FabriceM Posté 17 février 2016 Signaler Posté 17 février 2016 Sisi, cette vidéo a un rapport avec la conférence.
Neomatix Posté 17 février 2016 Signaler Posté 17 février 2016 Sisi, cette vidéo a un rapport avec la conférence. Je ne vois pas lequel.
FabriceM Posté 17 février 2016 Signaler Posté 17 février 2016 4th Rational Physics Conference featuring Bill Gaede | Anarchapulco Feb 17-23, 2016
h16 Posté 18 février 2016 Signaler Posté 18 février 2016 Donc le gars découvre les frottements. Bon. Une analogie reste une analogie. Et s'il est à la conf, effectivement, ça sent un peu le fail.
Tremendo Posté 18 février 2016 Signaler Posté 18 février 2016 Je regarde sur youtube le podcast anarchast qui appartient au type qui organise Anarchapulco, Jeff Berwick. A chaque fois ce sont des interviews d'anarcho-capitalistes. C'est assez intéressant puisque toutes les sortes de personnalités sont interviewées, et même les plus connus dans la sphère libertarienne comme David Friedman, Walter Block (qui sera à Anarchapulco me semble-t-il), le créateur de Liberland. On trouve des juristes, des économistes, mais aussi des gens assez pittoresques il faut bien le dire, mais bon c'est ce qui fait son charme.
Hugh Posté 24 février 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 24 février 2016 Salut. "28 Mind Blowing Predictions For the Crypto-anarchist Future", by Pavol Luptak, from Institute of Cryptoanarchy: In The Year 2016…The stable version of OpenBazaar (the concept of decentralized free cryptomarkets) with TOR/P2P will be released The first physical bitcoin based anonymous mail boxes (in Parallel Polis and other places) The prohibition of anonymous transactions (because of “threat of criminals and terrorists”) for legal purposes, the sender and recipient have to always be identified The first open-source implementation of Uber-like taxi sharing service and Airbnb-like sharing service will be released — in Uber/Airbnb regulated countries, people will start to use cryptoanarchistic version of Uber/Airbnb with anonymous cryptocurrencies through TOR/i2p (Check project!) The rise of financial offshore based on cryptocurrencies (thanks to drastic regulation of the traditional (fiat) offshore) In The Year 2017…CALEA II will be approved (mandatory government backdoors in all crypto solutions offered in the U.S.), similar legislation will be approved in other developed countries Threat of Cyberterrorism will be highly overestimated Anonymous cash will be prohibited in most Western countries — the rise of street racketeers offering different cryptocurrencies Cryptomarkets will go mobile — UX/Usability of cryptomarkets will be significantly improved, most people can afford to visit and use decentralized cryptomarkets without technical knowledge The first proved documented assassination of a politician using the concept of anonymous collaborative murder (Jim Bell’s “Assassination politics”) — politicians will start to fear… being a politician is more risky than ever before. Increased criminalization of cryptomarket’s users In The Year 2018…Availability of anti-government insurance (in case of cryptomarkets use, drug possession, bypassing surveillance laws, using cash) thanks to decentralized and anonymous insurance companies Providers of TOR exit nodes and OpenBazaar nodes will be cruelly criminalized Massive increase of decentralized Internet solutions (funkfeuer, Serval Mesh, …) that will be out of government control… Many TOR/OpenBazaar nodes will be placed in the air (anonymous still-flying drones) or in still poor countries with old-school legislation In The Year 2019…Universal sharing economy mobile application allowing anyone to provide his/her services to anyone without government control/taxation will be available This will be fully decentralized solution impossible to shut down by the government (like Bitcoin) with use of anonymous cryptocurrencies First anonymous crowd-sourced drone strikes The government will start to have a difficult times (see Paul Rosenberg’s book — A Lodging of Wayfaring Men)… In The Year 2020…The governments will radically change the taxation model — no taxation for virtual/Internet services, high taxation for real-world properties and real-world businesses some countries will switch to head-tax Massive people immigration to sea-steading islands/free ancap-based countries In The Year 2021…The existing financial system will break/collapse The new financial 100% controlled system will be introduced with fear after breakdown of the existing system Seasteading-based free countries will be invaded by the U.S./U.K./Western countries Strong separation of the real world and cryptoanarchistic world (“the second realm”) average people will switch to this world after they see cryptoanarchy works… In The Year 2022…The current social system will collapse, the rise of virtual states with social/protection benefits Despite the fact virtual states (like Bitnation) are still not legitimized by the countries/governments, they start to be commercially attractive and offer many advantages/citizenship protections replacing the current governments… Oui. Un optimiste.
h16 Posté 25 février 2016 Signaler Posté 25 février 2016 Oui, merci Hugh. Très très très intéressant. Le "timeframe" est un peu serré à mon goût, mais sur le plan technique, je ne vois pas d'obstacles infranchissables. Après, il y a les questions sociales & psychologiques qui donneront du mou à ces prédictions, mais l'exercice proposé est très intéressant. 1
ts69 Posté 25 février 2016 Signaler Posté 25 février 2016 Le timing est tres serre, et a mon avis il sous estime les possibilites d actions des gouvernements. Par example la plupart des gens se detourne des ordinateurs pour aller vers des outils controles de maniere centralisee (eg android controle par Google), ce qui, legislation aidant, peut rendre difficile les applications non-gouvernement approved. J espere etre juste pessimiste ceci dit.
Calembredaine Posté 23 mars 2016 Signaler Posté 23 mars 2016 Whoah! Je viens d'aller tester le logiciel multiplateforme d'openbazaar et je suis très agréablement surpris. Le projet que je croyais mort-né il y a quelques années a considérablement avancé. Le logiciel est très très performant et extrêmement simple d'emploi même pour créer sa propre boutique. Dommage qu'il soit pour le moment impossible de réaliser une transaction (sont encore en mode de test).
L'affreux Posté 23 mars 2016 Signaler Posté 23 mars 2016 Un peu hors sujet, mais une suggestion de lecture : Autonomie. Pas pour l'anticipation, juste pour le plaisir.
Hugh Posté 28 avril 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 28 avril 2016 Salut. In The Year 2016… The stable version of OpenBazaar (the concept of decentralized free cryptomarkets) with TOR/P2P will be release "Fermat, the new face of free markets" Fermat is an open-source application platform which uses the blockchain and P2P technology. “At its very core,” Fermat’s founder, Luis Fernando Molina, says, “Fermat is about freedom. “The whole design orbits around the concept of users determining the level of privacy they prefer; whether they choose to have intermediaries or not; which currency they prefer to use and so on. Fermat was designed to empower an ‘Internet of People’ in contrast to a ‘Web of Companies’ and to advance the P2P era and economy.” Fermat currently has over 60 full-time contributors working behind the scenes to create its envisioned “Internet of the People”: a marketplace free of central bankers, politicians, Flash Boys, and other market zombies. Once finished, Fermat will, says the website, “allow anyone anywhere, to find, communicate and transact with anyone, anywhere, without unwanted third party involvement and privacy risks.” ansact with anyone, anywhere, without unwanted third party involvement and privacy risks.” “The project,” Jamie Redman writes on, “gives users sovereign ownership of their digital footprints. The network uses nodes that securely and autonomously communicate with each other. A token asset called Fermats that offer incentives for node operators and token transactions will be distributed over the Bitcoin network.” “Beyond the obvious advantages to the developer community,” one of Fermat’s board of directors, Philip Farah, says, “Fermat will deliver significant benefits to end users and businesses. For end users, it will lower transaction costs for both buyers and sellers and give back user control over one’s personal information and digital content. For businesses, it will provide access to low cost digital marketing and distribution channels and a platform to deliver value-added services such as market research and insurance.” We’ve talked about these marketplaces before in past episodes. And we’ll continue to talk about them. Why? Because the blockchain and other decentralized platforms are paving the way for a whole new definition of ‘free markets.’ And this idea — the thought of open, decentralized, peer-to-peer networks — is catching on. “What is typically thought of as the peer-to-peer or sharing economy — think Uber or Airbnb — could someday,” Laura Shin writes in Forbes, “become so peer-to-peer that drivers and riders or hosts and guests connect to each other directly through their smart phones and ditch those companies as middlemen.” “Today,” Molina chimes in, “the Internet is home to mega-corporations, governments, massive server farms and user surveillance. “Our businesses, purchasing power, savings and personal data have become a playground for hackers, tech giants, marketers, bankers, politicians and other self-interested third parties to pilfer, mine, exploit and otherwise abuse at our expense. “Bitcoin promised a better world,” Molina goes on. “Fermat seeks to deliver it. Through a widely adopted decentralized app framework that incentivizes collaborative development, shared ownership and hyper-customization of modular software, the Project aims to earn widespread mainstream adoption and unshackle free markets by removing middlemen from their current levels of influence.” To be sure, these marketplaces aren’t some thought experiment for future generations to make real. They live today. They’re here. One early adopter, OpenBazaar, a decentralized peer-to-peer marketplace, just opened up its digital doors earlier this month. In fact, we’ve already opened our first store (for free) selling Fugio cent replicas. With platforms like OpenBazaar and Fermat, the barriers to enter the market become a $200 laptop. (Or a library card.) And you keep what you earn. No questions asked. This, of course, levels the playing field, enticing more competition to enter. And, with the money saved on transaction and middleman fees, goods and services can easily be traded more cheaply than in the centralized marketplace. (And that — cheaper prices — is the only reason most would need to begin to adopt these markets. Think: Wal-Mart and Amazon.) But decentralized marketplaces sound complex, right? Well, if you’re worried about a learning curve, don’t be. It would run with you in mind, just like our current online marketplace, except even more so. Ease of use is top of mind for Fermat’s developers. Along those lines, Fermat’s white paper, which was just released this week, reads: Fermat’s central premise is that there is a path to software development that is smarter, better and more efficient than the status quo. The Fermat framework allows anyone from anywhere to collaborate and mutually profit from shared ownership of modular applications: it enables an open-ended stream of micropayments to authors of reusable software components that can be perpetually combined and recombined to create an ever-expanding library of useful, highly-customizable, peer-to-peer commercial applications. Let’s take, for example, a company like Airbnb. Now, put that company on Fermat’s platform. What would that look like? “In the peer-to-peer Fermat-powered version of Airbnb,” says Shin, “someone who wants to let a room would download the Fermat host version of the app and upload information about the room. “People with Fermat’s guest version of the app who had appropriate search criteria would find the offering. Once a guest and host decide to make a deal, they chat through the app themselves, without having to use a middleman. And when payment is exchanged, they can use a currency like Bitcoin to transact directly with each other — sans bank or PayPal fees. And it gets better. Fermat, as mentioned, gives users direct control and sovereignty of their personal information. Thus, their privacy is as tight as they want it to be. “The blockchain-enabled system,” the white paper goes on, “is built to be user-controlled, censorship-resistant and flexible — a platform for person-to-person exchange of goods, services, assets and data, free from the whims, risks, costs and interference of unwanted, self-interested third parties who are no longer needed to facilitate the exchange.” Boom. Let’s just hope these things are up and running before the dollar craps the bed. If so, we can just flush the parasites out with one go and keep on sailing. If they can’t beat us, they’ll join us. Eventually. 1
h16 Posté 29 avril 2016 Signaler Posté 29 avril 2016 Fermat & Openbazaar ; je me demande lequel est le plus intéressant. Surtout : est-ce que ça va décoller ?
ttoinou Posté 26 mai 2016 Signaler Posté 26 mai 2016 Merci pour les infos.Le plus difficile est de se faire un avis sur les crypto monnaies sans y passer des mois.. Pour moi cela reste des outils de connaisseurs. D'après ce que j'ai compris Fermat & OpenBazaar ne prennent aucune commission ?
Jesrad Posté 26 mai 2016 Signaler Posté 26 mai 2016 Un fabricant de matériel d'espionnage de masse obtient un certificat d'autorité intermédiaire. Désapprouvez-le de suite.
Bézoukhov Posté 26 mai 2016 Signaler Posté 26 mai 2016 Dans ma vision de noob de la sécurité, les certificats permettent de diffuser les clefs publiques de cryptage de manière un peu sécurisée, en s'appuyant sur des tiers de confiance (ça me rappelle que j'ai dû signer un papier CACert un jour - je sais toujours pas à quoi je me suis engagé ). Si un certificat est détenu par un pourri, ça fragilise ta sécurité. Bon, par contre, c'est pas sympa de diffuser le tuto que pour OS X .
Jesrad Posté 27 mai 2016 Signaler Posté 27 mai 2016 Ah j'avais pas réalisé que c'était limité à OSX. Ildonne ce lien pour Windows. Alternativement: Instructions pour Windows. Avoir un certificat de CA permet à ces étrons de se donner à eux-même un certificat SSL "valide" pour n'importe quel site (google, facebook, ta banque, etc.), et donc à leurs nombreux produits de surveillance de la population (pour traquer des opposants politiques en Egypte ou en Syrie, par exemple) de se placer en MitM entre ton navigateur et le site auquel tu crois te connecter de manière sécurisée, pour lire ta communication en clair sans que tu t'en rendes compte. Entre autres.
Hugh Posté 2 juillet 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 2 juillet 2016 Twister: le twitter qui contourne la censure. "Twister est une plate-forme de micro-blogging en pair à pair. Sa structure totalement décentralisée permet de réduire ses chances de blocage, puisqu'il n'y a pas de point précis à attaquer. Le système utilise la cryptographie pour protéger les communications. Il est basé sur des protocoles similaires à ceux utilisés pour Bittorrent et Bitcoin" "Twister is a Twitter-like microblogging platform that utilizes the cryptocurrency Bitcoin and the file exchange method BitTorrent, both based on P2P technologies." Je jamais utilisé.
Hugh Posté 23 août 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 23 août 2016 Anarchapulco 2017: février 25-28.
Hugh Posté 7 octobre 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 7 octobre 2016 "In The Year 2020… Massive people immigration to sea-steading islands/free ancap-based countries" Bien, il y a un mec intéressé par la création de villes privées: My guess: we will see the first Free Private City within the next ten years. I hope to see you there.
Jesrad Posté 7 octobre 2016 Signaler Posté 7 octobre 2016 The Seasteading Institute sur le point de signer un partenariat avec la polynésie française pour développer un premier modèle de village océanique.
Rübezahl Posté 11 octobre 2016 Signaler Posté 11 octobre 2016 Seasteading in French Polynesia Je le propose dans le fil traduction. Merci pour les infos.
Hugh Posté 17 octobre 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 17 octobre 2016 Maintenant il y a "Asgardia." Welcome to Asgardia!For the first time in history a new nation state has been created - not on Earth but in the heavens above. Asgardia is the prototype of a free and unrestricted society which holds knowledge, intelligence and science at its core along with the recognition of the ultimate value of each human life. You can join like-minded people on this new exciting step in fostering an extended future for humankind.
Hugh Posté 17 octobre 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 17 octobre 2016 Article en français sur L'Asgardia:
Hugh Posté 28 octobre 2016 Auteur Signaler Posté 28 octobre 2016 In The Year 2017… - Usability of cryptomarkets will be significantly improved, most people can afford to visit and use decentralized cryptomarkets without technical knowledge "in 2017 blockchain will be used by 15% of big banks"
Jesrad Posté 14 mai 2017 Signaler Posté 14 mai 2017 Demain à 19h30 (heure française) commence le premier livestream du symposium sur le seasteading en Polynésie française. Il y en aura un nouveau tous les jours pour présenter le projet
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