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Du libéralisme (ou pas ?) en Angleterre

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Independent schools will tell the government they are prepared to offer 10,000 free places to children from low-income backgrounds, according to reports. 


The Independent Schools Council (ISC) says private schools in England will cover the costs each year if the Government gives them the £5,550 per pupil the state system allocates for each child.

The proposal, which has been seen by the BBC, will be made in the in response to the Government’s ongoing education consultation.


The ICS say the initiative, which would test some children on academic ability, could cost up to £80 million a year and create a number of school places equivalent to building 10 new state secondary schools.

The proposal comes as private schools face a threat to their charitable status, which the ISC says saves such establishments £150 million per year.

Sir Michael Wilshaw, the outgoing Ofsted chief, told the BBC the proposal was not radical enough.


He said: "I think they can do better than that and if I was government I would be asking them to do more as a quid pro quo for their tax privileges."

It comes after Theresa May warned Britain's independent schools are “divorced from normal life”, as she warned they must do more to help children from poorer backgrounds or face losing their status as charities.

In September Mrs May was accused of "waging war" on private schools by announcing a series of new policy measures which threatened them with punishment unless they complied.


In her first major domestic policy announcement as Prime Minister, she said that elite private schools will only be able to maintain charitable status if they set up or sponsor Government-run sister schools.

She also announced that smaller private schools would have to send teachers to take lessons in state schools or be required to accept quotas of pupils who would otherwise be unable to afford private school fees.

A spokesman for the Department for Education said: "We welcome contributions to the consultation and will respond in due course."


  Le 21/12/2016 à 08:57, Adrian a dit :
Les Travaillistes agitent ce chiffre pour montrer à quel point le gouvernement conservateur est trop monstrueux... sauf que les faits leur donnent tort. Le nombre de lits-journées occupés par des mal-nourris a en effet triplé en dix ans. Sauf qu'il est passé de 60.000 en 2006 à 120.000 en 2011 puis à 180.000 en 2016. C'est à dire que la hausse a été tout aussi intense sous les Travaillistes que sous les Conservateurs.

La bonne question, c'est "qui est mal nourri", et surtout si les mal-nourris d'aujourd'hui ont ou non le même profil que les mal-nourris de naguère. Bref, encore un cas de journalisme.

  • 3 weeks later...

Les gauchistes sortent du bois :


Britain's main opposition Labour Party will say for the first time on Tuesday it is not wedded to freedom of movement with the in the European Union, an attempt to win back millions of traditional supporters who backed Brexit.

In his first major speech this year, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will set out his Brexit strategy more than six months after Britain voted to leave the EU in the June referendum.

He is seeking to silence critics who say his party has failed to challenge Prime Minister Theresa May with a coherent, alternative plan.

Flagging in opinion polls, Corbyn will also try to ease concerns among some Labour voters who feel the party is not in tune with their fears over immigration and to staunch their exodus to the likes of the anti-EU UK Independence Party.

"Labour is not wedded to freedom of movement for EU citizens as a point of principle," he will tell an audience in the English city of Peterborough, which voted strongly in favour of leaving the EU, according to excerpts of his speech.

"Labour supports fair rules and reasonably managed migration as part of the post-Brexit relationship with the EU."

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Et le Labor se gauchise encore plus ..

Labour manifesto leak reveals renationalisation plans



Labour is planning to renationalise the railways and Royal Mail and part nationalise Britain’s energy industry, as Jeremy Corbyn prepares to launch his party’s most leftwing manifesto since 1983.


Under the proposals, university tuition fees would be abolished and local authorities would be instructed to build 100,000 new council houses a year under a new Department for Housing.


The renationalisation plans stop short of proposing a state takeover of energy companies but new, publicly-owned competitors would be established in every region of the UK.




Le labor qui est parti pour se prendre une branlee historique.  Parce que il faut se rendre compte qu'il n'y a plus qu'en Angleterre qu'ils peuvent gagner des sièges. En Écosse, c'est soit Indépendantiste (SNC) soit Tory (Unioniste).


Tout ceci est la preuve que Corbyn a pour ambition de rester indéfiniment patron du Labor plutôt que premier ministre.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jewish community leaders in Great Britain expressed shock and outrage Monday after it was revealed over the weekend that UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn attended a ceremony honoring a Palestinian terrorist partly responsible for the 1972 Munich killing of Israeli Olympians.

Corbyn, who is currently campaigning to become Britain's next prime minister, reportedly traveled to Tunisia in October 2014 to visit the grave of Atef Bseiso, the former head of intelligence for the Palestinian Liberation Organization and direct accomplice involved in the Munich attack.




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