Mathieu_D Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 Ma femme rentre de New York et m'apprend que les américains sont plus petits que les français. Quand on dit que tout fout l'camp...
Hayek's plosive Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 Et beaucoup de hipsters, de démocrates et autre socio-friendly.
Brock Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 c'est surtout plein d'immigrants de partout et surtout d'europe qui sont petits...
Mathieu_D Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 c'est surtout plein d'immigrants de partout et surtout d'europe qui sont petits... Sale race ça les immigrants européens, n'est-ce pas ?
F. mas Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 Oui, et ça Madison Grant l'avait bien compris.
Hayek's plosive Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 Bah ils sont a l'origine du christianisme, du communisme et du nazisme. Alors si en plus ils sont petits...
Nirvana Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 Rape of 5-Year-Old Girl Sets Off New Furor in IndiaProtesters converged at Swami Dayanand Hospital in New Delhi on Friday as shock spread in the Indian capital over the alleged rape and abduction of a 5-year-old girl by a neighbor. The girl, said to be in critical condition, was being taken to a larger facility.NEW DELHI — Hundreds of demonstrators besieged New Delhi’s police headquarters on Saturday to protest the kidnapping, rape and torture of a 5-year-old girl last week.The injured girl was moved Friday evening to New Delhi’s finest public hospital on a gurney covered with stuffed toys, and by Saturday she was alert and in stable condition, according to doctors there. She was being given fluids and intravenous antibiotics to fight a blood infection, the doctors said, and further operations will have to wait until the infection has abated.Meanwhile, the police arrested a 22-year-old garment worker early Saturday morning in Bihar, said Rajan Bhagat, a Delhi police spokesman. The police identified the suspect as Manoj, who, like many Indians, uses only one name. He had recently married and was tracked down with the help of cellphone records in the town where his in-laws live, according to Indian news reports.The suspect had an apartment in New Delhi in the same building as the girl, whom he is accused of abducting, raping and torturing last Sunday night. The Times of India reported that he told the police he fled his apartment shortly thereafter because he believed that the girl had died. The girl’s parents discovered her on Wednesday in the man’s apartment.“This is the first time I have seen such barbarism,” R. K. Bansal, medical superintendent of Swami Dayanand Hospital, said Friday in a televised interview.“There were injuries on her lips, cheeks, arms and anus area. Her neck had bruise marks suggesting that attempts were made to strangle her.”He said a bottle almost eight inches long and pieces of candle had been inserted “into her private parts.”In December, a woman was gang-raped and tortured and her companion beaten in a case that shocked the nation and led to weeks of spontaneous protests by Indians demanding better security for women. That case led to changes in the country’s rape laws, but horrific sexual assaults continue to be reported around India with regularity. Whether women are less safe in India than in other emerging countries is uncertain, but rape and police competence have become burning political issues.On Saturday, demonstrators sought to reawaken the outrage that convulsed India in December, but the day’s protests were far smaller and seemed less spontaneous.Anger at the authorities began to build after the parents of the 5-year-old said that the police had failed to take their complaint seriously, failed to carry out an adequate search and then offered them 2,000 rupees — about $37 — if they would keep quiet about the case. Then on Friday, television news channels showed a large mustachioed police officer slapping a small female protester in the face.The government’s concerns about the case ratcheted up so quickly on Friday night that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressed regrets about the episode. And on Saturday, the president of the Indian National Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi — whose house was also the site of protests on Saturday — released a statement condemning the rape and saying that “action and not words are required to ensure that such incidents never happen again.”Two police officers, including the lead investigator on the case and the one seen slapping the protester, were suspended. The lead investigator is being investigated after being accused of trying to bribe the child’s family to remain silent, said Mr. Bhagat, the police spokesman.The quick arrest of the suspect may do little to calm the anger surrounding the case since fairly quick police work also led to the arrests of five suspects in the December rape case. Such rapid resolutions are not the norm in India, where highly politicized police forces and a backlogged and inefficient judiciary often mean that cases remain unresolved for years.
Mathieu_D Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 Oui, et ça Madison Grant l'avait bien compris. Mmmh ... Loden donc race alpine ?
Neuron Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 La Préfecture de Police aurait magouillé des photos?
Hayek's plosive Posté 20 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 20 avril 2013 Livraison a domicile par drone.
Jesrad Posté 21 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 La Préfecture de Police aurait magouillé des photos? D'après une source interne mais de seconde main, les photos aériennes prises ce jour-là, quand on les passe aux outils numériques de comptage de la DCRI, rapportent 1,8 million de personnes dans les rues.
h16 Posté 21 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 Mmh la longueur du boulevard et sa largeur font qu'au-delà de 500.000 personnes, il doit y avoir un souci.
ph11 Posté 21 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 Et aussi : Edit : Aaarrrgghhh ! Changement de page…
Silence Posté 21 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 The Vietnamese Ministry of Finance proposes to reduce corporate tax for the print media to 10 percent from next year, but the industry wants the cut earlier because it is suffering losses and the fact its role is different from that of other industries. [...] Minh said his newspaper -- published three times a week -- was losing more than 50 percent. Newspapers and magazines deserve better treatment since they are "cultural and spiritual products. They are a means of spreading information including government policies, and thus act as a bridge between the people and the government. So they need breaks like tax cuts."
Mathieu_D Posté 21 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 Bon ça semble se confirmer. Les problèmes de paiement des militaires semble bien dû à un SIRH* merdique et pas à un complot. Visiblement, il y a eu plus de trop-perçus que de retards de paiements. M. Jean-Paul Bodin. Je rappelle que le système actuel est régi par des marchés passés à partir de 2007 : un premier, le 16 mai 2007, confié à Steria pour l’architecture du système ; un second, le 21 février 2008, à MCII et Eurogroup pour l’assistance à maîtrise d’ouvrage ; un troisième, le 26 mai 2008, également à Steria, pour l’intégration entre Louvois et les SIRH. Depuis 2010, nous avons dépensé environ 40 millions d’euros, mais avant le plan d’intervention de 2012, en cours de mise en œuvre. Ces dépenses sont prises en charge sur le budget opérationnel de programme (BOP) « systèmes d’information, d’administration et de gestion » au sein du programme 212, géré par le SGA. Ce BOP rencontre de grosses difficultés financières actuellement. Une grande partie de celles-ci tient à l’explosion du dispositif RH car, au-delà du coût lié à la mise en place du système que je viens de vous donner, il en existe d’autres touchant par exemple aux dépenses de maintenance des SIRH existant. Par ailleurs, les défaillances sur le calculateur Louvois ont fait apparaître des difficultés sur les SIRH, qui sont censés lui transmettre des informations. S’agissant des trop-versés, ils sont évalués à environ 100 millions d’euros. Pour 65 % d’entre eux, ils portent sur des sommes inférieures à 5 000 euros. Les dossiers les plus sensibles sont ceux dont les sommes excèdent ce montant et, a fortiori, 15 000 euros. Un plan sera mis en place pour récupérer ces trop-perçus en étalant le remboursement dans le temps. L’objectif est d’avoir effectué cette récupération d’ici un an, si cela est possible, sachant qu’on doit retenir un système individuel de proximité – à l’exception des petites sommes, inférieures à 200 euros, pour lesquelles on peut recourir à un traitement informatisé. Ce dispositif aura un coût. Se pose notamment la question de savoir si le centre expert de Nancy a la capacité d’absorber la masse des dossiers à traiter – sachant qu’il y a aussi des difficultés du côté du SSA et de la marine. Je vous transmettrai les éléments de coût étape par étape concernant le système Louvois. Quant à la responsabilité des prestataires extérieurs, je ne peux vous dire précisément si les marchés précédents comportaient des clauses de pénalité et si elles ont été mises en œuvre : je vous communiquerai également l’information sur ce point. ( * Système d'information de gestion des ressources humaines )
Rincevent Posté 21 avril 2013 Auteur Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 Y a beaucoup de juifs, non à NY ?On parle de 20 % de la population locale. J'irais bien prendre femme là-bas si la ville n'était pas peuplée de snobs gauchistes qui veulent la mort de la civilisation dans la redistribution de bisous.
Hayek's plosive Posté 21 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 Epouser une américaine? Faut pas avoir des tendances suicidaires comme ca...
Chitah Posté 21 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 21 avril 2013 Bon ça semble se confirmer. Les problèmes de paiement des militaires semble bien dû à un SIRH* merdique et pas à un complot. ( * Système d'information de gestion des ressources humaines ) Et aussi et surtout à un enchaînement d'incompétence crasse. Que le nouveau système à l'instant T merde, soit. Mais qu'il n'y ait pas eu de scénario de retour en arrière en cas de pépin de prévu, sur une fonction aussi essentielle que payer les gens, c'est un truc de ouf.
Nirvana Posté 22 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 22 avril 2013 Teachers told not to use red ink in case it upsets pupils: Tory MP slams 'political correctness gone wild’ Bob Blackman was contacted by a Harrow teacher angry at edict from head Education minister Liz Truss insists government has not issued a ban Researchers have suggested red is linked with warning, prohibition, caution, anger, embarrassment and being wrong' A school in Harrow in north west London has angered teachers and MPs by telling staff not to use red ink when marking homework Teachers have been told not to use red link to mark homework to avoid upsetting pupils. The edict has been condemned as ‘absolutely political correctness gone wild’ which risks leaving students in the dark about where they have gone wrong. Ministers have been forced to distance themselves from the bizarre policy, insisting no government rules exist on what colour pens teachers use. The policy would appear to be at odds with the back to basics approach of Education Secretary Michael Gove who has insisted teachers must mark pupils down for poor spelling and grammar. He has warned that in the past too little has been done to focus on core skills to ensure young people are confident in key writing skills. Tory MP Bob Blackman revealed his anger after being told a secondary school in his Harrow East constituency had banned teachers from using red ink. He told MailOnline: ‘A teacher contacted me and said I cannot believe I have been instructed by my head to mark children’s homework in particular colours and not to use certain colours. ‘It is all about not wanting to discourage youngsters if their work is marked wrong. ‘It sounds to me like some petty edict which is nonsense. It is absolutely political correctness gone wild. ‘My take on all this is to say children need to understand the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong.’ Tory MP Bob Blackman slammed the unnamed school in his Harrow East constituency for telling teachers not to use red ink, prompting education minister Liz Truss to insist the government has not issued a ban Mr Blackman took his concerns to ministers, tabling a parliamentary question whether the government issues guidelines which ‘prohibit or discourage the use of red ink for the purposes of marking or commenting on students’ schoolwork’. Elizabeth Truss, the ministers responsible for school attendance and cutting bureaucracy, insisted: ‘No, the Department does not issue guidelines which prohibit or discourage the use of red ink for marking student’s schoolwork.’ It is thought the policy is set by the headteacher, and not Labour-run Harrow council. Mr Blackman refused to name the school to protect the teacher who had spoken out. But he said he was going to take the issue up with the headteacher to ensure pupils were told when they had got things wrong. Mr Blackman added: ‘If they have got their homework wrong they need to be told it is wrong and to understand what the right answers are. The idea that they should use this or that colour is madness.’ A study by the University of Colorado warned that red is associated with 'warning, prohibition, caution, anger, embarrassment and being wrong' Earlier this year a US study suggested that teachers should stop using red pens because the colour is associated with 'warning, prohibition, caution, anger, embarrassment and being wrong'. Researchers showed students think they've been assessed more harshly when their work is covered in red ink compared to more neutral colours like blue. Sociologists Richard Dukes and Heather Albanesi from the University of Colorado told the Journal of Social Science: 'The red grading pen can upset students and weaken teacher-student relations and perhaps learning.' Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, slammed the findings saying: 'In my own experience of 35 years in teaching is that children actually prefer teachers to use red ink because they can read comments more easily. 'I think this research is misguided. The problem with using a colour like green or blue is that it's not clear. A lot of schools seem to have a culture where they don't like critcising children but actually this helps them. 'It's not intimidating children want to see where they've made a mistake. I think it's a rather silly idea.'Under the last Labour government red ink was banned in hundreds of schools because it was considered 'confrontational' and 'threatening'. La société devient de plus en plus aseptisée. Demain on ne pourra plus rien faire.
Lancelot Posté 22 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 22 avril 2013 A study by the University of Colorado warned that red is associated with 'warning, prohibition, caution, anger, embarrassment and being wrong' Earlier this year a US study suggested that teachers should stop using red pens because the colour is associated with 'warning, prohibition, caution, anger, embarrassment and being wrong'.Researchers showed students think they've been assessed more harshly when their work is covered in red ink compared to more neutral colours like blue.Sociologists Richard Dukes and Heather Albanesi from the University of Colorado told the Journal of Social Science: 'The red grading pen can upset students and weaken teacher-student relations and perhaps learning.'
Mathieu_D Posté 22 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 22 avril 2013 Il faut interdire aussi le smiley qui fait la gueule. Trop violent.
Noob Posté 22 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 22 avril 2013 J'aime bien le "and perhaps learning", en gros c'est vraiment pas mignon de faire ça, mais par contre c'est peut-être utile au gamin pour apprendre qu'il vient de faire une connerie. Mais en fait on s'en fout que le gosse apprenne, ce qu'il faut c'est qu'il soit sûr de trouver à l'école un lieu convivial et chaleureux.
NicolasB Posté 22 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 22 avril 2013 Quand va t on enfin mettre les feux tricolores en bleu pour éviter que les automobilistes ne se sentent outragés lorsqu'ils doivent s'arrêter?
Mathieu_D Posté 22 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 22 avril 2013 Au fait Chypre au final ça a été quoi la taxe ? C'est bien 40% sur tous les comptes de plus de 100k euros ?
Mathieu_D Posté 23 avril 2013 Signaler Posté 23 avril 2013 Vous ne travaillez plus en SSII (Société de services en ingénierie informatique) mais en ESN (Entreprises de Services du Numérique).
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