and emotions. He/she prefers dealing with facts and people, and making decisions on the basis of personal values. His/her life is organised on a personal basis, seeking to enjoy relationships with people he/she likes. He/she is a quiet, serious observer of people, and is both conscientious and loyal. He/she prefers work that involves being of practical service to people. He/she is often concerned for and perceptive of how other people feel and dislikes confrontation and conflict. http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/tt/t-articl/mb-simpl.htm
Constantin_H Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Je suis le mouton noir des libertariens : ENFP
Patrick Smets Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 The ESFJ takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with facts, and making decisions on the basis of personal values. He/she likes dealing with people, and organises life on a personal basis. He/she is a very warm person, seeking to maintain harmonious relationships with colleagues and friends, who are a very important part of his/her life. He/she can find conflict and criticism very difficult to handle. He/she has a strong sense of duty and loyalty, and is driven by a need to belong and be of service to people. On m'aurait sorti ça, je m'y serais aussi retrouvé. Pourtant, c'est exactement l'inverse de INTP…
Patrick Smets Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Je suis le mouton noir des libertariens : ENFP <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ne sois pas aussi susceptible
melodius Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 On m'aurait sorti ça, je m'y serais aussi retrouvé. Pourtant, c'est exactement l'inverse de INTP… <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Comme quoi il est difficile de s'auto-analyser…
Patrick Smets Posté 6 janvier 2005 Signaler Posté 6 janvier 2005 Comme quoi les tests psy sont des pièges à gogo….
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