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Obama Presidency

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A mettre dans votre "What's on your mind" (le petit encart ou vous pouvez ecrire ce que vous faites/pensez en ce moment) sur facebook pour que cela apparaisse sur le wall general :

In 100 days, Obama has resurrected military trials for terror suspects, asked the Supreme Court to limit defendants' rights, made FBI expand DNA databases, restricted immigration, intensified war in Afghanistan and committed $6.5 trillion (yes, $6,500,000,000,000.00, more than the costs of World War I and II combined) to waste and abuse. He is now the second-least-popular potus in 40 years. What's next?

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C'est sa moitié blanche qui parle.



Si un gugus te dis ca, tu peux repondre que c'est une idee raciste. Et pour une fois, il me semble que ce mot sera employe correctement. Ce qui est rare.

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Si un gugus te dis ca, tu peux repondre que c'est une idee raciste. Et pour une fois, il me semble que ce mot sera employe correctement. Ce qui est rare.

C'est en effet un polylogisme exemplaire.

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A mettre dans votre "What's on your mind" (le petit encart ou vous pouvez ecrire ce que vous faites/pensez en ce moment) sur facebook pour que cela apparaisse sur le wall general :

In 100 days, Obama has resurrected military trials for terror suspects, asked the Supreme Court to limit defendants' rights, made FBI expand DNA databases, restricted immigration, intensified war in Afghanistan and committed $6.5 trillion (yes, $6,500,000,000,000.00, more than the costs of World War I and II combined) to waste and abuse. He is now the second-least-popular potus in 40 years. What's next?

Eh bien c'est un bon résumé qui mérite une place dans les brèves de chez ouam.

Chez ouam, le blog où on lit des niouz qu'on trouve partout ailleurs.

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Obama wants increased fuel efficiency, less smog

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama outlined Tuesday the nation's first comprehensive effort to curb vehicle emissions while cutting dependence on imported oil, calling the plan an historic turning point toward a "clean-energy economy."

Joined in the White House Rose Garden by leaders of the auto industry, labor, government officials and key national and state political leaders, Obama said the agreement that once would have been "considered impossible" was what he termed a "harbinger of a change in the way business is done in Washington."

The two-pronged approach to problems that compound threats to the global environment marks the latest in a series of shifts by the Obama administration away from the policies of his conservative predecessor, former President George W. Bush.

"As a result of this agreement," Obama said, "we will save 1.8 billion barrels of oil over the lifetime of the vehicles sold in the next five years. And at a time of historic crisis in our auto industry, this rule provides the clear certainty that will allow these companies to plan for a future in which they are building the cars of the 21st century."

He said the new rules amounted to removing 177 million cars from the roads over the next 6 1/2 years.

In that period, the savings in oil burned to fuel American cars, trucks and buses would amount to last year's combined U.S. imports from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Libya and Nigeria.

While the new fuel and emission standards for cars and trucks will save billions of barrels of oil, they are expected to cost consumers an extra $1,300 per vehicle by the time the plan is complete in 2016. Obama said the fuel cost savings would offset the higher price of vehicles in three years.

While requiring that vehicle carbon dioxide emissions be reduced by about one-third by the target date, the plan requires the auto industry to be building vehicles that average 35.5 miles per gallon.

The plan also would effectively end a feud between automakers and statehouses over emission standards — with the states coming out on top but the automakers getting the single national standard they've been seeking and more time to make the changes.

The plan, to be proposed in the Federal Register of pending rules and regulations, must still clear procedural hurdles at the Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department. Automakers expressed their support for the plan. "We're all agreeing to work together on a national program," said Dave McCurdy, president and CEO of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

Administration officials said consumers were going to pay an extra $700, anyway, for mileage standards that had already been approved. The Obama plan adds another $600 to the price of a vehicle, a senior administration official said, bringing the total cost to $1,300 by 2016.

Under the changes, the overall fleet average would have to be 35.5 mpg by 2016, with passenger cars reaching 39 mpg and light trucks hitting 30 mpg under a system that develops standards for each vehicle class size. Manufacturers would also be required to hit individual mileage targets.

In a battle over emission standards, California, 13 other states and the District of Columbia have urged the federal government to let them enact more stringent standards than the federal government's requirements. The states' regulations would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent in new cars and trucks by 2016 — the benchmark Obama planned to unveil for vehicles built in model years 2012 and beyond.

The Obama plan gives the states essentially what they sought and more, although the buildup is slower than the states sought. In exchange, though, cash-strapped states such as California would not have to develop their own standards and enforcement plan. Instead, they can rely on federal tax dollars to monitor the environment.

The auto industry will be required to ramp up production of more fuel-efficient vehicles on a much tighter timeline than originally envisioned. It will be costly; the Transportation Department last year estimated that requiring the industry to meet 31.6 mpg by 2015 would cost nearly $47 billion.

But industry officials — many of whom are running companies on emergency taxpayer dollars — said Obama's plan would help them because they would not face multiple emissions requirements and would have more certainty as they develop their vehicles for the next decade.

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Depuis le bailout, Chrysler est devenu dans les faits une entreprise d'État, comme Government Motors. À partir de cette date, Chrysler a commencé à liquider distributeurs et concessionnaires, dans le cadre de son plan de restructuration. Mais est-ce vraiment par pure coïncidence si de tous ces concessionnaires et distributeurs, ceux qui avaient fait des dons à des politiques l'avaient tous fait en faveur de Républicains ou d'adversaires démocrates d'Obama ?

A tipster alerted me to an interesting assertion. A cursory review by that person showed that many of the Chrysler dealers on the closing list were heavy Republican donors. To quickly review the situation, I took all dealer owners whose names appeared more than once in the list. And, of those who contributed to political campaigns, every single one had donated almost exclusively to GOP candidates. While this isn't an exhaustive review, it does have some ominous implications if it can be verified.

However, I also found additional research online at Scribd (author unknown), which also appears to point to a highly partisan decision-making process.

Consider the partial list of Chrysler dealership owners, listed below. You'll notice that all were opponents of Barack Obama, most through sponsorship of GOP candidates and organizations, but a handful through Barack's Democrat rivals (Hillary Clinton and John Edwards in 2008, for example).…tributions.html

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Aucun commentaire sur la juge raciste et sexiste qui est sur le point d'être nommée à la Cour Suprême?

Énième avatar merdique de la politique des quotas ethniques et de la "discrimination positive". Que veux-tu qu'on dise de plus que l'on ne sait déjà ?

Sinon, le gentil Obama - grâce à Dieu, c'est pas un fasciste raciste comme Bush - décide d'augmenter de manière exponentielle les expulsions d'immigrés clandestins qui ont un casier judiciaire. Sarko, il fait vraiment petit zizi à côté :

The real Con Air

Barack Obama's bid to rid the US of illegal immigrants with criminal records has resulted in a boom in deportation flights. Jonathan Franklin reports from on board one of them

It is 4.30am and huge spotlights illuminate the runway. A Boeing 737 - 22 years old, paint peeling, no identification - is ready for loading at the cargo area of the George Bush international airport in Houston, Texas. A perimeter guard of US federal agents armed with shotguns stand in front of a chain-link fence topped with razor wire. These are the visible defences. "You don't see all the security; that's the point," explains Greg Palmore, a veteran agent with the US government's leading immigration police force, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Three sleek white buses roll to a stop; HOMELAND SECURITY is written across each side. Steel grates cover the windows; armoured doors and thick glass separate the driver from the 42 prisoners he is transporting. As I step inside, a roar of thick Spanish accents builds from the back of the bus. "Motherfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucker! Yo! I am going to kill yooouuuu!" The prisoners welcoming me include gang members from the Mexican mafia and the even more notorious MS-13 ("Mara Salvatrucha"), a gang known for tattooing their faces and slaughtering their enemies.

"These are the most dangerous gangsters in the United States," says Sam Logan, author of This Is for the Mara Salvatrucha, an inside account of MS-13 gang life. "A brutal transnational gang that has spread to more than 30 US states, throughout Mexico and to at least three central American countries."

"I would rather die of hunger than come back here," says Carlos Rojas, a 25-year-old prisoner, as he is shuffled off the bus and on to the waiting aeroplane. He shakes the chains hanging from his waist and legs. "They have us like dogs! The only thing they didn't do is put a chain around our neck. I know we broke the law," he pulls his chains tight, "but this is too much."

Rojas complains to me about the huge number of raids that are now being organised by ICE. "There are many more raids now. Roadblocks, on the highway, at work - everyone is getting caught."

What seems to Rojas to be a sudden surge of arrests is, in fact, the result of a long-term strategy by the US government to arrest and deport the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants at large in the US. Last year, an estimated 110,000 foreigners who committed crimes in the country were arrested and deported.

Now, however, under a plan announced by the Obama administration earlier this month, those figures are expected to increase sharply. Under the new procedures, between one and two million immigrants with criminal records are expected to be deported over the next few years, making this all-too-real version of the Hollywood film Con Air a booming business.

As the prisoners board, burly security guards form two rows and search each convict for hidden weapons (including in their mouths). Next to the prisoners are three rows of clear plastic bags: the inmates' possessions, reduced to a supermarket-sized carrier. I look inside one and see a Bible, toothbrush, letters and a red belt buckle, cow horns raised - testament to a macho swagger now reduced to the clank of chains and the shuffle of sneakers with no laces. To prevent suicide, belts and shoelaces are removed for the flight. Their baggy trousers flop like limp sails.

One detainee, months earlier, made a break from here. Despite his restraints he made it across the runway and over the concertina wire. "We caught him in the woods," says an agent.

The plane's itinerary reads like a poor man's bus service - hopping around the American southwest, often until there are no seats left. Today's flight starts in Houston, stops in southern Texas, then on to the east coast where Salvadoran prisoners are loaded aboard like unwanted cargo and shipped home.

Aboard the plane, the prisoners are directed to stay seated, keep quiet and obey orders. Instead of passport numbers, the passenger manifest on this flight lists each man's most recent crime - drug trafficking, indecency with a child, assault, drunk driving, theft, aggravated assault, sexual assault.

Each prisoner is handcuffed. Chains hold their ankles so tightly together that they must take baby steps to avoid falling. Another hangs around their waist, pulling their hands down so hard they cannot scratch their faces. As the plane rockets down the runway and leaves the ground, the prisoners scream like children on a rollercoaster - for many, it is the first and only time in their lives that they will board an aeroplane. All the passengers stare out of the windows. Some squeeze their eyes shut. Some pray.

"Look how little the cars are!" says a man charged with armed assault sitting behind me. He is fascinated by the bird's eye view of Houston. "This is much better than the bus."

As the flight levels out, the prisoners are allowed to use the bathroom - with an escort. A phalanx of guards watches, making sure prisoners can't attack an enemy or start a fight. It is early in the flight and we are too full - 124 prisoners, half Mexicans and half Salvadorans. With rival gangs and rival nationalities aboard, the 15 guards are on high alert - though none is allowed to carry a gun.

"It's illegal for us to arrive in a foreign nation with firearms," explains another ICE agent. Tear gas is impractical too, amid the recycled cabin air. All that's between the cockpit and the cons is a row of Akal Security guards, though they appear to have enough power to keep the convicts quiet. "They are very protective of the cockpit," the co-pilot reassures me.

"I will be back here [in the US] in less than a month," a prisoner tells me as the plane crosses the Gulf of Mexico on the way to San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. "They say that if they catch me again, I will get 20 years, but I am still going home." When this man says "home" he means south Texas, which boasts a huge Hispanic population, endless rows of taqueria shacks and the poverty-induced chaos that leads to numbers of assault and murder.

When the plane approaches El Salvador, the men began cheering, hooting and celebrating. "They talk back [to us] and say, 'I'm going home, nothing you can do to me now,'" explains Brett Bradford, the ICE agent in charge of the flight.

At the airport, the criminals are handed over to Salvadoran officials to be checked for open arrest warrants. The men march down the gangway of the plane. The thick, tropical heat is a welcome breath of fresh air. Hands above their heads, the men form a line between two rows of policemen and walk towards a grove of palm trees. Despite their slow shuffle and slumped bodies, it will not be long before they have mobilised back into action - headed north, back towards the US.…migration-obama

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Aucun commentaire sur la juge raciste et sexiste qui est sur le point d'être nommée à la Cour Suprême?
Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O'Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

J'adore la dose de scepticisme radical au debut (qu'est-ce que la sagesse, il n'y a pas d'absolu, que des perspectives culturelles, blah blah) suivi par : mais moi je suis quand meme plus sage que les hommes blancs.

Strategie classique de la gauche, on commence par tout relativiser, questioner la validite de la connaissance humaine etc, et puis on remplace les ruines par son ideologie bien absolue.

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Strategie classique de la gauche, on commence par tout relativiser, questioner la validite de la connaissance humaine etc, et puis on remplace les ruines par son ideologie bien absolue.

+1 :icon_up: c'est exactement cela. Le relativisme est le dernier argument pour promouvoir la doctrine : puisque rien n'est vrai, il faut se fier à son nombril aux bonnes intentions, qui se trouvent justement être dans notre camp.

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Le chouchou des bobogochos est pour le voile. Les bobgochos sont contres. Mais ils adorent leur chouchou. Mais ils sont contre.

Les propos d'Obama sur le voile, "gifle" pour les femmes

Les propos du président Barack Obama prenant la défense du voile islamique sont "une gifle" pour toutes les femmes qui luttent pour ne plus le porter, estime la présidente de la Ligue du Droit international des femmes, Anne Sugier, dans un communiqué diffusé vendredi.

"Le signe le plus radical de l'oppression des femmes"

Dans son discours prononcé jeudi à l'Université du Caire, "à trois reprises le président américain a pris la défense du voile islamique qui selon lui, ne serait pas un signe d'inégalité", rappelle-t-elle. M. Obama a dit rejeté "les vues de certains en Occident" pour qui le fait "qu'une femme choisisse de couvrir ses cheveux a quelque chose d'inégalitaire".

"Quelle gifle donnée aux femmes d'Algérie, d'Iran ou d'Afghanistan qui sont mortes dans des conditions atroces pour avoir refusé de porter ce qu'elles croyaient être le signe le plus radical de l'oppression des femmes et de la ségrégation entre les hommes et les femmes", estime Mme Sugier.

"Le voile n'est pas un signe religieux comme les autres"

"Les sociétés humaines, ajoute-t-elle, sont construites sur des symboles. Positifs comme les couleurs d'un drapeau, un chant de libération, la forme d'un monument, d'une pyramide ou de la tour Eiffel! Négatifs comme le costume du bagnard, le brassard noir du deuil ou le voile sous lequel disparaissent les femmes d'Arabie saoudite".

"Le voile n'est pas un signe religieux comme les autres. Affirmer qu'on le porte volontairement n'en efface pas le sens humiliant pour toutes les femmes", insiste-t-elle en se demandant si le président Obama "veut se réconcilier avec le monde musulman sur le dos des femmes?". En France, le port du voile est interdit dans les écoles publiques par la loi du 15 mars 2004 sur la laïcité. (belga/th)

05/06/09 12h31…es-femmes.dhtml

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