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Good morning Britain

Hayek's plosive

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Il y a 3 heures, Hayek's plosive a dit :


Un comentaire: "Robert Perry20, Fleetwood, United Kingdom, 3 minutes ago

Whilst i don't agree with what happened it is because of the circumstances, think about it on a normal day she would probably make $15 but as a festival was on at the time, there would easily be hundreds of people possibly thousands all day you could easily make 300 - 400 quid tax free, now think if loads of kids started operating illegal businesses there could be tens of thousands made annually all over the country and taxman would be none the wiser, I don't agree with what happened but that is certainly the bigger picture which is why the police wear a bit heavy handed in shutting her down."


Candidat qualifié pour le "Prix Esclave Volontaire du an 2017"

  • Yea 4
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Il y a 6 heures, Hugh a dit :

Candidat qualifié pour le "Prix Esclave Volontaire du an 2017"

Comme tu y va, il aime juste payer sa limonade 1 livre plutôt que 50 pence, "parce que la tva et les impôts ça fait vivre l'économie!"

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