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European Libertarian Students Summit


Messages recommandés

(Ma traduction, parce que je crois que c'est contre le règlement de poster en anglais..?)

L'Europe sera-t-elle un continent dynamique de liberté, ou se glissera-t-elle dans l'étatisme, l'inertie et l'intolérance? Venez au European Libertarian Students Summit pour partager des idées sur la promotion de la liberté, la paix, toleation, le libre-échange et les marchés libres, et le gouvernement limité avec d'autres jeunes libéraux européens.

Le ELSS est un programme de travail, qui comprendra des présentations et l'organisation de groupes de travail sur:

* Techniques d'organisation pour créer et péréniser des clubs dans les universités

* Organiser la révolte des esclaves des retraites

* L'Art à la défense de la liberté

* Organisation de clubs économie sur les campus

* La tolérance comme une valeur clé de votre organisation stratégique

* Réseaux sociaux: Utilisation des technologies nouvelles et anciennes

* Diffuser les idées de liberté

Qui peut postuler?

Le processus de demande est compétitif et sont recherchées des étudiants ou récents diplômés activement libéral / libertarien qui ont des expériences à partager et qui souhaitent apprendre à améliorer leur efficacité. Le but est de créer un réseau à l'échelle européenne des initiatives étudiantes, des clubs et des activités visant à promouvoir une Europe de la liberté. Pour vous inscrire, visitez:

Heure de début : mercredi 25 août 2010, à 18:30

Heure de fin : samedi 28 août 2010, à 12:00

Lieu : Radisson Blu EU Hotel

Adresse : Rue d'Italie 35

Ville : Brussels, Belgium

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  • 4 weeks later...

Salut à tous,

Pour l'instant on n'a reçu qu'une seule candidature française. Sur 70. C'est lamentable. C'est seulement 50 € tous frais payés et à Bruxelles, les gars : Paris-Bruxelles, c'est 1h30 en train. On est pauvres comme Job mais on a une poignée de bourses pour couvrir les frais de déplacement de certains étudiants. Je compte sur vous tous pour corriger le tir. Faites passer le message aux jeunes que vous connaissez et qui en veulent :

Ce séminaire va vous apprendre à créer et gérer une asso libérale sur un campus universitaire. Il est orienté 100% concret, 100% action. Le niveau des autres candidats est excellent, le programme est génial, les speakers sont des militants qui ont fait leurs preuves.

Pour avoir une idée du contenu :


Here is an exhaustive list of the topics we will deal with in the panel sessions:

- Find a group of 2-5 students before starting your organization (friends, other organizations, Facebook, flyers)

- Develop a mission statement (values, focus areas, activities), come up with a name and a logo and use them

- Learn your school’s procedures

- Ratify your organization’s status

- Set goals (quantitative and qualitative)

- Build an effective student organization from A to Z (if starting a libertarian organization is too dangerous, start a liberty-friendly - not libertarian - organization when in a very hostile environment: Amnesty, SIFE, Ashoka, etc.)

- Manage a team of young activists (design a structure, delegate responsibilities, mitigate the drawbacks)

- Set-up and maintain a list-serve

- Make your organization as welcoming as possible

- Hold events and activities (informal socials, regular meetings, economics/politics club, reading/book club, petitions, recruitment events, protest letters, participate in national/international campaigns, Day/Week of…, bring a speaker to campus, movie night, debate another student organization, dinner, sports, networking, rallies/protests, demonstration, provocative activism, draft proposals to the administration, Town Hall meetings, visit another student organization dedicated to liberty at a nearby campus and share the good practices, hold art contests in defense of freedom and use the results around the campus, when to plan them during the year, etc.)

- Fundraising for student organizations

- Start and manage a student publication (recruiting staff, defining your mission, fundraising, compete successfully with the established local and campus news outlets, layout and design, feature writing, and marketing publications)

- Structuring the ideas: where to get the resources on which topic (fact sheets, etc.)

- Develop a public relations strategy (working on the message, student demand, communication tools beyond Facebook, etc.)

- How to deal with: tension with the administration, antagonistic responses from other groups, faculty, students and local communities

- Engage, Inform, Agitate, Involve!

- Create a “cause” (“toleration”, the case of the rebellion of the pension slaves, etc.)

- When popular enough, form ad hoc and temporary alliances with other organizations on the campus and outside the campus in the surrounding community

- Spread the message (leaflets, posters, graphics, humor, visibility, etc.)

- Get through the media

- Get school recognition

- Get faculty support

- Win student elections (time-tested and innovative campaign techniques to win your campus elections, recruit candidates, build an organization, develop campaign strategies, target voters, etc.)

- Create other organizations on the same campus

- Create sister organizations on nearby campus

- Join an international network of associations

- Train new leadership

Practical information

- Venue : Radisson Blu EU Hotel (, 4 stars hotel), Rue d’Idalie 35, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

- The event, on whose details we are currently working on right now, will start on the Wednesday 25th of August, with a registration from 5 to 7 pm. It will end on the Saturday 28th after lunch (but a city tout is planned after that).

- ELSS Website: Students who would like to participate in this event can apply there; if they are selected, they will be asked to pay a €50 participation fee.

- As a student, your meals and accommodation will be covered by the organization.


Pierre Garello (IES Europe, France)

Steve Davies (IHS, USA)

Tom Palmer (Cato, Atlas)

Ralf Bader (Oxford Hayek Society, UK)

Carlo Codasco (Students for Liberty, Italy)

Petar Ganev (IME, Bulgaria)

Jan Hayen (LVSV, Belgium)

Nicolas Lecaussin (Junior Entrepreneur, France) on the 26 TBC

Medeni Sungur and Ekin Can Genç (3H, Turkey)

Laurent Triboulet (Génération Sacrifiée, France)

Florian Wallner (Linkoping University Student organization, Berlin liberal network, Rotaract, Germany)


The conferences will follow this pattern:

1-Workshop: as we want this summit to be very dynamic and interactive, we will have a workshop before a panel session on a topic. In a limited amount of time, participants will think individually, collectively or in small groups on how to do this or that in a very practical manner.

2-Results: then the participants will present their ideas and strategy to everybody in a limited amount of time.

3-Presentation of the speakers: for each topic, every speaker on a panel present in a very concrete, detailed and energizing manner the way they achieved something (starting a liberal student organization, managing a LSO, recruiting on campuses, marketing, media access…).

4-Q&A between the speakers and the participants

What ELSS is and is not

Please note that this summit will not explore the historical, philosophical and economic foundations of a free society. Instead, it will teach the practical skills to succeed in advocating and advancing freedom on a campus.

This event will gather 30 specially-chosen young students and liberty activists from all over Europe. We will make sure each of them is currently running an organization or working to implement a concrete project to promote our principles on their campus (the rule of law, individual liberty and responsibility, equality of rights, limited government, free market, and entrepreneurship).

Je compte sur vous :

Merci !

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