LaFéeC Posté 13 septembre 2011 Signaler Posté 13 septembre 2011 J'étais pas ironique, va mettre un petit mec à l'école primaire habillé en gonzesse et regarde comment il se fait traiter, je maintiens, c'est de l'humiliation. Et même si le gamin s'en rend pas compte, il s'agit d'un non respect évident de ce qu'il EST en tant qu'individu. A 6 ans les gosses se posent pas la question de savoir s'ils veulent garder leur sexe ou en changer (à moins qu'on aille leur fourrer ça en tête) ils sont filles ou garçons. Mon fils essaye bien mes chaussures à talons, mais il lui viendrait pas à l'idée de s'habiller en fille (sauf à se déguiser, auquel cas c'est un jeu). Là on parle d'une lubie d'adultes imposée à un être innocent, berk.
Serge Posté 13 septembre 2011 Signaler Posté 13 septembre 2011 Ca peut même engendrer le plus mauvais cinéaste de l'histoire du cinéma.
henriparisien Posté 13 septembre 2011 Signaler Posté 13 septembre 2011 Ca peut même engendrer le plus mauvais cinéaste de l'histoire du cinéma. Si le lien de cause à effet est avéré, cela vaut le coup. Hélas, mon fils est déjà trop vieux. Je vais devoir en faire un autre…
Nirvana Posté 29 septembre 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté 29 septembre 2011 'I am a girl': The plight of Tammy, the adopted son of two lesbians who started sex change aged 8 because he has always maintained he is a girlA boy who started the process of changing sex at age eight has told how he always knew he was meant to be a girl. Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy. His two lesbian mothers, who adopted him aged two, say that they have been criticised by friends and family, but insist they have not forced their son to become a girl. They say that one of the first things he told them when he learnt sign language aged three, learned because of a speech impediment, was, 'I am a girl'. Tammy, now 11, wears dresses and effectively lives as a girl. His parents, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, say that their son, who they claim was depressed at a younger age and threatened to chop of his own penis, is now much happier. The couple were married in 1990 by a rabbi, according to Pauline's Facebook page, and have two older sons and grandchildren. Unlike his older brothers who are both described at outgoing and athletic, Thomas liked to read Wonder Woman comic books and play with dolls. He shunned baseball hats, preferring rhinestone hair accessories. At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, therapists and psychiatrists diagnosed Tammy with gender identity disorder. A year later his parents allowed him to start the first step of his transition to becoming female by letting him pick his own clothes and wear bras. 'As soon as we let him put on a dress, his personality changed from a very sad kid who sat still, didn't do much of anything to a very happy little girl who was thrilled to be alive,' one mother Pauline told CNN. This summer, Tammy started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty. The hormone-suppressant will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair.The diagnosis has been hard to accept for Tammy's parents, but they insist their sexuality has nothing to do with it. As Pauline said, people think 'we're pushing her to do this. I'm a lesbian. My partner is a lesbian. That suddenly falls into the fold: "Oh, you want her to be part of the lifestyle you guys live".' But they insist that is not the case and the decision has been difficult. His parents say the hormone treatment will give him time to figure out if he wants to fully transition to being female or go through puberty as a boy. If he chooses to stop taking the drugs, he will undergo natural male puberty at a later stage and his future fertility would not be impacted. Should he decide to transition to an adult female, he can take female hormones as well, which would raise his voice, grow breasts and develop other feminine physical characteristics. San Francisco, right by Berkeley, is one of four cities in the United States with a hospital that has a program for transgender children. The University of California San Francisco is home to the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health. Children are seen at length by mental health professionals and then treated by pediatric endocrinologists. Others cities with youth programs are Boston, Seattle and Los Angeles.
wpe Posté 29 septembre 2011 Signaler Posté 29 septembre 2011 http://www.dailymail…treatment.html# Ca sera rigolo à l'adolescence, quand les hormones s'emballeront.
Esperluette Posté 29 septembre 2011 Signaler Posté 29 septembre 2011 Ca sera rigolo à l'adolescence, quand les hormones s'emballeront. Oui, à l'heure des premiers émois, quand il deviendra amoureuse et que son galant apprendra qu'elle est dotée de certains organes, ça laisse présager une jolie scène. Happy end : Personne ne voulut l'épouser mais il eut beaucoup d'enfants par mères porteuses.
Fenster Posté 29 septembre 2011 Signaler Posté 29 septembre 2011 http://www.dailymail…treatment.html# Paye tes groslandais!
Nirvana Posté 26 octobre 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté 26 octobre 2011 Boy wanting to join Girl Scouts told 'no'DENVER - Everyone has their favorite toys, no matter what age they are. For 7-year-old Bobby Montoya, it's Brats, Barbies and Strawberry Shortcake. "I like girl stuff," Bobby said. Bobby is a 7-year-old boy. His mother refers to him as a "he," but Bobby dresses and behaves like a girl. "Bobby identifies as a girl, and he's a boy," Felisha Archuleta, Bobby's mom, said. "He's been doing this since he was about 2 years old. He's loved girl stuff, so we just let him dress how he wants, as long as he's happy." Bobby is happy most of the time. But he says, sometimes in school, being a boy and dressing like a girl occasionally is tough. He's been bullied. "It's hurting my heart," Bobby said. "It hurts me and my mom both." Recently, Archuleta wanted to sign Bobby up for Girl Scouts. His older sister did it, and Bobby really wanted to join. Archuleta told 9NEWS when she brought Bobby to register, a troop leader told her Bobby couldn't join. "I said, 'Well, what's the big deal?' She said 'It doesn't matter how he looks, he has boy parts, he can't be in Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts don't allow that [and] I don't want to be in trouble by parents or my supervisor,'" Archuleta told 9NEWS. "It was like somebody told me I can't like girl stuff, and I have to change my name to something else," Bobby said. Girl Scouts of Colorado released this statement to 9NEWS: "Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization and we accept all girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout. Our requests for support of transgender kids have grown, and Girl Scouts of Colorado is working to best support these children, their families and the volunteers who serve them. In this case, an associate delivering our program was not aware of our approach. She contacted her supervisor, who immediately began working with the family to get the child involved and supported in Girl Scouts. We are accelerating our support systems and training so that we're better able to serve all girls, families and volunteers." Corey Barrett with the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of Colorado says the Center is seeing young people exploring their gender identity at an earlier age. "There has definitely been this increase of questioning at an early age," Barrett said, "I think it's all about providing a healthy environment for them for that to happen. Everyone needs to be prepared or at least have an idea from a policy and procedure stand point how they're going to address that. And make sure that the public is aware of that." The statewide nonprofit center for the LGBT population offers an educational program for parents and children going through a similar situation. The program also connects parents to others who are experiencing the same things. Find out more about those programs here,
LaFéeC Posté 26 octobre 2011 Signaler Posté 26 octobre 2011 Un gosse peut très facilement être manipulé (voir faux souvenirs induits etc…) quid de sa mère ?
Lancelot Posté 26 octobre 2011 Signaler Posté 26 octobre 2011 (modifié) Et là, si je dis que ça mérite une bonne psychothérapie pour le gamin ET sa famille (quid du père dans cette histoire d'ailleurs ?), je suis un affreux phobique réactionnaire ? Edit. Non, franchement, n'importe qui ayant déjà été confronté une fois dans sa vie à un gamin de 2 ans peut se rendre compte que c'est franchement improbable qu'il ait réclamé de s'habiller en fille (ou en quoi que ce soit de particulier) à cet âge-là sans qu'on lui ait fortement suggéré. Modifié 26 octobre 2011 par Lancelot
jamkan Posté 26 octobre 2011 Signaler Posté 26 octobre 2011 Et là, si je dis que ça mérite une bonne psychothérapie pour le gamin ET sa famille (quid du père dans cette histoire d'ailleurs ?), je suis un affreux phobique réactionnaire ? Non ou alors moi aussi. Je trouve ça très malsain.
LaFéeC Posté 26 octobre 2011 Signaler Posté 26 octobre 2011 C'était le sens de ma question, comment est sa mère, apparemment, il y a une 1ère fille, comment est-elle élevée, si la mère est seule, comment élève t-elle ses enfants ? Comment était-elle avec son fils … Bref il y a des dizaines de questions à se poser avant d'accepter qu'un môme de 2 ans pense "genre" plutôt que voiture en plastique et pâte à modeler…
justt Posté 27 octobre 2011 Signaler Posté 27 octobre 2011 Des rabbins qui marient des lesbiennes qui sont très contentes que leur fils soit une fille, des associations de girl scouts qui travaillent mains dans la main avec des assos LGBT pour l'intégration des gosses transgenres… En fait les States c'est super prog comme pays…
Tremendo Posté 27 octobre 2011 Signaler Posté 27 octobre 2011 Et là, si je dis que ça mérite une bonne psychothérapie pour le gamin ET sa famille (quid du père dans cette histoire d'ailleurs ?), je suis un affreux phobique réactionnaire ? Edit. Non, franchement, n'importe qui ayant déjà été confronté une fois dans sa vie à un gamin de 2 ans peut se rendre compte que c'est franchement improbable qu'il ait réclamé de s'habiller en fille (ou en quoi que ce soit de particulier) à cet âge-là sans qu'on lui ait fortement suggéré. +1 Surtout la mère, un gosse ne peut pas préférer les habits et les jouets de fille à deux ans, inconsciemment sa mère y est forcément quelque chose. On se demande où est le père? Ca peut arriver que dans les familles monoparentales où seule la mère est présente -ou même dans les familles où le père se désintéresse de ses gosses- que le fils unique ou l'ainé devienne la chose de sa maman, qui consciemment aurait voulu qu'il soit une fille. J'ai en tête un exemple avec un cousin où ses parents ont passé toute leur existence à s'engueuler, se séparer et se remettre ensemble, celui-ci -l'ainé- a été énormément couvé par ma tante…il a fini gay, le pire c'est que ma tante ne s'en est même pas aperçue et fut la première surprise quand il le lui a avoué. En tout cas comment peut-elle être choquée qu'on refuse son fils dans les girl scouts? Gros foutage de gueule, encore la revendication d'un faux-droit où on obligerait à accepter les garçons chez les filles et les filles chez les garçons? Les ravages du progressisme, on n'est pas prêt d'en avoir fini avec ça.
squall Posté 29 octobre 2011 Signaler Posté 29 octobre 2011 Des rabbins qui marient des lesbiennes qui sont très contentes que leur fils soit une fille, des associations de girl scouts qui travaillent mains dans la main avec des assos LGBT pour l'intégration des gosses transgenres… En fait les States c'est super prog comme pays… Quelle est ta source pour cette assoc de girls scout ?
justt Posté 29 novembre 2011 Signaler Posté 29 novembre 2011 Quelle est ta source pour cette assoc de girls scout ? Plus haut dans le topic :
Nirvana Posté 20 janvier 2012 Auteur Signaler Posté 20 janvier 2012 Couple Finally Reveals Child's Gender, Five Years After Birth By Piper Weiss, Shine Staff | Parenting – 4 hours ago It's a boy! And he's five. Beck Laxton, 46, and partner Kieran Cooper, 44, have spent half the decade concealing the gender of their son, Sasha. "I wanted to avoid all that stereotyping," Laxton said in an interview with the Cambridge News. "Stereotypes seem fundamentally stupid. Why would you want to slot people into boxes?" Take a look at the most controversial parenting stories of the year. Laxton, a UK-based web editor, and her partner, Cooper, decided to keep Sasha's sex a secret when he was still in the womb. The birth announcement stated the name of the gender-neutral name of their child, but skipped the big reveal. Up until recently, the couple only told a few close friends and family members that Sasha was a boy and managed to keep the rest of the world in the dark. But now that he's starting school the secret's out. For years, Becks has been referring to her child, the youngest of three, as "the infant" on her personal blog. But guarding the public from her son's gender was only part of her quest to let her kid just be a kid. Sasha dresses in clothes he likes -- be it a hand-me-downs from his sister or his brother. The big no-no's are hyper-masculine outfits like skull-print shirts. In one photo, sent to friends and family, Sasha's dressed in a shiny pink girl's swimsuit. "Children like sparkly things," says Beck. "And if someone thought Sasha was a girl because he was wearing a pink swimming costume, then what effect would that have? " Sasha's also not short on dolls, though Barbie is also off limits. "She's banned because she's horrible," Laxton says in Cambridge interview. On a macro level she hopes her son sets an example for other parents and makes them reconsider buying their sons trucks or forcing their daughters into tights. She's seen how those consumer trappings affect how and who kids play with in the sandbox. See how one preschool is fighting gender bias in the classroom But the sandbox is just a precursor to the classroom. When Sasha turned five and headed to school, Laxton was forced to make her son's sex public. That meant Sasha would have to get used to being a boy in the eyes of his peers. Still, his mom is intervening. While the school requires different uniforms for boys and girls, Sasha wears a girl's blouse with his pants. "I don't think I'd do it if I thought it was going to make him unhappy, but at the moment he's not really bothered either way. We haven't had any difficult scenarios yet." Last year another couple, Kathy Witterick, 38, and David Stocker, 39, of Toronto made a similar decision when they had their baby, Storm. At the time, certain psychiatric experts voiced concern over their decision. "To have a sense of self and personal identity is a critical part of normal healthy development," Dr. Eugene Beresin, director of training in child and adolescent psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, told ABC News. "This blocks that and sets the child up for bullying, scapegoating and marginalization." But as parents well know, bullying is hard for any child to avoid. It's more important to raise someone who's confident enough in himself to overcome peer pressure. It's also important to have his parents have his back (remember the mom who defended her son's choice in a Halloween costume?) Maybe Sasha's early years will be character building, maybe he'll have a higher emotional quotient being raised with dual perspectives on gender. Or the reverse could be true: Sasha may have less of a formed identity because of his upbringing, and feel angry at his mom for dressing him in flowery shirts and telling the world about it. Then again, maybe he'll get over it. As for Laxton, she says she's open to her son pursing any career or sexual preference he chooses as he matures. "As long as he has good relationships and good friends," she says, "then nothing else matters, does it?"
justt Posté 21 janvier 2012 Signaler Posté 21 janvier 2012 Il ne faut pas confondre "avoir un prisme idéologique alternatif" et "avoir l'esprit ouvert"…
Lancelot Posté 21 janvier 2012 Signaler Posté 21 janvier 2012 "I wanted to avoid all that stereotyping," Laxton said in an interview with the Cambridge News. "Stereotypes seem fundamentally stupid. Why would you want to slot people into boxes?" Pour éviter de mettre le gamin dans une des deux catégories "fille" et "gaçon" tellement larges et banales qu'elles en deviennent peu contraignantes, ils lui en ont créé une toute neuve : "bizarre avec des parents tarés". Bien joué…
Jesrad Posté 8 février 2012 Signaler Posté 8 février 2012 Un bon article de The Atlantic sur ce qu'on fait subir aux enfants, y compris traitements hormonaux. Excellent article, effectivement, en particulier pour dénoncer la tentation scientiste de contrôler la nature, et les recours des parents contre certaines dérives médico-hygiénistes.
Nirvana Posté 25 septembre 2012 Auteur Signaler Posté 25 septembre 2012 Report: Transgender 3rd Grader Will Be Allowed To Use Girl’s Bathroom September 25, 2012 11:57 AM NASHUA, NH (CBS) – A transgendered third grader in Nashua, New Hampshire reportedly will be allowed to dress like a girl, be addressed as a girl, and use the female restroom under an agreement between the school and the child’s parents. Janson Wu, an attorney with Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, who represented the girl and her family, would not talk specifically about the case, but told WBZ NewsRadio 1030 that schools will need to address these situations as more transgender and gender-variant youth come out. “I think that as the environments become more and more welcoming to transgender and gender variant youth, we’re going to see a lot more students coming out. And that’s something that schools and parents will need to be prepared to deal with,” Wu said. “Children often have difficulty having schools respect them for who they believe they are. If a transgender girl wants to be able to wear feminine clothes to school and be addressed as a girl, often times we see schools feeling a fair amount of discomfort around that. What we’re hopeful is that when the schools work with the student and the parents is they learn to understand that this is a sincere belief on the student’s part and they learn to support that.” Nashua School Superintendent Mark Conrad also would not discuss the agreement, but reportedly explained that policies are already in place to protect transgendered students. “We don’t have a specific policy on transgender students, but we do have policies in place that prevent discrimination against students and bullying, and we regularly review those policies,” Superintendent Conrad told the Union Leader. Wu called decisions like this one a step in the right direction. “As parents and educators and community members, you want to do what’s right for the children,” Wu said. “When you speak to the youth themselves, you really do get the sense that these are children who have sincere belief about who they are.”
Noob Posté 25 septembre 2012 Signaler Posté 25 septembre 2012 En fait c'est juste son but, pouvoir aller dans les toilettes des filles, le petit coquin.
Johnnieboy Posté 25 septembre 2012 Signaler Posté 25 septembre 2012 Identité sexuelle ! Ma main à couper qu'ça va encore tourner autour du trou d'balle c't'histoire !
Nirvana Posté 18 novembre 2012 Auteur Signaler Posté 18 novembre 2012 Devinez le pays… STOCKHOLM — At an ocher-color preschool along a lane in Stockholm’s Old Town, the teachers avoid the pronouns “him” and “her,” instead calling their 115 toddlers simply “friends.” Masculine and feminine references are taboo, often replaced by the pronoun “hen,” an artificial and genderless word that most Swedes avoid but is popular in some gay and feminist circles.In the little library, with its throw pillows where children sit to be read to, there are few classic fairy tales, like “Cinderella” or “Snow White,” with their heavy male and female stereotypes, but there are many stories that deal with single parents, adopted children or same-sex couples. Girls are not urged to play with toy kitchens, and wooden or Lego blocks are not considered toys for boys. And when boys hurt themselves, teachers are taught to give them every bit as much comforting as they would girls. Everyone gets to play with dolls; most are anatomically correct, and some are also black. Sweden is perhaps as renowned for an egalitarian mind-set as it is for meatballs or Ikea furnishings. But this taxpayer-financed preschool, known as the Nicolaigarden for a saint whose chapel was once in the 300-year-old building that houses it, is perhaps one of the more compelling examples of the country’s efforts to blur gender lines and, theoretically, cement opportunities for both women and men. What the children are taught, said Malin Engleson, an art gallery employee, as she fetched her 15-month-old daughter Hanna from the school, “shows that girls can cry, but boys too.” “That’s why we chose it,” she said. “It’s so important to start at an early age.” The model has been so successful that two years ago three of its teachers opened an offshoot, which now has almost 40 children. That school, named Egalia to suggest equality, is in a 1960s housing project in the Sodermalm neighborhood. What has become a passionate undertaking for its teachers actually began with a nudge from Swedish legislators, who in 1998 passed a bill requiring that schools, including day care centers, assure equal opportunities for girls and boys. Spurred by the law, the teachers at Nicolaigarden took the unusual step of filming one another, capturing their behavior while playing with, eating with or just being with the center’s infants to 6-year-olds. “We could see lots of differences, for example, in the handling of boys and girls,” said Lotta Rajalin, who directs the center and three others, which she visits by bicycle. “If a boy was crying because he hurt himself, he was consoled, but for a shorter time, while girls were held and soothed much longer,” she said. “With a boy it was, ‘Go on, it’s not so bad!’ ” The filming, she said, also showed that staff members tended to talk more with girls than with boys, perhaps explaining girls’ later superior language skills. If boys were boisterous, that was accepted, Ms. Rajalin said; a girl trying to climb a tree on an outing in the country was stopped. The result, after much discussion, was a seven-point program to alter such behavior. “We avoid using words like boy or girl, not because it’s bad, but because they represent stereotypes,” said Ms. Rajalin, 53. “We just use the name — Peter, Sally — or ‘Come on, friends!’ ” Men were added to the all-female staff. With Egalia, Nicolaigarden sought and obtained certification from an organization for gay and bisexual people that its staff is sensitive to their problems. Criticism was not long in arriving. “There are a lot of letters, mail, blogs,” Ms. Rajalin said. “But it’s not so much arguments; it’s anger, basically.”
Lameador Posté 18 novembre 2012 Signaler Posté 18 novembre 2012 Devinez le pays… http://www.nytimes.c...ines.html?_r=1 Si j'étais suédois, je serais islamiste Pour l'histoire précédente, le fait qu'une personne a l'identité troublée se voie comme une fille, ça ne me choque pas qu'elle soit traitée comme telle si elle en fait la demande. En tout cas dans presque tous les domaines, je n'ai pas envie de voir des sportifs couillus mais moyens tenter leur chance dans les épreuves féminines.
sans Posté 18 novembre 2012 Signaler Posté 18 novembre 2012 La France suit le même chemin. C'est franchement effrayant, d'autant qu'il est très difficile et coûteux de trouver une bonne école privée indépendante du gouvernement dans ce pays.
Johnnieboy Posté 18 novembre 2012 Signaler Posté 18 novembre 2012 d'autant qu'il est très difficile et coûteux de trouver une bonne école privée indépendante du gouvernement dans ce pays. Ce qui n'est pas le cas en Suède. Croire qu'une libéralisation de l'instruction n'amènerait pas ce genre de délires (ou d'autres) en France ou ailleurs, relève de l'utopie.
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