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Mister Polark

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"L’envie était autrefois considérée comme un des sept péchés capitaux avant de devenir une des vertus les plus admirées sous son nouveau nom, "justice sociale". - Thomas Sowell


"Much of the history of the Western world over the past decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good" - T Sowell

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il y a 5 minutes, Mégille a dit :

J'ai retiré "faire" parce que c'est quasiment un mot outil, mais il reste tout de même en dessous de "plaire", avec presque deux fois moins d'entrés.

Ça confirme bien ce que je dis. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Crichton: Environmentalism is a religion


Le même discours pourrait (malheureusement) être donné aujourd'hui 20 ans plus tard.




Many years ago I was trekking in the Karakorum mountains of northern Pakistan, when my group came to a river that we had to cross. It was a glacial river, freezing cold, and it was running very fast, but it wasn't deep---maybe three feet at most. My guide set out ropes for people to hold as they crossed the river, and everybody proceeded, one at a time, with extreme care. I asked the guide what was the big deal about crossing a three-foot river. He said, well, supposing you fell and suffered a compound fracture. We were now four days trek from the last big town, where there was a radio. Even if the guide went back double time to get help, it'd still be at least three days before he could return with a helicopter. If a helicopter were available at all. And in three days, I'd probably be dead from my injuries. So that was why everybody was crossing carefully. Because out in nature a little slip could be deadly.


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The String Theory de David Foster Wallace


Ça parlera plus aux amateurs de tennis, mais DFW est vraiment un écrivain de classe mondiale.




But it's better for us not to know the kinds of sacrifices the professional-grade athlete has made to get so very good at one particular thing. Oh, we'll invoke lush clichés about the lonely heroism of Olympic athletes, the pain and analgesia of football, the early rising and hours of practice and restricted diets, the preflight celibacy, et cetera. But the actual facts of the sacrifices repel us when we see them: basketball geniuses who cannot read, sprinters who dope themselves, defensive tackles who shoot up with bovine hormones until they collapse or explode. We prefer not to consider closely the shockingly vapid and primitive comments uttered by athletes in postcontest interviews or to consider what impoverishments in one's mental life would allow people actually to think the way great athletes seem to think.  Note the way "up close and personal" profiles of professional athletes strain so hard to find evidence of a rounded human life–outside interests and activities, values beyond the sport. We ignore what's obvious, that most of this straining is farce. It's farce because the realities of top-level athletics today require an early and total commitment to one area of excellence. An ascetic focus [37]. A subsumption of almost all other features of human life to one chosen talent and pursuit. A consent to live in a world that, like a child's world, is very small.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Enfin pris le temps de lire The Problem With Everything-Bagel Liberalism. Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que la moitié de l'article soit sur les efforts de l'administration Biden de rapatrier la construction de micro-processeurs aux États-Unis.


Le passage très marrant :



Semiconductors are a national security priority. The high cost of building them here has become a national security liability. This reasoning was persuasive enough that the CHIPS Act passed with bipartisan support; 17 Republican senators backed the final bill. And there is a lot to like in the legislation. But it is very hard to read the guidelines the administration just released and see a serious effort to lower costs. The government is adding subsidies with one hand and layering on requirements with the other.

Page 11, for instance, encourages a pre-application that includes an environmental questionnaire “to assess the likely level of review under the National Environmental Policy Act.” Page 20 mandates that applicants prepare “an equity strategy, in concert with their partners, to create equitable work force pathways for economically disadvantaged individuals in their region,” which should include “building new pipelines for workers, including specific efforts to attract economically disadvantaged individuals and promote diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.” Page 21 asks for a plan “to include women and other economically disadvantaged individuals in the construction industry,” “strongly encourages” the use of project labor agreements and sets out requirements for “access to child care for facility and construction workers.”

Pages 23 and 24 ask applicants to detail how they will include minority-, veteran- and female-owned businesses, as well as small businesses, in their supply chain and offer seven bullet points detailing how this might be done, including dividing supply chain requirements “into smaller tasks or quantities to expand access” and “establishing delivery schedules for subcontractors that encourage participation by small, minority-owned, veteran-owned and women-owned businesses.” Then there are requirements for “a climate and environment responsibility plan,” as well as community investments in areas like transit, affordable housing and schools.


Pas mal de références à Chip War que j'ai dans ma liste de bouquins à lire.

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  • 2 months later...

Le mémo à 6 pages d'Amazon



En contrepied des présentations visuellement plaisantes, Amazon s’est construit sur une culture de l’écrit. Depuis 2004, le processus d’écriture est devenu une doctrine centrale pour guider toute prise de décision. Chaque réunion est obligatoirement basée sur un document écrit.


Un des documents clé utilisé par Amazon est le mémo à 6 pages.


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