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L'OCDE réclame (beaucoup) plus de tours de magie. Et vite.


Messages recommandés

Elusive global growth outlook requires urgent policy response

The OECD says monetary policies should remain highly accommodative in advanced economies, until inflation has shown clear signs of moving durably towards official targets. In emerging market economies, monetary support should be provided where possible, taking into account inflation developments and capital market responses.
The Outlook suggests that a stronger fiscal policy response, combined with renewed structural reforms, is needed to support growth and provide a more favourable environment for productivity-enhancing innovation and change, particularly in Europe.
“With governments in many countries currently able to borrow for long periods at very low interest rates, there is room for fiscal expansion to strengthen demand in a manner consistent with fiscal sustainability,” Ms Mann said. “The focus should be on policies with strong short-run benefits and that also contribute to long-term growth. A commitment to raising public investment would boost demand and help support future growth,” Ms Mann said.




Rejouant la pièce de théâtre franchement usée des "révision à la baisse des prévisions de croissance", l'économiste en chef de l'OCDE réclame d'urgence des interventions politiques pour stimuler les économies de l'OCDE, c'est à dire encore plus de frénésie dans l'utilisation des pétards mouillés tours de magie outils de politique économique habituels : investissement publics, relance monétaire, "réformes structurelles"


Quoique. J'abuse un peu. Il y a du nouveau dans la pièce :



Financial instability risks are substantial, as demonstrated by recent falls in equity and bond prices worldwide, and increasing vulnerability of some emerging economies to volatile capital flows and the effects of high domestic debt.


“Given the significant downside risks posed by financial sector volatility and emerging market debt, a stronger collective policy approach is urgently needed, focusing on a greater use of fiscal and pro-growth structural policies, to strengthen growth and reduce financial risks.”


Il y a urgence à maintenir debout tant bien que mal des marchés financiers dont l'instabilité croit de manière systémique, en dépit et à cause des régulations financières.

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